The Lightless Sea62

“Don’t be in a hurry to board the ship, first send the drone to have a look.” Red said as he took off the equipment box on the back, which was the loading box of the drone.

Pressing the metal button in the middle of the box, the four drones separated from the equipment box, suspended in mid-air and flashed, entering the state of optical stealth.

Eden said: “The control authority of the drone has been taken over, and the images recorded by the drone will be sent back to your lenses in real time.”

The screen was shown in real time. The lens of the helmet of Kuixin and others was a small display, and they looked down on the Kraken from a high altitude.

There was no one on the deck of the Kraken, everything was very quiet. However, large streams of smoke were discharged from the exhaust pipe on the side of the ship. The smoke was mixed with sparks, and the pipes at the rear of the cargo ship were also on fire.

The location of the fire cannot be judged from the captured images alone.

“What’s going on here?” Red analyzed the screen, “Eden, let the drone fly around the ship.”

“Yes, the flight route has been adjusted.” Eden replied coldly.

Compared with Adam, Eden’s tone is more rational, without any emotion. Adam’s voice is set to be a little softer, and it doesn’t sound so cold and harsh.

Red looked more and more solemnly: “There is no trace of fighting… There is no one on the deck… How is it possible? The cabin is on fire, and they should take refuge on the deck. Is the fire-fighting device of this ship disabled? The fire should not have expanded .”

Could it be done by a secret sect? Kai Xin stared heavily at the big ship in the distance.

When Kai Xin boarded the ship last time, the cargo ship was already occupied by forces suspected of being a secret order before the people from the Investigation Department took over the escort work of the Kraken.

They burned the artificial intelligence on the ship, killed many crew members, and finally successfully sank the Kraken into the deep sea. Even the investigation department could only order the escort ship to stay away when facing the explosion of the cargo ship. It crashed directly, and none of the security guards on board survived, and Kai Xin died.

Seeing the flickering fire on the cargo ship, Kai Xin unconsciously recalled the tragedy and despair that day.

There was fire everywhere, thick smoke everywhere, and they struggled to keep breathing in the oven-like corridor. After escaping from the lower deck, there were alien creatures floating on the sea, the lifeboat was damaged, and the escort ship was far away from the Kraken , the only escape route is the sky… As a result, the last escape tool is gone.

That was a real desperate situation.

Even though Kai Xin has the reincarnation of death, she still maintains a cautious style, because this thing has a limit on the number of times. If the number of times is used up, she will still die… If she can’t find a way to break the game in this reincarnation, then she will be reborn. But it was a waste of time.

It is very difficult for Kai Xin to escape the fate of boarding the ship. After dealing with the investigation department, she also has to deal with the mechanical dawn.

If you want to get rid of your fate, you have to break the situation and survive the disaster on the Kraken.

Otherwise, the end waiting for her would still be death.

“Wait, something happened…” Red said suddenly.

On the screen transmitted back, a man rushed out of the deck mouth in panic. He looked back while running, his figure panicked, but then another man ran out of the deck mouth at an incredible speed, three times In two strokes, he caught up with the previous person.

Then, the face of the chased person distorted and his head suddenly twisted and swelled, turning into a monster with a terrifying mouth gap. The monster’s mouth grew like a snake that preyed on it. The mouth was so big that it could completely wrap the human head. There are also two tentacles protruding from the mouth, which are organs to assist swallowing.

The monster tore off the man’s head with one bite, and the man’s headless corpse fell to the ground, spilling blood all over the floor. Then the monster belched contentedly, its body slowly melted, and its face began to change, gradually becoming the appearance of the man he swallowed.

“…What is this?” The bartender almost retched.

“Alien blood, or a new species of alien creature that has not been observed and recorded?” Ye Chan said disgustedly, “I have seen a lot of these disgusting things, and this is the first time I have seen this.”

Red said seriously: “This monster is very weird… It can eat people, change shape, and has tentacles. For the time being, we regard it as an unknown alien creature.”

Thorn Rose bit her lip, “Why is there such a thing on the ship?”

“Could it be a secret sect?” Amber shifted her gaze to Red.

Black Yao followed up and said, “This is outside of our plan, Red. Someone has arrived first. Besides us and the bigwigs of the Federation, who else will keep an eye on the Kraken?”

“The secret sect should not be capable of robbing a ship…” Red said in a low voice, “The appearance and some characteristics of the man-eating monster perfectly match the characteristics of xenobiotics.”

“Don’t forget the previous experiments conducted by the organization. The highly alienated aliens can even coexist peacefully with alien creatures without being attacked by them-they treat them as the same kind. I have reason to believe thatHigher level xenomorphs can drive xenomorphs. “Amber has never said so many words in one breath, “The monster on the ship has an unusual origin, and it is very likely to be related to the secret sect. ”

Everyone fell silent.

Yin Mian looked left and right, blinked his eyes twice: “Uh…do we still have to board the ship?”

“Think about it, if the Kraken was robbed by people from the secret sect, what would they do?” Kai Xin said softly.

“Of course it was sunk.” The bartender shrugged. “They have always worshiped their gods. If they don’t have the strength to take the entire ship away, then of course they would choose to sink the ship so that the Federation can’t get on board.” s things.”

Thorn Rose folded her arms, “That’s right, if I were me, I would do the same. Rather than benefiting the enemy, it’s better to let them get nothing, and get nothing.”

Kui Xin followed the instructions and said, “Then we need to change the mission goal first—to figure out who attacked the Kraken. Only after we figure it out can we proceed to the next step.”

After she finished speaking, Kai Haidong’s voice suddenly came from the communication channel.

“Board the ship.” He gave the order, “As suggested by the rich woman, the primary goal of the mission is changed. Find out who the person on the Kraken is, and then blow up the cargo ship. I watched the video sent by the drone, that one Transforming monsters are of great research value, try to bring back a living body.”

“Also…” He paused, “The artificial intelligence hangar on the ship will record various data and voyage logs during the voyage. Find a way to remove the main board of the main engine and bring it back. The information inside may be crucial. .”

“Understood.” Ye Chan glanced at the crowd, “Get ready, everyone. I will open the portal on the deck of the Kraken, and everyone will disperse as soon as the teleportation passes. You perform tasks in groups, and I will be in charge of responding, so you won’t board the ship. In case of emergency, please contact me through the communicator.”

“There is no one on the deck, so check if there are any survivors. The rich woman and Yin Mian go to the lower deck to search, and I, Thorn Rose, and the bartender go to the computer room to disassemble the motherboard.” Red quickly made a new arrangement, “Amber, follow me This group, Hei Yao, you follow the rich women group.”

The reason for this arrangement is that although Red and the bartender have certain combat capabilities, their extraordinary abilities are not combat-type, and a combat-type Thorn Rose is needed to make up for the deficiency, while Kai Xin and Yinmian have strong survivability, and the other has strong ability. Extraordinary ability is strong, which can make up for shortcomings to a large extent. The supernatural abilities of the Amber and Obsidian twins are all spiritual, and it is a reasonable arrangement for a group to be divided into one for balance.

Red is also extremely cautious. He checked every piece of equipment he was carrying, and asked all team members to report their equipment. After the check was correct, he asked Yechan to open the space portal.

A team of Red stepped into the dark blue vortex, Hei Yao looked at Kai Xin, and when she advanced, Silver Face also looked at her eagerly.

Kai Xin took out a submachine gun from behind his waist and said, “Let’s go.”

Through the thin barrier, she once again stood on the deck of the Kraken.

The feeling of being on the boat this time is completely different from the feeling of being on the boat last time. Last time she knew nothing about the situation and could only perform the task passively, but this time she has 95% of the investigation progress, and has a few “reliable” teammates. The portal, the chance of survival has increased a lot.

Kai Xin smelled the pungent smell of smoke, and the pungent smell of the smoke was intertwined with the smell of the salty sea breeze, making it even more unbearable… But her helmet is basically all-inclusive this time, and her chin He also covered his mouth and nose, and the helmet has a gas mask function.

Kai Xin calmly turned on the anti-virus filter mode of the helmet, and walked towards the entrance of the deck. She doesn’t have to be afraid if she encounters a situation like last time, Yinmian is a handy fire extinguisher.

Unlike the deck where the flames were burning and the smoke was billowing, the air below the deck was relatively clean, because the exhaust circulation system here was not directly damaged as it was last time, and it was still working to remove the choking smoke.

Stepping into the basement, the first thing Kai Xin saw were long drag marks on the floor.

It was bloodstains. The automatic cleaning robot in the corner was persistently scrubbing the bloodstains on the floor. The buzzing sound of the cleaning robot’s operation echoed in the corridor. This scene was both horrifying and cold. People on board are dead or alive, only the machines are still operating according to the established procedures.

The long bloody drag marks on the ground seemed endless, extending to the depths of the corridor.

The cleaning robot swept to Kai Xin’s feet.

“Didi, please step aside.” The robot issued a prompt, “Didi, please step aside.”

With a blank expression on his face, Kai Xin stomped the noisy robot to death.

“Search one by one.” She said softly, “Find all the survivors, don’t kill them immediately, we need to interrogate them.”

Silver Face and Hei Yao nodded slightly.

When they passed the first door on the lower deck, Kai Xin’s “absolute prediction” sent her a warning of danger.

Kai Xin suddenly turned his head and looked at the metal door in front of him.

The metal door popped open suddenly, and a tall crew member rushed out from the door! The crew members held guns in their hands, deliberately ambush here.

He squeezed the trigger, and the bullet shot out in a spinning motion, hitting Kai Xin’s exoskeleton armor with a crisp sound, and a spark splashed on the metal armor.

Kai Xin is the one with the fastest reaction, even faster than Yinmian!

Before Yinmian propped up the water curtain, Kai Xin squatted down quickly, stretched out his legs and swept across swiftly, kicking the crew member who attacked suddenly to the ground, and that crew member had no time to fire a second bullet.Kai Xin raised the gun that had been loaded long ago, aimed at the crew’s head and fired bullets mercilessly.

The gun with the silencer installed only made a very small sound, but there was a big bloody hole in the crew’s head, and the blood spattered out and stained Kai Xin’s gun.

The faces of the dead crew members were distorted, their bodies melted, and they returned to the appearance of a monster. There were three faces with painful expressions on the monster’s body.

Kai Xin carefully identified, but did not find Captain Anton’s face growing on the monster… Is it because Captain Anton was still alive and the monster didn’t have time to eat him, or was there more than one deformed monster on board?

“Be vigilant… This monster has a lot of intelligence.” Kai Xin said.

Yin Mian hesitated to speak: “Didn’t you say that you want to keep alive?”

Before he could make a move, Kai Xin killed the enemy.

Kai Xin was taken aback for a moment: “…I forgot to keep alive.”

She really forgot.

After going through so many things, when Kai Xin didn’t realize it, she suffered from PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder. During the battle, this symptom will be more obvious. It is specifically reflected in… She will lose control and want to kill the opponent as soon as she takes the weapon, no matter what the identity of the opponent is.

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