Arcane Lord

Chapter 1106 Code Lecture Class, Leiden’s Hesitation

"Sir, I just visited the ruins yesterday. Although it looks much calmer than before, there are still random chaotic elemental magics. It is still very dangerous for ordinary people to work in such an environment."

Regarding Leiden's concerns, Shado acknowledged it, but said with certainty: "You don't have to worry about this. I will deal with it personally later, and it will be resolved by the end of this month at the latest."

In fact, after returning from [The Birth of the Projection Plane Cormanthor], he had already started to deal with the issue of the ruins. In addition to doing it himself, Aiboike also participated in the magic network repair project at his request.

For the past half month, although Xia Duo was away from the southern border, he had always paid attention to the progress of Aibok's restoration and communicated from time to time.

It is true that there are random magics appearing in the ruins that Leiden said. He does not deny this, but it is also true that he said that it can be solved before the end of the month. Sha Duo did not explain much about this.

Just treat it like this, and then continue: "You can leave the matters in the square to Cade, but there is one thing that you need to keep an eye on personally. I don't trust others."

"Sir, please give instructions!"

"It's about the territorial code. I won't make any requirements for other laws for the time being, but for the laws and regulations related to land granting, I need all territorial residents to memorize and understand them by the end of this month."

"Yes, sir, we will definitely complete the mission!"

"Oh? So confident?" Xia Duo was curious.

You must know that the legal provisions related to land granting are not as simple as a few sentences, but dozens of legal provisions involving private property, property rights, land, inheritance, transactions, taxation and other aspects.

And the most important thing is that Xia Duo requires all the people in the territory, not a few certain people, which is even more difficult. The reason why he said this is just to let Leiden pay more attention.

But unexpectedly, Leiden agreed immediately and seemed confident.

"Sir, you finalized the final version of the code before you left, so during the half month you were away, I held a code lecture class at the Territory Night School. Land is the part that everyone is most concerned about, and it is also the part that is talked about the most. , let’s focus more clearly from tomorrow, and it will definitely be completed before the end of the month!”

Speaking of this, Layton, who had always had a serious and meticulous expression, couldn't help but feel a little elated. He suppressed the glory and excitement in his heart and said:

"There has never been a territory in Netheril that has such a complete code of law as that of Bactria, and there has never been a territory where the lords were willing to teach the people about the code in such detail. Everyone is very enthusiastic! The current code teaching class has been It has become the most popular course in night school, surpassing literacy class!”

Leiden showed his true feelings, and Shaduo was also touched. Of course, Leiden may have been excited because of the implementation of order, but Shaduo was touched in another way.

There is a saying in his hometown that "the punishment cannot be known, and the power cannot be measured", which is pretty much what he is thinking at the moment.

Lord Nese may not have thought of using this method to enhance his authority (with magic), but in fact it resulted in such a result.

But what about the citizens’ own thoughts?

Xia Duo believes that based on this alone, if the current people of Daxia Territory are allowed to make a choice again, they will have a high probability of choosing to stay in Daxia Territory instead of going to other territories with unpredictable power.

Of course, this is also based on Xia Duo's past credibility. If the law is not followed, law enforcement is not strict, and violations are not punished, then even if we have a perfect code, it will be difficult to truly win the hearts of the people, implement order, and develop civilization.

The rule of power and violence can certainly be considered a kind of order, but it is a deformed order full of inherent antagonism and consumption. From the moment it was born, the seeds of chaos and destruction were sown.

This has nothing to do with morality, but is closely related to development potential. Since the hidden dangers can be seen, Xia Duo will generally not choose this order unless there are special circumstances.

Leighton said that the legal lectures are very popular. In fact, the residents have already made a choice between "unpredictable power" and "well-documented and law-based".

No one likes oppression by power. Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance (active rebellion or passiveness). This is one of the reasons why Shado insists on giving slaves opportunities for promotion.

In addition to slaves, other people in the territory, including spellcasters, can also gain access to ascend within the framework of the order he designed.

Regarding the performance of Leiden's leaders, Xia Duo was happy and looking forward to it. At the same time, he was a little more sure about the field granting ceremony next month.

"As long as you have confidence, it's getting dark outside now. If there's nothing else to say, that's it for today. Let's go down and have dinner!"

With that said, Sha Duo stood up and left the chair behind the desk, and opened the only window in the study. Unlike the projection window in Tanya's study, the scenery outside this window was extremely real.

However, there is nothing good about the scenery in the pioneer territory. Looking around, you can see a dense mass of them, all of which are identical wooden houses. Farther away, there are flat farmland and primitive fields with a large number of roots and stones that have not been removed. land.

Further away is the forest, but at this time of year, the forest is not very attractive. There are evergreens and deciduous trees mixed together, green and gray, especially mottled.

He didn't hear the footsteps of Layton leaving behind him, and the scenery outside the window was not pleasant. Sha Duo simply closed the window again, walked up to Layton, and asked with a smile:

"Is there anything else that would make it so difficult for you, Layton, to even speak?"

"grown ups--"

There was a look of hesitation on Leiden's face. Perhaps it was because he rarely used this expression. This hesitation also seemed a little distorted, but he finally told the whole story under Sha Duo's gaze:

“Those children from the territory who entered the Tower of Time to learn magic last year have not contacted their families for a long time, and their families are very worried about them, especially those from the territory who were not brought from Saville.

"In addition, there was not much work to do throughout the winter. In this case, the feelings of missing or worrying were amplified. In fact, the source of many recent security incidents can be traced back to this incident."

"I see!"

Shado knew why Leiden was so hesitant. The matter of the Tower of Time apprentices was not within his scope of authority. Even if there were half of the apprentices' families present, since the matter itself did not violate any rules, Leiden did not So easy to intervene.

If we really want to say who is responsible, it can only be said that the psychological endurance of the parents of the apprentices is too poor. They can't stand being without contact for such a short period of time. This even triggered a security incident. It really shouldn't be!

But Xia Duo knew that he was also responsible for this matter. He had indeed overlooked the fact that most of the new people in the Great Xia Territory were not from the Saville Territory.

How much trust can be built up in a short period of time from one place to another?

If you are close, you may not have any worries, and you may even feel at ease; but if you are far away, and there is no contact for a long time, then worry is inevitable.

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