Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 530: Fairies fight, mortals suffer

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Lin Xuan came. He actually arrived very early. He just wanted to see what the many gods of the Eastern Wilderness who were enchanted by the power of faith would do.

Judging from the current situation, the curse of faith will not actively change the consciousness of living beings, but it will magnify the desire of the subject. With a two-pronged approach, it is no wonder that these Eastern Wilderness gods are going to attack Nanman like crazy.

In Lin Xuan's view, these so-called gods are just a group of wild beasts who "cultivate life but not nature". They only have a strong body, but they do not have a corresponding state of mind. In the end, they will only be "the yin spirits of all calamities are difficult to become holy". To break through the threshold of the heavenly rank with the way of the new gods will only be a fool's dream.

"who is it?"

Lin Xuan no longer hides, the powerful aura swept the four fields, and the terrifying power swept across all directions. Not only the spirit of the Eastern Desolation below responded to Lin Xuan's arrival, but also those shadows hiding around staring at the deities of the Eastern Desolation. Found Lin Xuan.

The astonishing aura that belongs to the Nanman alone is piercing the sky and the earth. The gods of the Eastern Wilderness came out of the meeting place and saw Lin Xuan above the independent void. Well, at this time, Lin Xuan has already been transformed into the supernatural power of fetal transformation. An invincible powerhouse of Nanman, there is no such powerhouse in Nanman, but it is quite easy to simulate the momentum of Nanman.

"Southern barbarian powerhouse?"

The golden-winged eagle looked up at Lin Xuan with an ugly face. This is an invincible powerhouse of the ground level that is more powerful than the Southern Man Emperor. The Southern Man Emperor still has the ability to play support on the side, so now, face Against the Southern barbarian powerhouse that Lin Xuan transformed into, it could not have any thoughts of resistance at all.

Sincere, sincere!

Lin Xuan took the road of the emperor granted by the emperor of divine power, which was the most orthodox and invincible, while the road taken by Nanman and the road taken by Lin Xuan were similar in effect, but they were not enshrined gods, but envoys and gods. The gods of the messengers will eventually become one with them, um, don't get me wrong, it's the kind of braised, tearful eating three bowls.

That is to say, whether it is the Human Sovereign Dao or the Southern Barbarian Dao, there is a certain degree of restraint towards the gods.

And now it's the same, Lin Xuan just simulated such a powerful momentum, and forced the Golden Winged Eagle to give birth to the psychology of sincerity.

At this moment, between the electric light and flint, the wind and sand blowing between the sky and the earth, for a while, the flying sand and the stone, making the whole sky misty.

Even Lin Xuan couldn't do anything about this flying sand and stone at this time and half, so he could only use stupid methods to call the wind and call the rain, and fly the clouds and ride the fog.

For a time, the three terrifying supernatural powers that can change the environment descended in the same area, and the visibility around them was extremely low, and it was impossible to see what was there at all.

And just after the supernatural power of flying sand and stone was shot, Lin Xuan knew which powerhouse shot.

Central China, Fengshen Qinghu!

Looking at the grand occasion of flying sand and walking stones, I am afraid that it is not the purple thunder unicorn who also came. One wind and one thunder complement each other, the two sides achieve each other, and finally compete against Lin Xuan's two supernatural powers with the power of one magic.


The barbarian that Lin Xuan transformed into roared excitedly, his body became several times bigger in an instant, and then he raised his fists and started smashing wildly.

With the supernatural powers of the heavens, the earth, and the divine dragon, no enemy dared to face Lin Xuan at this time!

The terrifying fists exploded wildly in the air, causing the surrounding Eastern Desolate Gods, the Fengshen Qinghu and the Zilei Qilin to shrink their necks. Such a violent offensive is scary to hear. , I'm afraid they will be hit and exploded.

As expected of a barbarian of the southern barbarians, he is brutal and irritable.


The sky and the earth were gloomy, the thunder was rolling, the wind was blowing, the rain was pouring like a note, and there were a lot of sand and gravel mixed in the wind that swept the heaven and the Lin Xuan and the ancient gods of the central part were the casters. Well, the main reason is that the gods of the Eastern Wilderness have fallen badly. Their strength is generally weak (not invincible to the ground level), and they do not have powerful magical powers. The only thing that is passable is their strong physique. The strong men, their physique is not enough to see.

Therefore, most of the gods of the Eastern Wilderness are now bleeding.

"Nanman powerhouse, why don't I sit down and have a good discussion!"

Time passed by, and the first ones who couldn't hold on were Fengshen Qinghu and Zilei Qilin. It was Lin Xuan who cheated and called Xiaoqiu to replace him in the middle. With Xiaoqiu's identity and strength as a real dragon, he used the supernatural power to summon wind and rain. He Tengyun Riding Mist is more mellow and comfortable than Lin Xuan.

Therefore, Fengshen Qinghu and Zilei Qilin couldn't hold on anymore, and the two of them didn't come here to fight to death with the strong Nanman, but to observe many gods in the Eastern Wilderness, and even wanted to arrest one or two back. Do some research in Central China.

"Oh, if you want to talk, you can, as long as you can beat me!"

Very good, this speech is very in line with the character of Nanman Manzi, that is, he has no brainstem.

Fengshen Qinghu and Zilei Qilin were a little speechless. They looked at each other and couldn't help showing a wry smile. They thought they were strong enough, at least outside the central Shenzhou. A strong Southern barbarian, a bit stronger than the two ancient gods.

If they knew this was the case, they would not have taken action at the beginning, they would just kidnap one or two Eastern Wilderness gods and escape directly.

There was a smile on Lin Xuan's face. They shouldn't speak. As soon as they speak, they will reveal their position. Don't they know that there is a technique in this world called "listening to voice recognition".

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