Artificial Soul 16

“Captain Yu.”

“What’s wrong, tell me.”

“It’s nothing, it’s just that the vehicle we used to carry out the plainclothes mission surprised me a bit.”

“What’s wrong with taking the tram? It’s fast, convenient and saves gas money.”

“It always feels weird to take public transportation for such an important task.”

Kai Xin and Yu Liang walked side by side through the long corridor, preparing to take the elevator downstairs.

She changed into regular clothes with a close-fitting body armor, a gun pinned to her waist, a magazine wrapped around her abdomen, a jackknife in the sleeve, hidden headsets in her ears, and buttons on her clothes. Tiny cameras and scanners.

“We can’t use a suspended police car. We’ll be discovered as soon as we go there.” Yu Liang said, “But if we don’t use a suspended police car, normal camouflaged vehicles don’t have permission to fly in the city and can only run on the ground. The traffic conditions in Heihai City We understand that, in traffic jams, we need to drive on the ground for at least two hours, which is a waste of time! Overall, it is more comfortable to take a tram.”

Kai Xin: “In case something unexpected happens, we don’t have transportation to evacuate…”

Yu Liang bit his cigarette butt confidently and said: “There are two motorcycles on the street near the black market, which are specially placed there. In case of a situation, you can use that to retreat. Let’s step on the spot before going to the black market.”

“That’s no problem.” Kui Xin felt relieved, “What is our mission goal this time? Different species? People with different blood?”

“Neither.” Yu Liang said deeply, “It’s the buyer and the seller.”

Kai Xin turned his head and waited for Yu Liang to continue.

“Didn’t I tell you that the substance of divine blood used to circulate in the black market? After we eliminated it, the circulation of divine blood has decreased, but it still exists.” Yu Liang said, “It is not easy for alien creatures to come out of the sea. Come up, the alien blood hides relatively tightly, and most of the time, our targets are ‘buyers’ and ‘sellers’.”

“It is a buyer, which means that it may believe in ancient gods or want to become a person with different blood, which is an unstable factor. It is a seller, which means that it has an inexplicable connection with the secret sect. The blood of the gods is obtained from different species What you get from your body needs to be purified, and if you want to get divine blood, you need to have the ability to kill heterogeneous creatures, and you need professional equipment to purify the blood.” Kui Xin said, “The divine blood circulates in the black market, there must be some serious The power of the people is fueling the flames.”

“That’s the thing.” Yu Liang said, “If you catch the buyer and seller of the blood, you can follow the clues to find out more people. But Kai Xin, you have to remember not to act recklessly, even if you meet the buyer, You can’t arrest people immediately after witnessing their transaction. You need to report this matter first and get approval from your superiors.”

“What if the buyer and seller run away while waiting for the approval?” Kai Xin said, “Should we just let them run away?”

“Yes.” Yu Liang said firmly, “You can only do this without approval.”

“Why?” Kai Xin turned his head and looked directly into Yu Liang’s eyes.

Yu Liang said, “The elevator is here.”

With a ding-dong sound, the elevator door opened. Kui Xin and Yu Liang entered the elevator room and stood still.

She asked to the bottom of it: “Why is the approval process so strict? When performing other tasks related to alien species, the task process is not like it is now.”

Yu Liang bit his cigarette butt and said, “Well… this is what I want to show you today.” He patted Kai Xin on the shoulder, “I’ll give you a piece of advice, be tactful, not rigid, and pretend to be confused when you should , just do as I teach you. It’s my first time as a training officer, and I really want to do this job well, so you have to study hard.”

Kai Xin withdrew his eyes: “Okay, I’m not a rigid person, Captain Yu.”

“Well, I like smart people.” Yu Liang said.

The reason why the approval process is so strict is probably related to the Investigation Department and the chaebol.

Adam revealed that the ball python was an informant from the Investigation Department, and that it was the ball python who put the red cryptonematode on the thorn rose. The cryptonematode is a kind ofFor parasitic alien creatures, the ball python alone is unable to breed such creatures, and can only be given to him by someone.

When Shu Xuyao ​​took Kai Xin for training, he clearly demonstrated various research results of xenobiotics, and said that the Department of Investigation has cooperated with various laboratories and research institutes under the Federation and the chaebol, and the common research topics of the laboratories and research institutes— — Heterogeneous.

The official organizations and chaebols of the second world have in-depth research on heterogeneous creatures. They must have mastered the method of purifying divine blood. Maybe the divine blood circulating on the black market is inextricably linked to the federal chaebol.

The Department of Investigation’s strictness in approving the arrest process reminded Kai Xin of a word – fear.

They were afraid of something, so they didn’t dare to let go. If the buyers and sellers are related to the federal chaebol, it can explain why they are so restrained.

As for Yu Liang, he was clear about why the Investigation Department did this, so he reminded Kai Xin to be tactful and pretend to be confused, and praised Kai Xin for being a smart person.

In the Investigation Department, everyone has two faces, and the hypocritical side faces outward.

If those ambiguous words and hidden rules are not carefully understood, it is easy to suffer big losses.

“In the black market, people will disguise their appearance.” Yu Liang said, “Our target today is a seller. He has been selling divine blood in the market for a long time, and he has also contacted several buyers. Our People noticed him, so they deliberately pretended to be a buyer of divine blood to lure him into the trap, and they will be caught tonight.”

“Does he have any physical features?” Kai Xin asked.

“He will disguise himself when buying and selling things.” Yu Liang said, “Our informants will lure him and get in touch with him. He will show up in the market today. If it goes well, he will have a positioning on him We can take this opportunity to arrest him. According to intelligence, this person is most likely a member of a secret sect, and they are keen to develop their own congregation.”

The elevator reached the first floor, and Kai Xin and Yu Liang went to the waiting point to wait for the car. After a while, the tram came, and the two of them got on the car and sat in silence, waiting to reach their destination.

“Where do we get off?” Kai Xin said.

“Hualong Avenue.” Yu Liang said slowly.

“City center?” Kai Xin said.

Yu Liang said, “Yes, the city center.”

Kai Xin stopped talking, the tram was not a good place to talk.

She was just wondering, shouldn’t the black market be opened in such a hidden and chaotic place? It actually opened in the city center blatantly, and the forces supporting the existence of the black market were much stronger than she imagined.

When they arrived at the destination, Yu Liang said in a low voice: “The location of the black market is not fixed. You can only enter if you have a way. This time it happened to be located in the city center. It is actually very hidden. On the surface, it is a normal trading place. Only if you find the right way, can you enter the deeper underground trading field… Our final location is Building 069.”

They walked through the crowds in the city center, and stepped on the locomotive first.

The locomotive is parked in an underground parking lot. The oil is full and ready to use at any time.

“Did you see that side door?” Yu Liang pointed to the fire exit tens of meters away, “The black market we’re going to is connected to that fire exit, but the fire exit is one-way, so we can’t get in from here.” Go, you must enter from the main entrance of the black market. If there is an accident, we will rush out from the fire exit and come here to escape by bicycle.”

Kai Xin tilted his head and looked around: “There are many luxury cars in this parking lot.”

“Because many people who participate in the black market trade have the same plan as us, and they also want to run away when they encounter something.” Yu Liang said.

“The big shots who drive luxury cars also come to participate in the black market?” Kai Xin said.

“Yes.” Yu Liang said, “It’s good for you to be clear about some things. Try to be careful when you do it, and don’t make too much noise, or it won’t end well.”

Kai Xin silently nodded to express his understanding.

After stepping on the spot, they came to the front of the building.

There is a red carpet in front of the building, and there are people coming and going, people in all kinds of dresses, some selling jade ornaments, some selling antique vases, some selling old-age record players, it seems that it is a lively trade center.

The waiter next to the red carpet saw Yu Liang and Kai Xin hurried forward and said, “Please show your passport.”

Yu Liang took out the gold card from his chest pocket and waved it in front of the waiter. The waiter immediately said, “Please come in, both of you.”

“It’s all fake.” Yu Liang squirmed his lips and said to Kai Xin, “It looks normal, but the above is all a cover. The trading market we want to enter is underground.”

Kai Xin nodded calmly, looked around and listened to all directions, observing everything around him.

There were a lot of people in the exhibition hall on the first floor, bumps and bumps were unavoidable. She tried her best to relax her shoulders, and restrained the urge to move her hands to her waist to pick up the gun, lest she look like she might violently hurt someone at any time.

They walked through one booth after another in the trading market and came to the elevator room.

There was a smiling waiter in the elevator room. He said, “The first to sixth floors are the antique market, the seventh to the twelfth floors are the machinery market, and the upper floors are the science and technology exhibition hall. May I ask where you two are going?”

“Golden roses are blooming in the field.” Yu Liang said a poem that was confusing.

The waiter kept smiling, but took out a scanner to scan Yu Liang and Kai Xin’s whole bodies. However, they had already worn high-tech shielding devices, and the scanner did not sound an alarm.

After scanning, the waiter pressed the button on the fifth floor of the basement. When the elevator went down, he said, “I wish you both get the items you want.”

As soon as they reached the fifth basement floor, another waiter greeted them.He held a tray with a mask on it, “For your privacy, please wear a mask.”

The mask hides mystery and comes with a voice changer.

This black market is so well-prepared… Kui Xin put the mask on his face while muttering.

After they put on their masks, the waiter said, “Exhibition halls 1 and 2 are free trading markets, and hall 3 is the auction house. Do you need me to lead the way?”

“No need.” Yu Liang led Kai Xin inside.

Kai Xin ripped his clothes, button cameras and scanners scanned everyone’s physical features and recorded them.

Adam said: “Found the target, two o’clock direction.”

Kai Xin raised his eyes behind the mask and found a suspicious figure flashing into the men’s bathroom not far away.

In the bathroom, the “seller” who was being targeted by Kai Xin and others was sitting on the toilet seat and shaking his legs frantically. He carefully tore off a piece of transparent sticker from the hem of his clothes, and almost cursed: “Damn! When was it posted?” Locator!”

He was terrified, and quickly took out a small mirror from his pocket to look at himself: “Change your face, change it quickly, before there is time!”

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