Altora: The Chronicles Of The Ren-Ky Warriors

Chapter 167 - Denra 25th - Wolf

Kratos watched Vivian as she walked towards the throne room. As they approached, Vivian looked over to see Fang walking by with Kora as they began discussing the route into the Spade Dominion. Kratos sighed as he turned the corner.

Vivian glanced back at him as she stopped. "You wish to in the conversation with Fang and Kora, don't you?"

Kratos looked back as Fang looked worried, "Yes, Fang has been on edge every day since last week. I know you are almost done making the Gateway stone. Yet seeing Fang worried makes me uneasy."

Vivian sighed as she leaned against the wall, "That is because it is his birthday today. Fang never did like celebrating it with outsiders of his family. I remember Kora telling me once that some stranger and someone he knew entered his party, and they destroyed it. Since then, Fang does not tell anyone about his birthday. Even now, after all, he has been through, Fang will only celebrate with those related directly to him, hence why he is on edge. So, don't tell Zero, or anyone else. Just know Fang wants to spend time with family on this day."

Kratos furled his face, "I get it, but are we not family through Lovell and Hunter?"

Vivian shook her head, "No, to him you are just a stepbrother, not direct family, if Hunter were here, he would celebrate with him and Kora but not you. As they are directly related to him."

Kratos sighed as he walked past Vivian, "I get it, now let us get going. I want you to finish before the festival. As all around the continent of Serl, this festival takes place. It is a special day that, in a way, I can celebrate with Fang."

Vivian smiled as she walked behind him, "Oh, you won't find Fang as he will go into hiding."

Fang turned Kora as he rubbed his arm, "Grandmother, do you think that Kratos and Zero will want to celebrate the festival with me?"

Mama K looked back at Fang, "I think they would, but I know you. We will wait here as the castle will be empty before doing our celebrations. I think you need your time alone from everyone. As you always ack like this when people know about your birthday."

Fang pulled in closer as he closed himself off, "I know, and it is thanks to those men years ago when I was twenty. If they never ruined that day, I would like to have had the other join in the celebration. But at the same time, it reminds me of all the times my parent abandoned me for no real reason other than to not have to do all the planning."

Mama K rubbed Fangs back as she moved closer to him, "I know, the first hundred years of your life are the most important to Theyan's development. Besides, you have me. Let us get the day ready while we wait for the others to leave then. I know that Vivian will keep them occupied." Fang nodded as he walked with Kora down the halls.

Zero walked over to see Kratos as he sighed as Vivian smiled as she walked out of her workshop. "Vivian, Kratos! You ready?" Zero called out as they turned to him.

Vivian smiled as she walked over, "Yes, and I will give you and Fang a fake each. I was able to make two. Now let us head to town and leave Fang and Kora alone for the evening." Vivian's cheery expression faded, "As to allow Fang to have his day with his family."

Zero nodded as they headed into town with the rest of the guards, servants and the king and his advisers. Fang watched from a distance as they left the castle grounds. Leaving Him and Kora behind. Kora walked up to him and touched his shoulder. Fang closed his eyes as he regretted to add Zero and Kratos to his celebration. Yet he knew it was for the best as he would break down.

Kora brought him to the gardens as they had enjoyed the night. Fang cheered up as he felt at ease as the night dragged on. Before fireworks shot off from town. Giving way to the festival ending performance.

Fang smiled as he looked up at the sky, "I can almost feel as if the end of this war is getting closer and closer every day. I know now that Wolf is both an Ally and someone I should watch out for as even I don't know who he is or what his true motives are. If I were to keep Wolf close, I would be able to tell if Lovell is genuinely alive or if it's nothing more than a suspicion that we have. If Vivian and I are wrong, we are wrong. Yet if we are right, then this could change everything we know about the world, and how the dead can come back, we might be able to stop Demora and the other council members."

Kora nodded in agreement. "I wish that things were different as well, but if a Bell is alive, how would he be alive? His spirit diminished into nothing; it never existed from what you have told me the chloric the goddess of time herself. Knew was the only thing stopping Lovell's revival. Whoever Wolf is We need to be careful he may be an ally, but that does not mean He is always on our side. He might do things to protect lady Lunatica or go beyond that and even kill her himself. If that were the case, I would never trust him. Play your cards right once you reach the Spade Dominion. Be careful as the demons there will gamble your life away that country is nothing more Gamblers and thieves as well as smugglers, cheaters, and liars. I personally have never been to this country, but I hope that things go better for you than I would ever have gone too. Just be careful, Fang. as nothing could be further from the truth in that country." Kora warned Fang as he looked over at her.

Fang nodded as he closed his eyes, passing out at the fireworks lit the night sky. While Kora sat worrying about her grandson's journey into unknown territory for her and those going with him.

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