The Lightless Sea63

The next thing to do is mechanical operation.

Kick the door and raise the gun. Kick the door, scan and search.

If no one left, they would retreat, and someone would shoot bullets at the opponent’s leg to knock him down.

Every time the door popped open, Kai Xin’s nerves tensed up, and this process was repeated a dozen times.

The door may be empty, it may be an innocent crew member, or it may be a ferocious alien creature or a blooded person with special abilities. Too bad they didn’t see anything alive along the way… except for the shape-shifting monsters that had just started attacking them.

The most dangerous things are often hidden in the depths.

Opening the door is as exciting as opening a blind box. What you play is the heartbeat. Kui Xin is like standing on a cliff and playing bungee jumping, the tension in his heart stretches with the stretching of the elastic rope.

Her spirit was extremely excited, her blood was boiling with the search, and her heartbeat was gradually accelerating. Her body was burning under the action of hormones, but her emotions were as cold as ice.

This is a sign that she has completely entered the combat state. In close combat, the double calm state of mind and body is not as good as the excited state. Active thinking, quick-response nerves, and slightly heated muscles due to accelerated blood circulation…these are the keys to ensuring combat effectiveness.

Finally, the three of Kai Xin arrived near the crew dormitory where she encountered the mutated redthorn hunter last time.

Unlike the last time, last time when Kui Xin and Shu Xuyao ​​passed by these rooms, there was a banging sound from a strange creature in one of the rooms. This time they searched all the houses continuously and made a lot of noise, but the door remained silent.

The entire lower deck was as dead as a cemetery.

Kai Xin raised his chin at Yinmian, and Yinmian immediately stepped forward knowingly, broke the lock and kicked the door open.

There were no tentacles baring their teeth and waving claws, and no surprise attacks. There was only a trace of fishy smell, as if a pile of rotten fish and shrimps were rotting in the house.

There were two human bodies lying on the ground of the crew dormitory. One of them was deformed and distorted. The exposed skin was covered with grotesque growths, while the rest was already highly decomposed. It is also so deformed that it is almost impossible to tell that it is a human corpse.

“Ouch…” Yin Mian covered his mouth, “It affects my appetite too much, I don’t want to spit out what I ate tonight.”

Hei Yao stepped forward with the scanner in hand, and silently operated the device to sweep across the corpses on the ground, and then the device emitted a warning red light.

Hei Yao took out a telescopic long knife of the same style as Kai Xin from his belt, cut the tip of the knife into the abdomen of the corpse, and then opened the flesh.

A violently throbbing dark red embryo is hidden in the abdomen of the corpse!

Hei Yao took a few steps back, pulled out the gun and beat the embryo into a pool of mud.

“It’s an egg.” Obsidian whispered, “The egg of the red thorn hunter, judging by the growth of the embryo in the egg, it has been developed for at least three days. The red thorn hunter usually returns to the sea to find a mate, and the egg is also laid in the In the sea, because there are too few of their kind on land. Now it lays eggs on land, which means that there is at least one female redthorn hunter and one male redthorn hunter on board.”

This room was never searched by Kai Xin, Shu Xuyao ​​and others. They only checked a few rooms and the kitchen before retreating.

Silver Face said: “The alien species that laid eggs is nearby.”

He observed all the doors in the corridor suspiciously, worried that there were ferocious predators hidden behind the doors.

“This ship is like an isolated island. The crew has never sought help from the outside world. Has the communication been cut off?” Kai Xin retreated out of the corridor.

Hei Yao said: “It may also be controlled.”

The three of them walked to the next door together, Yinmian kicked the door, Kai Xin raised the gun, and Black Yao stood guard behind.

As soon as the door was opened, they could smell the stench of corruption again.

Kai Xin shrank his pupils, and saw a dark red octopus-like monster on the ground. Its thick tentacles were wrapping a slightly twitching human being. It was migrating its own body into a human body!

The redthorn hunter replaces a parasitic body every few days. It is replacing the parasite so that it can absorb more nutrients to strengthen itself. Shu Xuyao ​​taught Kai Xin that the most vulnerable moment for parasitic xenobiotics is when they are migrating to their hosts.

Kaixin conditioned reflexRaising her gun, she was about to pull the trigger to kill the redthorn hunter, when she suddenly remembered that she wanted to stay alive, so she stopped her movement, and Hei Yao at the side also reached out to press her gun, looked at her and said, “The man down there is still alive!” alive.”

“I know.” Kai Xin shook the gun and removed Hei Yao’s hand on the gun.

Silver Face manipulated the water flow to squeeze the fragile redthorn hunter into a puddle of mud without any effort, and pulled out the crew members who were almost reduced to parasitic containers with a rope. The redthorn hunter’s stinky slime was all over the crew, and Silver Face washed him in disgust to make the disgusting smell less.

The crew woke up slowly under the stimulation of the cold water. When they saw three humans in black combat uniforms in front of them, they almost cried.

With tears streaming down his face, he said tremblingly, “Are you human beings or monsters?”

None of the three people present answered him.

The crew suddenly trembled as if they had gone epileptic, and they were about to faint from fright again.

“Don’t be afraid.” Kai Xin said at this moment, “We are from the Federal Investigation Department.”

There was hope in the crew’s eyes, “Are you here to save us? There are monsters everywhere on the ship!”

With tears streaming down his face, he wanted to hug Kai Xin’s leg, but Kai Xin dodged it.

“We were ordered to escort the Kraken, but something is wrong with this ship. You need to explain the situation to us and tell us what happened on the Kraken.” Kai Xin said, “The only way is to know where the source of the trouble is.” , we can solve the problem.”

But the crew member had already lost his mind, he struggled on the ground to stand up, and muttered persistently: “I want to go home… I want to go home… There are monsters everywhere here, and my friend has also turned into a monster.” …”

Kai Xin became impatient, she grabbed the crewman’s collar and lifted him up from the ground, looked at him coldly from the eyes behind the helmet lens, and said word by word: “Tell me, what happened! ”

The crew’s eyes gradually lost focus, and Kai Xin raised his hand and slapped him to wake him up again: “Answer my questions if you want to go home!”

Hearing the word “go home”, the crew finally responded.

His face was pale: “Everything was normal at first… But then, people around me started to feel wrong.” He shuddered, “They were vomiting and diarrhea, and they were sent to the medical room for treatment, but they entered the medical room. When the people in the room came out again, it was like a different person, as if possessed by a devil… I saw with my own eyes that my friend who I had known for five or six years ate my colleague…”

The crew seemed to be in a nightmare, and they couldn’t help shivering.

“Then there was a fight on the boat for some reason, and I was knocked out before I could react, and I was locked in my room with a few other people… Every once in a while, there would be rumors in the room next to me. Come screaming, I think the colleagues who were locked up must be dead, they died one by one…today it’s my turn to die…a person opened the door of my room and released the scary red monster Come in, it’s going to eat me…”

What he said was confused, intermittent and illogical, and Kai Xin gradually pieced together the cause and effect from his words.

A shape-shifting monster boarded the ship, and then replaced some of the crew members on the ship. Afterwards, infighting broke out on the ship, and some of the living crew members were locked up and used as food reserves for alien creatures.

Kai Xin asked again: “Who is the person who put the red monster into your room?”

The crew members were in a daze and didn’t speak. When Kai Xin lost his patience and was about to press him again, he suddenly said, “It’s Tang Guan! It’s him!”

The crew burst into tears: “Why did he want to kill us?”

Kai Xin let go of his hand, and the crew members fell to the ground exhausted and passed out.

Her heart fell to the bottom.

When meeting Tang Guan for the first time, Tang Guan gave Kai Xin a reminder to go to the kitchen to look at the frozen corpses of the crew members. Kai Xin really didn’t feel any malice from Tang Guan, she thought that even if the opponent wasn’t an ally, at least he wouldn’t be an enemy.

But the words of the crew in front of him made Kai Xin doubt his own judgment.

If Tang Guan was the culprit who caused the tragedy on the ship, why did he give Kai Xin a hint and appear in front of her without malice?

The development of the matter became more and more confusing.

“Eden, do you have any information about Tang Guan?” Kai Xin pressed the headset and asked.

“The search has been completed. There is his staff information on the official website of Yuanhang Freighter Company. Tang Guan, male, 28 years old, a junior seaman, has just joined the Freighter Company for one year.” Eden said, “This is his ID photo .”

The crew ID photo shown on the lens is Tang Guan, the Tang Guan who met Kai Xin face to face.

“We’re focusing on finding him.” Kai Xin said, “Send the message to Red to keep them vigilant.”

“Yes.” Eden said.

Kai Xin looked at the unconscious crew on the ground, “How to deal with it.”

“Oh.” Yin Mian raised his gun and shot a bullet that ended his life.

Hei Yao subtly looked away, not looking at the corpse on the ground. He was wearing a helmet, and Kai Xin failed to notice the slight change in his expression.

Searching the room is a time-consuming task. Then they also found human corpses in several other crew quarters. Each corpse was highly decomposed and the smell was overwhelming. If the exhaust system and gas masks did not purify the air, they would have Xin will definitely spit it out on the spot.

She simply didn’t want to take a second look at those corpses. Hei Yao inspected each corpse carefully, and some of them contained eggs of redthorn hunters. HeThey were also carefully destroyed one by one.

As they walked, they came to the end of the bloody trail on the ground – the kitchen.

The end of the bloodstain was indeed the kitchen.

Kui Xin stood in front of the kitchen door, feeling expected in his heart.

Yinmian was like a thug or bodyguard rushing ahead, dutifully responsible for opening the door and propping up the water curtain for defense.

A living person stood in the messy kitchen.

“Tang Guan.” Kai Xin read out the living person’s name.

Tang Guan raised his head sluggishly, it was still the haggard and tired face with unshaven beard. The strange thing is that Kai Xin’s “absolute prediction” still didn’t send her an early warning, and Tang Guan had no killing intent.

Tang Guan fell to his knees with a plop, and muddy tears flowed down his sunken cheeks. He wriggled his lips and said, “I beg you…kill me, let me be free.”

“Are you responsible for what happened on the boat?” Kai Xin asked softly.

“It’s me…it should be me?” Tang Guan muttered to himself in confusion.

“Why are you talking nonsense with him?” Silver took a step forward.

Hei Yao said: “Do you want to capture him?”

“No…it won’t be that simple.” Kai Xin raised his gun and aimed at Tang Guan’s shoulder.

With a bang, the bullet hit Tang Guan’s right shoulder, and a flower of blood bloomed.

However, this flower of blood was like a drop of water splashed into a hot oil pan. It sizzled and caused a violent reaction.

Tang Guan’s body suddenly swelled, and his clothes were pushed apart by his flesh and blood. In an instant, he turned into a huge half-human, half-ghost monster.

On the right side of his body is a tentacle-covered alien creature, and on the left side is a normal human body. The most terrifying thing is that two heads split out of his neck, one is the head of a huge monster with a split mouth , one is Tang Guan’s own head!

“Two-headed monster!” Silver Face exclaimed.

Hei Yao was also taken a step back in shock.

“Shoot!” Kui Xin shouted.

The three of them fired at Tang Guan together. The bullets intertwined and fired extremely fiercely, but the bullets were useless after they sank into the tentacles and body. All the bullets were squeezed out by the extremely fast-healing flesh and blood, and fell to the ground clangingly. Even if the bullet hit the head, a large piece of the skull was knocked off by the bullet, and the bones and flesh also grew rapidly, hitting the heart, and the tentacles were still dancing frantically without stopping.

This is… an immortal monster!

The head with Tang Guan’s face struggled in pain and wailed silently, while the head belonging to the monster had a frantic face, full of the excitement of a predator.

Tang Guan doesn’t look like a parasite of a different species, but a symbiosis! He shares a body with the monster, and they vie for control of the body.

Tang Guan’s face was crying: “Kill me…Kill me… Please.”

He was begging in pain, his eyes were full of pain and despair, but the tentacles growing on his body were attacking the three of Kai Xin.

The thick tentacles almost ignored the bullets, and struck at Kai Xin as fast as lightning.

At this moment, Kai Xin resolutely gave up the gun, pulled out the folding knife from his thigh, shook his right hand, and the 30-centimeter blade suddenly stretched to more than one meter long.

She held the knife and slashed horizontally. The arc of the silver knife left a crescent-shaped afterimage on the retina. The dancing tentacles landed with a clatter, and blue blood spurted out!

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