Near the Interstate…

"Lori! Come, we have to go. Carl's been shot but he's okay now, but we need to get everyone to where he is. So, pack up and let's get out of here. We're gone back track to Fairburn road and the farm where Carl is at is about two miles down" -Daryl

The convoy got packed and followed the directions to the farmhouse. When they arrived, Hershel didn't know what to say, it was as if the Military, was rolling on to his land. But he didn't bother with it, because in a way they did safe Otis' life and the entire incident was an accident.

Hershel just felt like he wanted nothing to do with the outside world. And eventually, the world would work itself out.

Seeing Lori get out of the car, Rick met her halfway as she was crying in his arms, pulling herself together she urged Rick to take her to Carl. Inside the room looking down at Carl, Rick kissed Lori's head with a tear-filled mumble he told her how sorry he was. Lori soon broke away from him and made her to Carl's side and laid next to him with tears streaming down her cheek.

"My Boy. My baby boy…baby boy… It's okay… Mama's here. Mama's here. You're going to be okay. You're okay... we're going to make you okay. " Rick slowly walked to Lori's side and held on to her hand.

Bayek's POV

Standing around with a group of people was kind of weird without a map, to bring the plan together. I made it work it though. Finn, Morales, Shane, April, and Em were coming with Maggie and myself on the run. Maggie and her people had informed us that the place was over ran awhile back by a horde of walkers.

Geared up with a plan in mind, everyone got into Maggie's pickup truck, and we were on our way.

It was nice little ride to the high school, although, this Maggie chick made it a little awkward. The pickup truck wasn't that big, only Maggie and I rode inside while everyone else sat outside on the bed of the truck. The girl didn't talk, she just stared at the road the entire time. It was weird.

"So, how many walkers should we be expecting? "

Waiting for to answer the question, I could see her lips twitch at my question. So, I give another go, to see if I could get even a little information, before we get to this FEMA camp

"Hey. I know we're strangers and all but, you can at least let me know what's the walker traffic is like in the area, is it horde? Small scale or large. Walkers, tend to pack up in group to look for food..."

"Just stop talking." She interrupts me "They are people that need help. I'm not going to just help you slaughter them like animals!'

Pissed of now, this bitch is actually crazy, walkers? Sick? Need help?

"Bull f.u.c.k.i.n.g shit. Look at me girl and I'm only going to tell you this once. Take this damn pistol and when we get their shot them in the f.u.c.k.i.n.g head or you'll watch yourself being ate alive!" I grab her hand and place my pistol in her palm. "Let's see how much these sick people care about your help. This world Is f.u.c.k.e.d up and there isn't no cure for it except true death for those damn walkers"

We were quite the rest of the way there. I could see something was conflicting inside of her.

Yeah, this girl isn't going to last long at all. Well there's no point and dying with your feelings hurt. Once we reached a block away from the FEMA camp. I turn and look at a Maggie deep in thought

"Maggie, look if you don't want to kill these…'sick people' that won't hesitate to eat your face off, then that's your business. But, keep the pistol because from what I can tell from here we have one hell of fight of hands. So, point and shoot, and hopefully you have a change of philosophy at some point tonight"


"Alright let's get to it, people"

Approaching a line of vehicles in front of the FEMA trailers, we posted to assess the situation. Taking my bag of my back, I take out four flash bangs

"what are those?"-Maggie

"They're flash bangs. To draw the walker's attention, they react to noise. We need to clear the way, we get close to the building, I want you to throw that flash bang as far you can to our left, So, we can start picking them off from the rear, can you do that for me Maggie?"

"Yeah, I think so but, I don't know how to use it"-Maggie

"It's simple, hold this lever tight in your hand make sure it's a comfortable grip so you can throw it far. Then pull the circle ring out like you're ripping open your own blouse. And then pull out the triangular shaped one in the same way. After that don't drop it and don't loosen your grip. And when you're ready gorgeous, throw it far away. Good luck on your first pitch"

I give Maggie a nod and then stood up, "Let's go, no guns only blades."

"Wait can't we just lead them away? And sneak in?" Maggie asked a little worried

"Haa there's too many, just throw the flash bang when it's time." Em replied

Moving around the vehicles, the moment Maggie saw us near the building she threw the ordnance as far as she could. Bang! the horde began to get railed up and went to the source of the noise. But a good amount of them remain, just as I expected.

"Now" I whispered. One by one we stroke walkers down as fast as we could. I decided against showing off. I thought best for the team to get some practice in.

With the closest walkers down we ran into the med shack to get what we needed. My team went for the usual stuff to medicine, and medical supplies. Heavy equipment like monitors and machines were too much to haul around for now. Maggie and I went for the only heavy equipment need to save Otis and Carl. Once we opened the door to leave; the walkers were on their way back. But it still gave us enough room to get in and out. Maggie froze…

"Maggie, we need to get down these steps or we all might die. They aren't here yet, we have time… Damn it! Maggie, move!!"

she came back and started moving.

Looking at the situation, there was now route back to the pick up.

"They're moving too fast and they're trying to flanking us." April shouted

"They can't flank us! They're dead, all they know is to feed" Morales retorted

They were both right, something was wrong about this horde. Their movements were…Irregular.

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