Artificial Soul 15

Kai Xin stepped through the portal, left the dilapidated house on Anning Street, and came to the spacious and bright meeting room.

Kui Haidong sat on the seat in the middle of the meeting room, and Yechan stood beside him casually.

Kai Haidong said kindly, “Xiao Xin, come and sit down.”

“Farewell, I have to go home and pack my clothes quickly. I have to drive early tomorrow and move to the staff apartment.” Kai Xin said, “Let’s talk about something.”

Kui Haidong rarely talked nonsense, and directly signaled Ye Chan with his eyes.

Ye Chan snapped his fingers, a small blue vortex appeared above his palm, and a small dark box fell out of the vortex, which happened to be caught by his hand.

Kai Xin said, “What is that?”

“Do you still remember the bug that forced Thorn Rose to cut off her hand?” Kai Haidong said, “That’s what’s inside.”

Kai Xin moved his eyes, stared at the small box and asked, “Have you understood its function? Why did the ball python put it on Rosethorn’s hair?”

“The research is clear.” Kai Haidong said, “We recovered Rosethorn’s severed hand, dissected the worm from her flesh and tissue, and then carried out research and breeding.”

“Nurture?” Kai Xin raised his eyes and said.

“Let this kind of worm parasitize on the flesh and blood, give them nutrients, cultivate them for a period of time, take them out and cut them into two pieces, and then place them on the flesh and flesh for cultivation. The cut worms can grow into two different individuals.” Haidong Kui said, “Like an earthworm, it has super regeneration ability. Under the condition of sufficient nutrients, this cryptonematode can regenerate in only two hours.”

Kai Xin asked with great interest: “Can they only parasitize humans, or can they parasitize any living thing?”

“Any living thing can be parasitic.” Kai Haidong said lightly, “We have conducted experiments on both experimental animals and humans. Although the experiment period is very short, the results are gratifying.”

“Interesting, the content can achieve results in such a short period of time.” Kai Xin said, “Let’s talk about our experimental results. What is its specific function?”

Kui Haidong coughed and said, “Do you know about toxoplasma gondii and iron nematodes? There are certain parasites in nature. After parasites parasite their host, they will secrete certain chemical substances to manipulate the behavior of the host.”

“You mean, Cryptonematode rubrum also has this ability?” Kai Xin realized something.

“Yes.” Kai Haidong nodded, “They can control the thinking of the parasite, subtly change the behavior of the host, and turn the host into a slave.”

Kai Xin took a breath, “So scary? If our people are accidentally recruited…”

“Now we have discovered it, and we can prevent it if we can find it.” Kui Haidong said, “I called you here today because I want to give you the new individual we have cultivated.”

“Do you want me to choose a host for Cryptonematode rubrum?” Kai Xin said.

“Exactly.” Kui Haidong said.

Night Cicada put the small box containing cryptonematode red on the conference table in good time, and pushed it in front of Kai Xin.

Kai Xin stretched out his hand to verify his fingerprints, the box was opened, and a gust of cold air came out, and three glass tubes containing cryptonematodes lay neatly in the box. Cryptonematodes dormant at extremely low temperatures, lying quietly in the glass tube without moving.

“Put it at room temperature for half an hour, and the bugs will regain their activity.” Kai Haidong said, “There are three in total, use with caution.”

“Where are the candidates?” Kai Xin asked, “Is there any specific candidate?”

“You can think about it yourself, try to focus on people with potential and high status.” Kui Haidong said, “For example, Lin Xinji and his cronies, if you control them, many things can be easily solved.”

“I can’t find such an opportunity.” Kai Xin said truthfully, “I can only do what I can. Live inIn the staff apartment, I can look for opportunities to attack people around me, but people like Lin Xinji have too high a status, and it is difficult for me to get in touch with them. ”

“So I said, you can think about it yourself.” Kai Haidong said tolerantly, “You can put it on your teammates, it’s the same, you can’t sacrifice this kind of bug on someone with high status, you can use those ordinary security guards staff as experimental subjects. We will soon be able to mass-produce this kind of bug.”

“Mass-produced…does it have no defects?” Kai Xin said, “According to what you said, Cryptonematodes are so perfect that it’s outrageous.”

“There may be, but we haven’t found it yet, so it will take longer to conduct the experiment,” said Haidong Kui, “You should focus on the thing in front of you first, and I will tell you the next step when it is ready for mass production.”

“Okay, ‘Dad’.” Kai Xin closed the box.

“Pay attention to the use of tools when handling cryptonematodes, and wear gloves no matter how bad they are.” Kui Haidong confessed, “Crypnotine nematodes are so weak that they can’t penetrate glass, but once they touch warm flesh and blood, they will be aroused and bloodthirsty. Its ferocious nature can penetrate into a person’s body in less than three seconds.”

“It’s okay, I’ll go first.”

“Wait, aren’t you curious about those players?” Ye Chan stopped Kai Xin with a smile.

“Didn’t I say that the threat from the first world is far away, and the threat from the Investigation Department is just around the corner?” Kui Xin didn’t care much, “Those players are still in our hands, and they are under our control. That’s enough. If they really had a situation, ‘Dad’ wouldn’t hold back and not tell me now, would he?”

She couldn’t show that she cared too much, even if she actually cared a lot.

Kui Haidong said: “I will tell you what I need to tell you. It’s getting late, go back and rest, Xiao Xin. Ye Chan, open the portal for her.”

Ye Chan made a gesture, and a blue vortex opened beside Kai Xin.

He said, “Please, miss.”

After returning home, Kai Xin frowned suspiciously.

She thought she would go through some kind of test, but she didn’t. Had the mechanical Dawn’s suspicions about her disappeared? But once doubt arises, it will not disappear so easily.

Why did their attitudes suddenly relax, and why did they stop probing her further? Why… They let her act as if they had nothing to fear?

An invisible shadow hung over Kai Xin’s head, making her feel extremely heavy.

Early the next morning, Kai Xin set off half an hour early and got into the tram with his suitcase.

Adam notified Kai Xin via email this morning that her staff dormitory application has been approved and she can move in today.

Kai Xin didn’t bring a box containing cryptonematodes, and she planned to transport her belongings in batches. In the morning, I brought a small suitcase first, and then went back to Anning Street after work, and moved the rest of the things to the apartment. The boxes containing the cryptonematodes were the second batch of transport, and she had to You have to hold it yourself to be at ease.

She came to the vicinity of the investigation building on a suspended tram, but instead of going in, she turned a corner and came to a 30-story apartment building near the building.

The apartment building has glass automatic doors, and you need to scan your face to enter.

When Kuixin stood in front of the glass door, the two doors opened automatically. Adam said, “Good morning, security guard Kuixin. You can take the elevator upstairs to visit your room and drop off your luggage, or you can choose to leave your luggage with someone else.” The housekeeping robot on the upper floor will take care of it, and it will deliver the luggage to your room.”

“Two.” Kui Xin put down the suitcase.

A robot turned the rollers and walked up to Kai Xin. The robotic hand picked up Kai Xin’s luggage and said, “Please don’t worry and give me the luggage.”

“Will the housekeeping robot help me organize my clothes?” Kai Xin asked curiously.

“The housekeeping robot is responsible for cleaning public areas and delivering valuables, but it does not have the function of helping staff deal with personal items.” Adam said, “If you need it, I can help you contact the housekeeping company and ask them to send cleaners to help you tidy up the room Pack your things.”

“Forget it, it’s too much trouble and it costs money.” Kai Xin exited the apartment lobby, “I’ll clean it up at night, and go to work first.”

“Have a nice day.” Adam said in a businesslike manner.

It took a while to turn around and go to the apartment building. By the time Kai Xin entered the office, her teammates had already arrived.

Lan Lan said contentedly, “Xiao Kai was the last one to arrive today, not me.”

“You’re addicted, Lan Lan. The first topic discussed in the office every morning is counting who came first and who came later.” Kai Xin complained, “People who have been on the clock for a long time are complacent if they get ahead once?”

“How can it be? I will try to arrive as early as possible in the future, and I won’t step on the spot.” Lan Lan said with a smile.

After arriving at the office, Kai Xin checked the work email sent by Adam.

Today’s arrangement is still only one – training.

“It’s training again.” Kui Xin tapped his head, “How many days does this training need to last?”

“At least a week.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “You have a lot of things to understand, and you have to take into account all kinds of situations when performing tasks. From my experience, the difficulty of the task you performed yesterday should be considered average.”

“That’s right, although there were some twists and turns in the end, overall it was easy.” Kai Xin said.

“The next task may not be difficult, but it will be a little more complicated.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Each trainer guides students in different ways. Just follow your trainer’s arrangement.”

Kai Xin murmured: “Is that so…”

At nine o’clock in the morning, Kai Xin reported to the 65th floor on time.

she entersEntering the office, I saw that Yu Liang was not wearing a security uniform or a combat uniform, just an ordinary leather jacket and jeans.

“Are we going to go out in plain clothes to arrest suspects today?” Kai Xin asked unconsciously seeing his posture.

“You guessed it.” Yu Liang said, “We have a dressing room here, where there are all kinds of clothes of various sizes. You go to change into ordinary clothes, and they should be a little looser. Layers of body armor, and the hem of the clothes should be longer to cover the gun.”

“Okay.” Kai Xin nodded, “What type of weapon is it?”

“The target of the hand cannon is too big. I don’t need to bring it. I just need to bring knives and standard firearms.” Yu Liang said, “We go into battle lightly.”

Kai Xin asked, “Where are we going?”

“Black market, underground black trading market.” Yu Liang habitually took out a cigarette from his pocket and bit it on his mouth, “I’ll show you the real side of Heihai City.”

“I think I’ve pretty much seen it,” said Kai Xin, “I live in the Bay Area, and I’ve seen too many dark things when I was patrolling the Bay Area. Do you mean this by the real side? ”

“It’s more than that. In the harbor area, you can at most deal with gang fights and gang fights. The most dangerous thing is a gunfight in the alley.” Yu Liang said, “These things are exciting enough, but not dark enough. I’m going to show you today. It’s the real darkness—the hidden dark side of the city.”

Yeah? Kaixin thought strangely.

She believes that to a certain extent, the Investigation Department is the biggest dark side of the city.

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