
Chapter 38 - Training: Day Two, Combat 1/2

"She's not going to…" Velvet was about to ask but stopped when Summer casually lifted her right leg and quite literally kicked the door to the changing room off its hinges, causing it to fly a forward about a foot before falling.

"That answer your question?" Coco rhetorically asked.

"Yeah…" Velvet weakly responded.

Summer, having just kicked the door down took one step inside before locking eyes with Arthur, who had just had enough time to get his pants on, before the sudden interruption as he had already pulled his shirt halfway off.

"Here's Summer!" She shouted as she ran up next to the frozen Arthur and grabbed his shoulder "You took too long, seems you need to work on your speed, but first your punishment." She said with a wide maniacal grin

"Wait! Please no!" Arthur pleaded, letting his shirt fall back over his stomach as he tried to break his shoulder from Summer's death grip.

"You shouldn't have made me wait Arthur, there's training to be done." Her grin got wider as Arthur's got more fearful as a strange pressure began to exude from her.

Realizing what the pressure signified Arthur began struggling even more but was stopped as second later he found himself within the same neon blue gel that he had been so well acquainted with yesterday, his head foggy as he had just been dragged here within milliseconds due to Summer's semblance.

"Shit" was all Arthur could say as his vision cleared up and he felt the sensation of the gel bed against his skin.

Summer pressed the button on the remote she had been given by Pit "Enjoy!" she enthusiastically, said, watching as Arthur quickly accepted his inevitable fate but not before retorting.

'What's enjoyable about this!?' Arthur retorted his voice muffled because of the layer of steel and machinery blocking it.

"The massage?" Summer quickly answered, unsure as she had yet to experience it herself, not that she'd want to, especially at the current stage of development.

Arthur wanted to retort, yet just as he opened his mouth Summer had pressed a button on her remote that she had become very accustomed to, one labelled 'Skip Massage', and it quickly became her favourite punishment whenever she got lip from Arthur, or when he refused to accept his time in the chamber.

Inside the chamber the gel had turned it usual fearsome red. 'Oh you bi…' Arthur was about to mutter, but Summer had pressed another button, this one labelled 'mute'. Moments later a piercing pop could be heard coming from the chamber quickly followed by a scream of pain.


"D-did you hear that?" Velvet asked hearing a faint screech of pain coming from somewhere in the gym.

"Vel, you know I can't, we ain't all got super ears like you." Coco matter of factly stated "What'd you hear?" she asked curiously, knowing full well how good the bunny's hearing was.

"I-it sounded like a someone screaming…" She muttered "I think it came from the gym" she said turning to Coco with a 'what do we do?' look.

"Let's go" Coco said as she began walking towards the gym.

Velvet's ears perked up again as she heard another scream.

"Another one?" Coco inquired, seeing her partners ears moving around like radar dishes which generally signified she was tracking something.

"Yeah…" she responded, her ears once again perking up as this time instead of hearing a scream she heard a faint 'pop', tilting her head in confusion she and Coco entered into the main hall of the gym, their eyes scanning over the entire hall. Coco's eyes landing on the now open shutter where she saw Summer standing in front of a large metal chamber with a single small circular window on it.

"Hey Summer!" Coco called out as she along with Velvet walked up to her, flinching when they hear a loud 'pop' coming from the metal chamber in front of her.

"Oh, hey girls" Summer responded turning around with calm face, that flinched whenever another pop echoed out from the machine.

"What is that thing, and where is… Arthur…" Coco asked, staring at the machine with curiosity as her eyes inspected the smooth metal making up the large majority of the machine, before her eyes locked on the small glass window, behind which she could see the glazed weak face of Arthur, his expression contorting in pain as another pop resounded through the room.

"Oh, this is a project a friend of mine is working on…" Summer began to explain what the chamber was.


"You know, his body is going to fall apart if you keep throwing him in there." Pit stated staring with worry at Arthur who was weakly lying down on top of one of the benches that dotted the hall.

"He'll be fine" Summer stated waving off Pit's worries.

"Summer, his leg isn't supposed to look like that" he retorted pointing at Arthur, specifically his leg which was bent forward slightly.

"He's just more flexible than he used to be, that's all" she responded, once again waving off Pit's assessment.

"You know, I made the Bravos to help heal and assist others, and now it's being used as punishment…" Pit complained.

"What's your point? It's still a prototype, you can make new versions that don't cause pain… I hope…" she responded "But hey! This version has the added benefit of helping with the flexibility of joints, that's got to be a new insight for you"

Pit let out a resigned sigh "You have a point there… just please, let the boy rest, that may be a side effect, but legs still aren't meant to look like that, and god help me if he turns into an owl faunus by the end of his training" he complained

"By the way, where are those other two? The rabbit girl and the sunglasses girl?" he asked

"Oh, Coco's getting into her own equipment and Velvet went with, apparently something happened between her and Arthur and she seems to be really uncomfortable around him right now." She said with a wide grin "You know, you should really finish up the girls changing room" she said.

"He didn't" Pit responded wide-eyed.

"I think he did" Summers grin got wider as she looked towards Arthur, sending a shiver down his back as he quickly turned to her in fear.

"How do you know?" Pit whispered to her.

"I saw how Velvet was hiding her c.h.e.s.t, her face crimson when I kicked the changing room door down and she got a good look at Arthurs c.h.e.s.t" She whispered back.

"Could Arthur be?" Pit quietly inquired

"I don't know, it's possible, I walked in on him sleeping with Ruby and Yang earlier, and then this happened, so It's possible" Summer explained.

"Oh really? Like, naughty, naughty sleeping or just boring sleeping?" Pit inquired as he and Summer began gossiping about the news and happening around Arthur.

'Please shut up…' Arthur pleaded in a mumble, his ears picking up the gossip between the two a.d.u.l.t every now and then.

"Oh, seems they're done. We have to talk again, I missed chatting like this." Pit said giving Summer a quick hug, saying his goodbyes as both Velvet and Coco entered into the gym area, now both wearing the same type of compression clothing Arthur had on, except this time a more feminine version which accentuated their curves while also leaving belly open to the air.

"Later" Summer said giving Pit one more hug before he returned to his lab within the Chamber room.

"Arthur!" Summer shouted out, causing both Arthur and Velvet to jump at the sudden, and loud exclamation. Not even being able to respond Arthur quickly disappeared from his position and once again with a dizzy mind began to analyse his surroundings, now finding himself in the centre of the combat are of the gym.

"Training begins…" Summer said as she pulled out her scroll, opening it up on Pit's Gym's app that controlled the different levels for the various bots "Now!" she said pressing down on a button that said 'Humanoid: Level Four'

"Shit…" Summer muttered, immediately realizing her mistake.

{Level Four: Humanoid} a voice resounded from the speakers within the combat arena.

"What!?" Arthur exclaimed in shock turning to Summer "I thought you said level two!?" he screamed

"I did! I didn't mean to press it!" Summer responded

"Well stop it then!"

Quickly pressing down on the 'Cancel Simulation' button, but nothing happened.

{Combatant, please prepare, Combat begins in… Three…" two human sized combat bots stepped forward standing against the wall where the bots were all lined up. One holding what looked to be a regular sword while the other one was wielding a large, much too big hammer, much like a certain, excitable redhead.

"Summer!" Arthur shouted, panicking as the bots took on a combat pose, the one with a sword holding the handle with both hands while the blade pointed upwards centred with the bot's face, While the one with the great hammer took on a more barbaric pose as it gripped the large hammers handle with both hands turning its side to Arthur as the head of the hammer rested against the ground.


Summer began to rapidly press down on the 'Cancel' button, still nothing happened.


Panicking she hit her scroll against the barrier between her and the combat area, hoping that maybe percussive maintenance would be the answer to their current predicament.

{Safety measures disengaged}

"Shit…" both Summer and Arthur said

{Begin combat}

Just as the voice announced both bots charged towards Arthur, the sword wielding bot slashed downwards, Arthur narrowly dodged the attack as he quickly fell backwards. The bot finsing it's attack hadn't hit it's mark quickly analysed the situation and found the best course of action was to shoulder bash Arthur, knocking him backwards as the second bot appeared behind Arthur, it's hammer raised above its shoulder, waiting until Arthur got close enough for it to swing it's giant hammer like a baseball bat.

"I felt a disturbance…" Summer muttered turning towards the direction of Beacon.

"Gah!" Arthur screamed as the giant hammer met his body, launching him through an open window on the gyms wall.

"I-Is he going to be okay?" Velvet nervously asked Coco.

"Let's hope so, I need my model, and he's perfect for the job. Don't want any bruising on that pretty face." Coco responded, staring concerned at the window Arthur was ungraciously flung through.

"At least you care…" Velvet responded also staring out the window, equally as concerned.

{Ring Out. Ending Simulation} The voice announced as both bots quickly returned to their positions against the wall, next to the rest of the other combat bots.

"Should we go find him?" Velvet softly asked her partner.

"Nah, he'll find his way back, otherwise Summer will toss him back in that chamber thingy." She responded, watching as Summer held up her scroll, keeping her eyes on the time as she also watched the entrance to the gym.

"I'm here!" Arthur shouted, sprinting into the gym.

Summer smiled at him "Hey, your faster than last time at least, still a little slow, but not slow enough to get chambered." She complimented.

"Now get back in the ring so we can go again" Drill sergeant Summer ordered.

"What about the bots?" Arthur asked walking to the centre of the field.

"No problem, we have two volunteers right here, I'll talk with pit about that." She said turning to Velvet and Coco "Who first?" she asked.

Coco and Velvet shared a glance, Coco smiled, Velvet couldn't refuse, as she was quickly pushed into the ring.

"Okay! Velvet's first. Now hurry up and get a weapon before I throw YOU into the chamber." The drill sergeant ordered.

"Y-yes ma'am!" Velvet fearfully answered running over to the weapon rack and picking up a double edged shorts word and a circular shield before running to the edge of the ring as she held the shield in front of herself and the sword outstretched behind her read to slash.

"Can I also get something?" Arthur questioned, having not been given a chance to pick anything up before he was ungraciously punted out of the gym.

"Yes" Summer agreed after a moment of contemplation.

Letting out sigh of relief Arthur began his short trek to the weapon rack

{Duel Initiated. Begin in… Three} The voice rang out from the speakers.

Quickly turning around Arthur's gaze fell on Summer who had an evil grin on "Better hurry you have…"


Not even giving Summer the time to finish her sentence Arthur sprinted for the weapons rack.

"Oh, and Velvet, do attack him if he hasn't got anything. Otherwise, chamber for you" Summer said getting a quick nod from Velvet in return as she steadied her stance.


Arthur arrived next to the rack, throwing his hand out and grabbing the first thing he could.

{Begin Combat}

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