January 1st, 2011

"By the shades of Seraphim!" Wong shouted and a massive mystical shield was conjured to block an incoming meteor spell sent by a witch.

"By the Demon of Denak…" Bayek muttered and formed to two gestures, conjuring a barrage of demon claws to tare the witches to shreds.

"Good! We must seal the portal now or Black-heart will walk the earth again!" Shout Kaecilius

Wong, Bayek, and Kaecilius formed a triangle around the opening portal . performing a sires of gesture, the three men muttered incantations. In moments a grand Pantheonic circle was cast. The portal was sealed again and the Pantheonic seal was branded into the earth

"Hmm, I'll report this to the Ancient One" said Wong before using his sling ring to leave.

"Bayek, how is you training going?" asked Kaecilius

"It's going well. I wanted to thank you for leading us to Kamar-Taj that day" Bayek looked at Kaecilius. He could see his words caused a ripple in Kaecilius' emotions

"If my son and I was in a situation like yours. I would want some one to help as well. It was only right that I helped you" Said Kaecilius, "And how is your daughter, Ruby right?"

"Haa, yes. Ruby" answered Bayek, "She's well, I expect her to be joining us on these mission soon"

"That means she's also under the care of the Ancient One? Hmm, be vigilant Bayek. Very… Vigilant. I must go, next mission I'll take you out for drinks." Kaecilius then opened a portal with his sling and departed as well.

A week ago, Bayek had reached a point in his training, were only real combat in magical matters could help him properly grow. How to apply and when to apply his knowledge was the goal, How much power and when to use it was his goal. And finally identify forms of magic under the pressure of imminent death, was his goal.

Tonight's mission was perfect example, a group of witches had gathered to call the demon, Blackheart, to earth. He is the Mephistopheles or Mephisto in modern times. On mistake could have been a massive demonic outbreak. Blackheart could have turned a few places to hell on earth before being taken down. As for the witches, they had more experience. They could effectively cast chain spells and employ tactics, because they had a good grasp at what they were capable of.

Cleaning up the battle site because he was the rookie. Bayek picked up dropped grimoires and whipped the area of any harmful energy. Using a small spell, Bayek sped read the grimoires of the fallen witches. When he was close to finishing, Bayek found an entry in the coven leaders grimoire. 'Chthon Scrolls, also known as Darkhold. A book of power and creation that holds the answer to the mysteries of the mystic arts and scientific--"

Ch Ch Ch Ch! The sound of helicopters approaching interrupted Bayek's reading, forcing him to flee.

"F.u.c.k.i.n.g S.H.I.E.L.D." he cursed.

With his ring fingers touching his thumbs, Bayek crossed his arms, "Deception" he muttered as he uncrossed his arms, holding his hands shoulder width apart. The ground vibrated and the pantheonic seal 'disappeared'.

Using his sling ring, Bayek took the grimoires and left the site before S.H.I.E.L.D arrived.

"Rama! I have some books that need locking up!" Bayek shouted as he walked into Kamar-Taj Library.

"Daddy!" a loud shriek came from the back of the library. Ruby poked her head from around a bookshelf to verify it was Bayek. Putting a book on the shelf, she ran to him and jumped in his arms. Bayek held her tight. As a result the books Bayek brought fell to the ground

"Daddy?" Bayek whispered

"Have to sell the part, you taught me that. And my dad used to miss my birthdays, please don't miss it this year, Bayek." she whispered back and Bayek set her down

"Pink promise" he said, their pinks intertwined and made it official.

Ruby tried to fight back her smile to no avail. "Ahh, so are still a kid?" Bayek teased

"Shut up, I'm genetically engineered perfection" she replied

"Ahh, Bayek! I'm glad you survived. That daughter of yours has been running me wild. Honestly, I don't know how you manage to look so young raising her by your self. Anyway, what do you-- oh my…" Rama had approached Ruby and Bayek, looking at the books on the floor, the coven leader's grimoire had opened to the last page Bayek had read

"This one must be taken to the Ancient One… Ruby, can you catalog the grimoires and lock them in the Dark Room" Rama spoke while picking up the coven leaders grimoire.

The Dark Room was a heavily warded room that held dangerous relics and grimoires taken from demons, sorcerers/esses, and alien entities. The grimoires usually stayed there until they are deemed useful, accurate, and or controllable. The Book of Cagliostro used to reside in the dark room until the Ancient One was able to control the power it offered. From that point on it was put in the main library as forbidden text --even then it was still chained and under watch.

Bayek looked at Ruby and asked, "How do you have access to the Dark Room?"

"While you were gone, Rama made me his apprentice, He's considering a position at the London Sanctum and wants to see if I can handle the job. I have the magical potential, but he wants to see if I have the patience." She explained before gathering the books and heading to the Dark Room

"Congratulations on your first job, kid"

"Haha, thank you, Bayek"

Later that night, the Ancient One summoned Bayek, Karl Mordo, and Sol Rama, the master of the New York Sanctum, to her quarters. Upon entry the three men bowed and the Ancient One got straight to the point.

"A coven of witches are going after the Darkhold. It has been lost for years and master Rama believes they are using demons to track the book. You do not need to find it. However, you must find and stop the remaining members of this coven. Sol Rama, you are the master of the New York Sanctum, Therefore, Bayek and Karl Mordo are yours to lead."

"Yes, Ancient One"

* * *

A few days after Bayek set out on his mission, he and Mordo discovered the the last members of the coven were a couple of teenagers. When they attacked, Mordo mounted a strong attack as well threatening to kill them. He was ultimately stopped by Bayek and the Teens were brought back to Kamar-Taj. Anyone could learn the mystic arts, but it was hard to find naturally gifted people in the field. Witches were some of the most gifted, discovering and teaching oneself magic was daunting task not easily accomplished. Besides, Bayek needed bodies to fight Mordo in the future.

That day witches were accepted into Kamar-Taj left tension between Bayek and Mordo. But Bayek didn't give a shit. Months passed and Bayek's knowledge of the Mystic Arts grew. He even began to dip into the the Advanced or Forbidden section of the Library. Ruby also improved and followed Bayek's method of using her astral body to read while she slept. But without her knowledge, Bayek requested that Ruby be kept of missions for the time being.

Around August, Dr.Sterns and Bayek met at Medjay Industries. It was a nice sized building in Kathmandu. But also unassuming and easy to miss. Sterns had already conducted a successful hostile takeover of Trask Industries. Everything mutant related was brought to Nepal. When Sterns took a look at all the science that Trask Industries conducted, he asked Bayek how it was so easy to acquire the company.

"Honestly, A group of mutants traveled back in time and changed the future. Trask Industries never rose to it's true potential after that and the founder of the company was thrown in a deep dark hole for treason."

"But their work?" Sterns retorted

"Was conducted with the permission of Colonel Stryker, who in fact, conducted most of these experiments off book. Relax Sterns, you'll be fine. No one is look a Trask Industries work anymore."

"I've never really been the cautious type anyway. Here, this is a file of my progress. Please follow along" Sterns handed Bayek a thick black folder, "I know, a lot of progress. This mutated mind of mine has brought my genius to a new level. So, let's start with me."

Sterns informed Bayek of the tests he performed on himself. The telepathy, telekinesis, and mind control are all abilities that he was able to display. Sterns then moved on to the flaws in the super Soldier serum.

"If I can get you a substance that contains the perfect serum compound, can you fix what we have?" Bayek asked

"Y-yes, but is that even possible?" Sterns asked

"Yes, just give me some time. What about Banner's blood?"

" I'm close to isolating the genes that allowed him to become the Hulk to begin with. Another year and we will have what we need."

"That's good. Really good."

"Yes, as for the Trask programs? They are one hundred percent repeatable. You're interested in the Adamantium fusion, aren't you?"

Bayek set the folder down and chuckled " An intelligent man, you are." He said

"If we can get our hands on enough Vibranium and steel to produce Adamantium. It would be a simple process if your body can withstand the damage."

"I can get that too. With time of course. How are we looking on money?"

"Haha, with my mind. The stock market is no match for me." Sterns boasted

The two men then bounced ideas off of each other for the rest of the day. By night fall they had already had a rough plan for their Research and Development goals for the company. And they both agreed that it would be wise to slap Medjay Industries on Trask Industries and use their foundation to win back contracts that the former company had lost and were in the midst of losing.

"Alright, Sterns. I'll see you when I see you. Keep up the good work and I'll supply the resources." Bayek then used his sling ring to leave Medjay Industries.

* * *

December 2011

Bayek could be seen dropping into the Kamar-Taj Library from a portal created by his sling. looking back through the portal, Ruby was staring at him

"Yo, pack your stuff, you and I are going to take a little vacation after tonight." Bayek whispered

"Then I want to spend my birthday in Santorini on the Aegean Sea" She replied

"You got yourself a deal, love. No go pack and make it fast. And write a letter to Rama. He needs to pick another replacement, not Wong" the portal then shut, cutting off their conversation.

Bayek crept to the forbidden section to read the last book on the rack.

"The book of Cagliostro"

Taking the book from the shelf, Bayek took his time and read it from cover to cover. On a podium in front of was the eye of Agamotto. Taking the eye, Bayek practiced with it for the rest of the night.

As the sun peaked over the mountain and the sound of keys could be heard clinking. Bayek returned the book to the rack and the eye of Agamotto to its resting place. Using the sling ring, he escaped.

Some time later, Bayek and Ruby could be seen bowing to the Ancient before they took their leave.

"Can't handle the pressure anymore?" Kaecilius asked. He was waiting in the hallway out side of the Ancient One's quarters.

"Haha, what pressure? This shit is to easy, Kaecilius" Bayek smiled and the two grabbed each other's forearm and walked into a hug.

When they parted, Bayek said, "I'll be back, but for now, we have some family business to tend to"

"I understand. Until next time" Kaecilius stepped aside and allowed Bayek and Ruby to passes. In the matter of seconds, Bayek and Ruby appeared in Medjay Industries. Changing clothes to something more modern than the robes they wore at Kamar-Taj. Arming themselves with Pistols, ammunition, and a blade, Bayek grabbed two ear pieces for communication and the duo stepped through another portal appearing before Stark Tower.

"what are we doing here?" Ruby asked

"Were about to make a friend, or at least build a bridge" he replied

Walking into the build. Ruby and Bayek set of the full body scanners. A group of security gaurds confronted the two and inquired about their business at stark tower

"Tell Mr. Stark that Bayek Siwa from Medjay Industries is here to see him."

The head of security, Happy Hogan, radioed up to Stark, in the matter of seconds. Bayek went from suspect to VIP.

* * *

"You must be Mr. Siwa, and you are?" Stark pointed at Ruby as he handed a drink to Bayek

"Ruby Siwa." She replied

Beep! Beep! Stark looked at his tablet and back at Ruby

"No, you are Ruby Hale. And you died last year along with your mother and father. And Mr. Siwa, you are… S.H.I.E.L.Ds most wanted. Tagged Active-Extremely-Dangerous." Stark downed his drink and said, "So that's why there isn't a face to go with the mysterious Medjay Industries."

"Correct, any other questions?" Bayek asked

"Yes, wait no. obviously if you're here, you must have a way out"

"Exactly, now can we talk business?"

"Tell me why you have a dead girl with you and why S.H.I.E.L.D is after you"

Bayek looked at Stark and understood his caution considering his past of dealing with illegal weapons dealers and terrorists. Not to mention the fact the he didn't full trust S.H.I.E.L.D either. Bayek explained the story of banner and the Serum, Dr. Sterns, and the Federal Reserve.

"So, you're a bad guy?"

"But, I'm her good guy" Bayek gestured to Ruby "It's all about perspective. S.H.I.E.L.D conducted her and test on her and her mother helped. They're her bad guy and you work with them. What does that make you Mr.Stark?"

Stark's eye twitched and looked at Ruby. Ruby had told Bayek about Hydra and the tests one day when she was struggle to perform a spell from the Tome of Pendragon and need his assistance

"What about Sterns and the Serum?" Asked Stark

"Ross used the Serum to turn Blonsky into the Abomination. And they would've strapped Sterns to machines and experimented in him until he died. The bank was a necessary evil to get us all to safety."

Stark took a minute to let everything sink in, "What is it you want from me, Mr. Siwa?"

"I want know where Ulysses Klaue is. I know you know where he is. He's as bad as Obadiah Stane and he has to go."

Stark's faced contorted and he walked to the window.

"Trask Industries, they're washed up, why them? Why not take over Hammer Industries?"

"Because no one cares about them. They were dying in the shadows and free of scandals for the past decade… I just want a location Mr. Stark. Can I have it?"

Stark wrote on a piece of paper, but before he handed it to Bayek. Stark stared him straight in the eyes "and what about the Vibranium?

"I will be returning it to Wakanda, along with the body of Ulysses Klaue" Bayek reached out and accepted the slip of paper, then walked to the elevator

"I will be seeing you again, Mr. Stark." Bayek projected his voice as the elevator closed

Inside the elevator Bayek and Ruby stood in silence. The next moment Ruby destroyed the elevator cameras and the duo used their sling rings to leave. As the elevator arrived at the ground floor, SHIELD and the Strike team that worked for HYDRA were waiting. When the empty elevator opened everyone dumbstruck.

"Where are they, Stark?" the Black Widow asked as she observed from a mobile command post.

"They were in the elevator the last time I saw them" Stark replied a little conflicted. In the short time he spoke, Stark got one impression from him, Keeper of the misfits. What was so criminal about that?

* * *

Hours after SHIELD cleared Stark tower, Stark was debriefed.

"So what did he want?" the black widow asked

"Did you know that Ruby Hale was alive?

Romanoff was stumped by Stark's question. The name sound so familiar but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. "Who is Ruby Hale?" she asked

"She died last year in a boat fire, along with her mother Colonel Hale, ring a bell?"

The night of the bank robbery came flooding back to her. And the most vivid memory was the burning boat and the way the case was snatched away from her and Fury.

"No, I didn't know she was alive. What does that have to do with anything?"

"Siwa says that SHIELD experimented on her. Agent Romanoff, that girl looked 12, 11 years old, she was presumed dead at 10. So, when did SHIELD start to exploit and put the knife to children?" Stark became visibly angry and Romanoff was stunned, she was also exploited and put to the knife at young age in order to become her countries perfect weapon. Its partially why she defected from Russia to begin with.

'Agent Romanoff, I've heard enough. Return to HQ.' Fury spoke through Romanoff's earpiece

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