Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 529: Sun King Vortex

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"Are you still sending troops?"

Rabbit Ear Mother Moon King Rabbit sat on the hall of the gods, looking at the battle report just passed back in his hand, the expression on his face was uncertain.

The Lord of Sun King Glory was suppressed and taken away by a mysterious powerhouse. In order to reduce the impact of Sun King's disappearance on Donghuang, first, a new Sun King must be elected, and the other is to continue to deploy troops to deal with Nanman.

"Heh", the Moon King Rabbit sneered, this report is saying that it is good for the East Wasteland, but in fact, one or two are selfish, and the golden-winged eagle looks like a twenty-five boy with a long head. Anti-bone, not a good thing, the Japanese king just disappeared and can't wait to be the Japanese king, is it also worthy?

I really thought that what terrified other powerhouses in Donghuang was the name of the Sun King and the Moon King, not at all, but the strength of the peak-level gods represented by the Sun King and the Moon King!

But soon, the Moon King had to ponder. The golden-winged eagle and the sun bird are very similar. If the golden-winged eagle is really the sun king and takes over the many gods left by the sun king, then its strength Maybe it will indeed be able to advance by leaps and bounds and enter the ranks of the pinnacle-level gods.

As for the deployment of troops, the Moon King Rabbit shook his head. It is impossible to transfer troops to him. Although the journey of the Northern Emperor is slow, as time goes by, his people are getting closer to the covenant of the gods, and the more Approaching, the Moon King Rabbit and the many gods of the Eastern Wilderness who were left behind by the Covenant of the Gods felt a terrifying pressure.

The emperor came with the general trend and was invincible!

"You all have a look, this is a message from the Southeast battlefield."

The Moon King Rabbit didn't hide it either, and passed on the message directly. In the past, Sun and Moon Tonghui could stably hold down many gods. The Sun King disappeared, and the Moon King alone did not have such great ability to directly suppress many powerful gods.

"To elect a new Sun King? Hey, this is good, this is good, do you think I look like the new Sun King!"

"Put your mother's stinky shit, don't pee and see how you look, even if you are so cowardly, you still want to be the king of the day. According to me, the golden-winged eagle, the righteous brother of the old king of Japan, is the king of the day. The most suitable candidate."

"Golden-winged eagle? What kind of stinky fish and rotten shrimp is that? Look at it, it has received so much care from the old Japanese king. Now, the old Japanese king has just been suppressed and captured by a mysterious powerhouse, and it does not want to save the old Japanese king. , but proposed to be the upper Japanese king, hehe."

"Deploying troops, why haven't they come back? It's enough to kill five Nanman kings, and they still want to fight?"

"Let me first say that it is okay to fight, but my gods will not be sent out. If they are to be sent, they will be sent to those gods who want to continue to attack the gods of Nanman."


For a time, the entire temple of the gods was like a vegetable market, and every **** was trying his best to express himself and brush his presence. In the past, it was unnecessary, but now it is necessary because the king of the sun has disappeared.

The King of the Sun is not dead yet, but he was suppressed and taken away by the mysterious powerhouse, and he can already acquiesce to death... The main reason is that the "legacy" left by the King of Sun is so fragrant, so fragrant that it makes all the gods difficult to lose. With the basic thinking ability, they are all thinking that they can become the Sun King, even if they can't take over all the gods of the Sun King, just a small part, plus their original gods, they may not be able to go further!

Perhaps, we can become a new generation of Japanese kings!

The Moon King Rabbit rubbed the rabbit's brain in distress. The situation of the covenant of the gods became more and more shattered and messy, and she had to make her own choice as soon as possible.


The front-line gods on the southeast front who issued a request to transfer troops, under the leadership of the golden-winged eagle, are preparing to go to the southern barbarian region, wanting to embezzle the entire southern barbarian like the emperor of the northern land.

They have gone crazy, but in fact, they are not crazy, because in their imagination, there is still the possibility of engulfing the entire Nanman That is to fight for war.

The curse of faith is a crisis, forcing them to fight with the strong men of the southern barbarians is a huge danger. A little carelessness will lead to death, but at the same time, this is also a huge opportunity. As long as they operate well, they can Fight to support the war, constantly improve, and finally completely wipe out the southern barbarians.

In this way, not only will their strength be greatly improved due to the curse of faith, but their curse of faith will also disappear due to the extinction of the southern barbarians, killing two birds with one stone, no, killing three birds with one stone. At that time, their strength will If it is improved, their status in the Covenant of the Gods will also improve, and they will gain more gods and people, and the speed of improving their strength in the future will gain a rocket-like acceleration!

What kind of faith curse is this, it is simply a blessing of faith!

Just when the Golden Winged Eagle was in high spirits and ready to lead the brothers to a big fight, the news from the Covenant of the Gods gave them a blow to the head.


"Rats are short-sighted, foolish, and arrogant!"

"What to do, what to do, the Covenant of the Gods did not agree to transfer troops."

"It's not that I disagree. The gods under our command can still be transferred, but..."

For a time, many gods in the Eastern Wilderness fell into silence. The gods who stayed in the covenant of the gods were their last cards, not a trump card, but a hope for a comeback. Even if they failed, they could still keep the gods. The head of the name, quietly stay in the covenant of the gods, cultivate and rejuvenate.

If all the gods and people are called out, then they will have no way out, and one way will go to darkness.

"Hehe, what are you still hesitating about, call them all out, this time, if we win, then the covenant of the gods will be lost.

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