Arcane Lord

Chapter 1107 Compatibility Issues, Pre-dinner Conversation

Thinking of this, Sha Duo immediately told Leiden: "I will release a new round of family visit missions in the Tower of Time later, and they will be opened regularly in the future. In addition, on the day of the field granting ceremony, all apprentices will have a day off, so this matter will be done That’s all.”

Then he said:

"Next time you encounter something like this that is related to the territory and you can't decide on your own, whether it is within your scope of authority or not, you must report it to me in time! Don't do it like today again. If I don't ask, you are Aren’t you ready to say it?”

Leiden was silent for a moment, and then said firmly and hesitantly: "I understand."

His voice was a little hoarse, as if it was squeezed out of his throat, which seemed to hint at his inner struggle. After hearing this, Xia Duo said nothing more, just gave him an encouraging look, and then let him out.

After Leiden left, Sha Duo couldn't help but let out a sigh as he listened to his heavy footsteps as he went downstairs. Leiden performed quite well in all aspects of territory management, but he still lacked in adapting to changes.

The long-term influence of the Lord of Glory's teachings has made his thinking somewhat mechanical. It will not take a day or two to change it!

Fortunately, the teachings of the Lord of Glory fit naturally with the Lord's rule, which made Shado's words almost regarded as natural laws by Leiden.

But now, it is the correction and adjustment of one natural law to another, similar to the conflict and reshaping of three views. Xia Duo understands this very well. He only hopes that things can develop in a good direction.

Otherwise, it will not only be a problem that the territory needs a capable consul, but also a problem of future magical civilization being compatible with the teachings and followers of the Lord of Glory.

Compared with the former, the impact of the latter is more serious!

After sending a message to Cook to prepare two meals, Shado sent a message to invite Niya to have dinner, and then he went downstairs to the restaurant on the first floor of the villa.

While waiting for Niya to arrive, he continued to sort out the new knowledge and new technologies related to the plane field obtained from the previous trip to Severton.

What he is currently dealing with is mainly the part from [Scroll of Resistance].

Because it does not belong to the Nese magic system, and he does not want to continue to delve deeper into those old magic systems that have been annihilated in the past and only have scales and claws remaining.

Therefore, before conducting a preliminary feasibility demonstration, it needs to be converted into the expression of the Nese magic system.

Of course, during the conversion process, some simple identification and judgment can be made.

After the preliminary feasibility demonstration, it is time to verify the design of the experiment and the experimental verification. As for the subsequent application transformation, it can be regarded as another matter entirely.

Niya came very quickly. In fact, not long after Chateau sat down, Niya walked in from outside. At this time, Cook's dinner was not ready yet.

However, the couple didn't care about this, but chatted and waited.

"How is the situation here in Daxia?"

"It's pretty normal. Occasionally there will be some troubles, but Leiden can handle them quickly."

"When I came here, I saw many people taking classes, including literacy classes and magic enlightenment courses. Are you planning to teach them all the apprenticeship courses in the Tower of Time in the future?"

Niya didn't mean to blame her, just a little confused. Sha Duo also saw this, so he smiled and said, "I want to, but I'm afraid they don't have the intention to learn magic anymore."

In fact, there are still the burden of life and the resource limitations of the Tower of Time. At this stage, it is impossible to spread magic to every citizen.

Xia Duo's hope for these people is to gain more knowledge and provide a better birth and growth environment for the next generation.

At this stage, the training value of adults is far less than that of minors. Of course, if the conditions are right, Xia Duo would not mind training them on the path of magic.

Niya did not go into depth on this topic, but talked about her research progress on the background fluctuation of the magic network. Xia Duo found that he could no longer keep up with Niya's pace in this regard.

So I could only chime in with a few words, sighing that there are specialties in the art industry, and changing the topic:

"The financial situation of the Tower of Time has improved now, and I think Savile Territory can also restart its plan to expand southward."

In fact, Xia Duo had been planning to have a good talk with Niya for a long time, but it was only because he was delayed in Severton for so long that it was postponed until now.

The lord of Savile Territory is Niya after all. No matter how much authority Shado has in Savile Territory, its roots still come from Niya, so it is impossible for him to issue any orders beyond Niya.

"What are your plans?" Nia asked.

"Let's connect the two places for the time being. The Tower of Time is inconvenient to move now, but if it doesn't appear in the eyes of the Savile people for a long time, it will make them feel uneasy."

"I think it's okay. Uncle Thain also asked me a few days ago if the Tower of Time can be moved back to Savile Town."

"How did you answer?"

"How else can I answer? Even if ordinary people are protected by spiritual talismans, there are too many ways to get around it. The news of my great-grandfather's return is not suitable to be made public for the time being. I will say that the Tower of Time has not been repaired yet, and we will move it as soon as it is repaired."

When she said this, Niya's face was obviously apologetic, and Sha Duo didn't go into depth on this topic when she saw it.

In fact, it is no longer that important to him now that the Tower of Time is stationed in Daxia Territory.

"By the way, has Mingshui Chamber of Commerce sent someone to the southern border?" Xia Duo asked

"Not yet, but on the day I came back from Severton, Steward Sethos went to Uncle Thain to discuss the introduction of new coins."

"That's it!"

Xia Duo couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. The Mingshui Chamber of Commerce was very interested in promoting new coins, but its response to the Tower of Time's increase in the amount of magic materials purchased was very inefficient.

It seems that we still need to urge him.

While they were chatting, Cook brought his two apprentices to the restaurant. As soon as Sha Duo saw Cook, he immediately understood that he was going to taste new dishes tonight.

He had told Cook before that there was no need to deliver the food in person, and Cook did so, but every time a new dish was released, Cook would still deliver it in person and explain it to Chateau.

Unfortunately, not every new dish was in line with Xia Duo's taste, and he almost vomited a few times.

If the regular dishes had not remained stable, he would have doubted whether Cook's craftsmanship had regressed. Of course, he also knew that if he wanted to eat more delicious food, he always had to try more.

After trying it more times, Cook will eventually grasp its taste characteristics. I just hope that day comes soon!

After all, it has only been a year or two since Cook came into contact with the cooking techniques and concepts of Chateau's hometown, and it is already quite good to be able to do what he is now.

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