February 2nd, 2012

In the chambers of the Ancient One, Bayek used a technique called scrying to watch Ruby and Ro study. Two peas in a pod, Ruby needed a big sister in a way. Ro was falling into the position quite nicely. Discovering why she was so different also took weight off of Ro's shoulder. She began to love who she was, instead of fear the power she had inside of her.

"So, is she your daughter too, Bayek?" Asked the Ancient

"Haha, neither of them are. But you knew that" Bayek rubbed his eyes to alleviate the aching sensation he got from scrying, "Thank you, for respecting our privacy. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have a place to call home." he added

The Ancient One smiled and gestured for Bayek to join her for tea, "You're good, Bayek. The way you do things, is flawless. Like how you read the book of cagliostro once and then used the knowledge within to activate the eye of agamotto"

Bayek took a sip of tea then said, "The book is full of spells regarding time, Im sure you use the same principles I picked up to operate the eye"

"hmm, that's true. I just didn't expect you to understand them so fast" she replied

"well, what did you expect? I've retrained my brain to understand arcane like basic arithmetic. I was made for this stuff"

The Ancient one smiled "I'm sure you were, and so were those girls you brought with you. the three of you are some of the best students Kamar-Taj has had in a long time. But, you are a potential threat" the room suddenly changed into the mirror dimension.

"Why so hostile?" Asked Bayek

"Hmm, what are you planning?" the ancient one asked in turn

"I don't know what you mean" he replied

"I found this" the ancient one tossed a book to Bayek.

He immediately knew what it was. While Dr.Sterns was work on one part of his project, he was working on the other. Using the sacred geometry and Arcane knowledge on chi magic and the dimension it hailed from. Bayek was working on creating a magic circle to siphon chi from the other dimension and fuel his cultivation. The greater his cultivation rose, the more chi he would need and the quality would need to be pure.

"You leave me be and I won't tell anyone about the connection you have to Dormammu" Bayek stared her down and watched as she thought about her next words, before she could speak Bayek said, "I promise it's nothing world destroying on the other side. Just let me work in peace"

* * *

For the next few months, Bayek spent his time between Medjay Industries and Kamar- Taj. I was mid April when Fury happened to show up at Medjay Industries while Bayek was in the building. With the battle of New york on the horizon, Bayek just said f.u.c.k it and invited Fury into his office. Behind Fury was agent Romanoff in all her glory. Bayek couldn't help but smile.

"Agent Romanoff, it's been too long. Why have you been avoiding me?" he asked

Romanoff smiled, and malice shown in her eyes "Haha i've been doing the exact opposite actually. You're a hard man to find" she said

"Haha if you wanted some quality time all you had to do was stop pointing guns at me. You're a beautiful woman, Natalia. How could I ever say, no, to you. That's if you ask nicely, of course" Bayek flashed a smile and Fury turned to look at Romanoff

"Haha fine, will you please follow me to SHIELD?" Romanoff batted her eyes and her words rolled off her tounge like a siren's song.

"Okay" he replied, shocking Fury and Romanoff

"Like that?" Asked Fury

"Just like that, But, be warned. last time I was there, you're people were experimenting on me, so I might be a bit nervous" Bayek replied in a nonchalant manner.

Romanoff was confused and Fury's eye squinted, "You're the alien?" asked Fury

"That I am. you can call me Bayek Siwa, the last... Kryptonian" Bayek thought of some bullshit

Fury took a step back and the doors to Bayek's office latched shut, locking them in. Standing from his chair, Bayek walked to the couches in his office and called for Fury and Romanoff to join him. "Tell me what you want." Said Bayek as he poured everyone's drink.

"The serum, we want it back" Fury looked at the cup in front of him and moved it the side

"Done, anything else?" BAyek replied with confidence.

His confidence made Fury and Romanoff feel a bit uneasy, " We also want Dr. Sterns, he's a threat to national security"

"No, put him on the index and no tracker. what else?"

Fury took a deep breath, " and what about Ruby Hale?"

"F.u.c.k no, she stays with me, and I'll destroy SHIELD if you even attempt to take her. Your organization is a cancer and you can't even see it. You can't have her"

"Then we put you on the Index along with Dr. Sterns" Furcy countered

"Only if I get to be an Avenger"

Boom! it was like a bomb went off and all Fury could do was stare.

"what? Am I not Avenger material?" asked Bayek

After the meeting full of bargaining, Fury and Bayek came to an understanding. He and Dr. Sterns were placed on Index. Bayek was labeled as Kryptonian and the world security council went ballistic. The Serums were returned for good faith, though, the missing vilas were said to have been injected into Bayek. Ruby Hale was left out of the report and Bayek was officially added to the avengers initiative.

On May 1st, Medjay Industries held their first expo to introduce the prototype virtual reality gaming system. It was a modest turn out, but Bayek and Sterns spent a good chunk of money getting a global news presence. The moment the Expose was over and aired on the nightly news, The world went crazy. Medjay Industries had present the world's first full body immersive virtual reality technology. The application were limitless. Everyone from Governments to terrorist wanted to deal with Medjay Industries. Because of this, Bayek took preemptive measures and had the lab protected by Serum enhanced guards. Their minds were altered by the Faustus method and Sterns' telepathy.

The next morning while reading over offers, Agent Romanoff paid a visit to Bayek. She didn't wear the usual black leather bodysuit. Instead she was dressed in slim fit jeans, white heels and a long sleeve, deep V-neck low cut top.

"How can I help you, Natalia?"

"Call me Nat. And I wanted to see if you're still up for that quality time you want so much"

"Mmm, last time I checked. You were stalking me. But , I've got time" closing down his computer, Bayek used his sling ring to open a portal to Montreal.

Holding out his arm towards Nat, he asked, "Shall we?"

Shaking of the absurdity of instant portals, Nat took his arm and the couple walked to Montreal.

It was a nice breeze blowing through the city. Natives and tourists walked the streets, enjoying the the sun filled day.

"What do you have a taste for?" asked Bayek

"Nothing really, I just came to talk."


Nat stayed quiet for a moment and the two just strolled through the streets and found their way to Jean Dr.a.p.eau Park.

"What are you planning?" She asked

"I'm an ambitious man, Money, power, happiness. I was born in a world much like this one, yet so different. And now that I'm here, I plan to stay and not allow any of you to f.u.c.k it up. With that being said," Bayek stopped and face Nat, "I plan to keep you safe and give you a life you didn't even think was possible, after what they did to you"

Nat felt as if she was just pushed outside of her body, "W-what do you..."

"You know what I'm talking about. We don't have to talk about it, just know that I'll make right if you ask me nicely, of course"

When the two started to walk once more, Nat stayed quiet for a time and said, "You probably know my entire life story. Can you tell me about where you came from?"

"Sure, Krypton. It's a planet in an entirely different multiverse from the one we are in now. We were a highly advanced civilization, we ruled over countless other planets and terraformed barren ones, creating new life. So advanced, that everyone was born pods. We had a rigid caste system. There are six primary Guilds – the Lawmakers Guild, the Military Guild, the Science Guild, the Religious Guild, the Artisans Guild, and the Technicians Guild – and the Rankless, who are considered the lowest in terms of rank." Bayek explained as Nat hung on his every word

"W-what guild did you belong to?" she asked

"None, my world was destroyed when I was born. My history was genetically imprinted into me so that I may one day rebuild my civilization."

"Then, how old are you?"

"I have no Idea, the explosion of our sun sent my ship through a black hole. who knows how long I was there, when I arrived in this multiverse, I was galaxies away. Over the course of my journey I aged until this point and then stopped."

Nat tried to wrap her head around everything Bayek told her. The first alien she ever heard of was Thor. But at least there were tales about his people. Bayek on the other hand was a complete anomaly.

"This is insane, so you can technically be thousands of years old?"

"Hmm, maybe. So, why are you really here, Nat?"

She looked at him for awhile and thought about his candor, "Fury wants your help to catch a God"

Bayek smiled and opened another portal. This time it lead to the deck of a Helicarrier. with arms entwined, Nat and Bayek walked onto the deck of the ship and were met by weapons drawn on them.

Bayek held his hand up and gave a Vulcan salute, "We come in peace," he said in a stereotypical alien voice.

After a short meeting with Fury, Bayek agreed to return when shit hit the fan. Back In Kamar- Taj, Bayek took Ruby and Ro's measurements, Then pulled Ro to the side.

"What's up?" she asked

"How are you feeling?" he replied

"Better, after I was taught to tap into different dimensional energies, it was like all my internal barriers fell. Thunder,lightning, rain, and wind. It's all apart of me now. if I ever got the chance I'm pretty sure I can create lightning cyclone"

"I-I don't think that exists" Bayek retorted

"That's why I said create, genius. But what's up?"

"Nothing much, impending alien invasion and a golden opportunity."

Ro raised an eyebrow "How so?" she asked

Bayek smiled and filled her in about how he planned to the impending invasion to collect alien technology and use Thor to hitch a ride to Asgard.

Taking the measurements to Medjay Industries, Bayek and Dr.Sterns began to make clothing made of Vibranium. Bayek and Sterns made Ro an outfit based on the one storm wore in the X-Men: Apocalypse film, While Ruby's outfit was a slim fit Kamar- Taj robes without the extra layers. Because of Sterns' telekinetic abilities, the process took half the time.

Taking a moment to rest, Bayek laid on his Back and thought about his suit. Time flowed and Bayek finally thought to himself, why the f.u.c.k do I need a costume? Rolling over, Bayek pushed himself up from the ground went to his office closet. Black cargo pants, black t-shirt, and black boots. He also took a vibranium vest. After he was dressed, Bayek returned to Kamar-Taj to retrieve Ro and Ruby.

Appearing on the Helicarrier, Bayek once again took the room by surprise. However, this time a few were present.

"Who are these human?" asked Thor

"That is Bayek Siwa, CEO and founder of Medjay Industries" Stark answered him

"Ahh so he's like you, a tiny human that likes to play with toys" Thor threw shade, still a bit salty from their previous fight.

"No, I'm better than him, Thor. Even better than your mother in fact" Bayek replied. To the ship, it sounded as if Bayek was attempting to make a joke. But Thor understood completely when he thought back to the spontaneous portal that Bayek and his people walked through.

Thor's face contorted and he examined Bayek for moment.

"Not as bad as your brother, relax" Bayek added and the ship was lost at this point, but Thor felt a bit more at ease.

"Then it will be safe to call you friend!" Thor swung his hand and Bayek met him half in a thunderous hand shake. Bayek's legs visibly quivered.

Based on Thor's feat throughout the comics, suggest he could lift over 300,000 tons. Something that Bayek could touch with a 10 foot pole, standing on an extension ladder.

"Dr. Sterns?" Banner called out

"Ahh, Banner, good to see you." Sterns replied

Banner took a good look at Sterns' elongated head and was going to inquiry about it until Sterns beat him to the punch.

"When Blonsky turned into something like you. I was injured, your synthesised blood got into my system and mutated me."

Banner put on an apologetic face.

"Don't be sorry, it's the best thing that ever happened to me, really" Dr. Sterns assured him.

"Okay, let's get to business" Fury projected his voice.

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