Adventures Of Bayek: Through The Void And Beyond

Chapter 22 - Battle at Birmingham Airport Pt.4

"Captain Hanover. Let me break it down, Barney style for you. You had good intentions, bad judgement. Shit is kinetic out there and it's time to haul a.s.s."

"Kill!" "Rah!" echoed throughout the building. That was the of basically saying 'F.u.c.k yeah, let's get the shit done. And literally Kill'

"Now you can stay here, but these soldiers belong to the United States Government. And an alert has been put out. Everyone is on active duty. And I have orders to March them to Maxwell (Military base) " Bayek finished and waited for the Captain to reply.

"These are my soldiers and I'll lead them. With all due respect, Colonel. We just need a way out of here first."

Bayek smiled. " 1st Lieutenant, I assume you're the XO. Relive Captain Hanover of his post."

The Lieutenant stood fast and didn't move a muscle " Fine! You grunts always want it the hard way"

"Every Marine in house, that wants to move. Pack your shit, we march in 60 Mikes(Minutes)" Bayek took a step faster than anyone could react and dropped the Captain and his closest Soldiers. "If you're a Soldier and you want to haul a.s.s. Those orders apply to you too. Move!"

Everyone started to scramble to pack their shit while those loyal to the captain, ran away to get the Doctor that was most likely a Major. Bayek, April, and the female soldier that led them there , walked straight to the A gates, the makeshift Hospital wing.

"Major, I'm Colonel Siwa. " the moment the Major looked away from the soldiers who had already informed him of the Happenings, to look at Bayek. Bayek appeared in front of him. Separating his head from his body. and then killed the soldier in the room

Looking at the people strapped to gurneys, going through transition. Bayek saw this as the perfect opportunity. Fighters and test subjects. All in one stop. He couldn't ask for more.

"There's more than I expected. Back to the original plan. Gather all the fighters. Prepare these people for transport" Bayek order. Looking closer at the soldier's c.h.e.s.t, to read her name tag.

"Taylor? You're in charge of prepping these people for transport, anyone that tries to come in. Tell them Colonel said this place is of limits. If the insist, put a bullet in their head. If not, the bastards will comeback as walkers, mostly"

Bayek and April started to leave when the Taylor stopped them "But Colonel, how are going to transport them?"

"The vehicles of course."

Back among the general population, Bayek faced April "I need you to gather the Solider and Marines along with any other fighters. You have 20 minutes max to get them ready. If this is going to work, it's going to take all everyone we have."

Time went by fast. April was gathering everyone and pulling people from the front lines. Bayek was in a engineer's room looking at building blueprints. When he returned. Fighters were ready to fight, and the captain and his men were tied up. Bayek knew he could count on the power of rank when it came to the military, no mater what life he lived.

Standing in front of everyone Bayek thought about all the possible things he could say. But he decided on the easiest route. The truth. With a sprinkle of dishonesty and dramatics.

"What's outside is not a virus. The truth is. We are all infected. As long as you don't get scratched, bit, or die. You will not turn. If, you turn. Severe brain trauma is he only thing to kill a walker, as you all probably know already. And that information is backed by scientist and ratified by the government." He took a moment and watched the color drain from people's faces and hope disintegrated

"But there is hope. My team and are investigating this outbreak, were out on the road and we are getting answer that the world needs, fight to save people like you. Because of that. I can not take all of you with me. I can only allow Fighters and their families. My Marines and soldiers if you'll follow me. The world is rapidly changing people and it's only getting worse. But tonight, we fight to see the morning.

When the sunrises. We will be free of the horde and this god forsaken airport in our rear view. But in order to accomplish this task. I will need everyone's help. And will need a group of fighters to lead civilians somewhere safe. Far away from cities. Preferably a small town, that is secluded. Do I have volunteers for this mission" Bayek waited and a soldier stood up.

"Hooahh" and the room began to echo with Hooah's. it was the army's way of saying f.u.c.k yeah.

"I want to thank all of you high speed individuals. When we clear the way, you lead these people to a better home. While we fight this war to protect humanity and hopefully, someday you can all go back to the comfort of your own homes."

Bayek moved on tell the fighters the plan that he cooked up. Breaking the fighters and into teams, the went on to do their parts. The civilians were taken to the lower level to get into vehicles and wherever they could. Bayek even helped them hot wire cars that didn't have keys.

While Bayek was helping civilians, Cesar walked up to him "What happened to 'No Captain Save a Hoe'?"

"Trust me this is the best outcome; it gets us out of here, and it keeps us saver than when we got to Alabama. If this works out, you and your family will never have to fear walkers again. No go find that Female soldier we were with and help here with her job. Were taking the Military vehicles. Go"

Cesar nodded his head and went with his family to find the soldier. Over the radio Bayek received a mission "Colonel. All the vehicles are ready to go, our families are loaded up and were at our exit point, Zulu team is ready"

"Stand by" Bayek replied. It took another hour for civilians to get ready. When they were finished. They were all al in vehicle ready to leave.

"Colonel, Alpha team set"

"Bravo team set"

"Charlie team set"

"Alpha team execute" Bayek gave the command, soon after all of the power in the airport was cut off, It was a total black out.

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