Arcane Lord

Chapter 2776: Change your mind and ask the wizard for advice

The same is true in the magical world. It is unrealistic to sail through the ethereal plane through a demiplane. As for plane teleportation, there must be at least one plane to teleport to, otherwise you have to gamble on luck.

It is definitely a miracle that someone like Savile, who has been exiled for hundreds of years, can return safely. Generally speaking, being exiled to another world is equivalent to death.

Xia Duo's final conservative plan is to give the floating city certain plane characteristics to resist the ubiquitous "nothingness" in the etheric layer.

As for moving between the etheric layers, I don't have any good ideas for the moment. I can only move slowly using a method similar to plane pulling, and run away first.

It can be said that whether it is positive or negative, he has prepared multiple plans, but if he needs to give up the main plane, it will only be limited to his own territory and people.

Outside of the territory, he doesn't think he has the ability to take everyone with him, at least not yet.

In the laboratory, spiritual light bloomed.

Xia Duo, who should have been happy for the research breakthrough, frowned. He had indeed figured out a preliminary order spell system, but it was all based on the two current mainstream magic systems.

In other words, what he is doing now is more about the transplantation of spells from different platforms, that is, the spells from the Nese magic system and the elf magic system to the new platform of order spells.

The essence of the spell has not changed, only the form of it has changed.

If there is a problem that cannot be solved with Nase magic and elf magic, then there is a high probability that it cannot be solved with the set of order spells he has created now.

Therefore, we must touch upon the essence of order magic, which is the essence of the power of order.

For now, Xia Duo divides the research on the power of order into four stages. In the first stage, the user needs to complete the spellcasting process of specific magic network elements to match the specific spells produced by the order cycle interference magic network.

This is also a step he has now completed.

The second stage is to increase the types and levels of spells, not just some simple tricks. This is also the goal that Sha Duo needs to focus on next.

This requires him to discover more interactive interfaces between the power of order and the magic network until the complete state of the power of order's interference with the magic network is achieved. In layman's terms, it means that through the power of order's interference with the magic network, any level and any type of spell can be produced. .

The third stage is to make the magic net spellcasting elements that match the order elements more personalized. The final effect should be like the identity jade card, where the user can activate the spell with a single thought.

The fourth stage is the real spell of order. The power of order at this stage can directly generate various spells without the intermediate step of interfering with the magic network. It can still have a certain impact on the magic network, but if Removing the magic net does not affect its existence.

These four stages mean that the research and application of the power of order will continue to deepen, but this does not mean that the four stages must be carried out in sequence. In fact, except for the first stage, the research on the next three stages can be carried out simultaneously. .

Xia Duo fully thought that after completing the first phase, the next three phases could really be researched at the same time, but the fact was very disappointing, and there was almost no progress in the fourth phase.

In fact, the first three stages are just spell transplantation, and the fourth stage is the real order spell. The research progress in this stage is extremely slow, how can it not make him feel anxious!

If the first three stages can be traced, then this fourth stage was born almost out of thin air. Now there are only two choices before Sha Duo -

One is to further analyze the only sample of the Eastern World identity card, and this step largely requires the destruction of the jade card, which makes him a little undecided.

The other, of course, is to think of other ways, or to wait for inspiration to come from heaven. This is also very unrealistic. Even the legendary story of dreaming about the benzene ring structure on earth is supported by a profound research foundation.

And Xia Duo now knows too little about the power of order. The only sample is an identity card that is very common in the Eastern world. God knows how long the Eastern world has been working in the field of order magic.

How much time and energy would it take for a person outside the system to crack or copy the results of countless years?

"too difficult!"

It can be said that this is the most difficult problem Xia Duo has encountered since his debut, even more difficult than when he fought with the orcs when he was an apprentice. At least the latter has the hope of winning as long as the strategy is correct.

As for the former, the front of Order Spell is completely confused.

"Perhaps we should change our thinking!"

After all, Xia Duo still failed to make the decision to conduct a destructive experiment on the identity tag. The only sample was really not a joke. If he messed up, even if he had new ideas in the future, he might not have a chance to do some verification experiments.

After sitting in the laboratory for two days, Xia Duo was still unable to think of any new ideas. At this time, he received a message from Tarafu, saying that he would go to Daxia the next day.

At this time, Xia Duo was not in the mood to ask how the conversation with Ye Erlan went, so he simply expressed his welcome, and then simply left the laboratory.

He was going to adjust his mood so as not to bring his emotions into tomorrow's meeting with Tarafu. He also wanted to find some inspiration from the outside. After all, the laboratory was only so big, and there would be no other variables if he looked at it again and again.

Xia Duo first went to the [Azure Crystal Plane], where the clear water was shimmering with light. In this environment, the anxiety in people's hearts was suddenly swept away.

And in the depths of the water, a huge blue monster was quietly suspended there. It was the second floating city built by Xia Duo. The floating city he was using now was planned to be used to make deals with the Seven Towers. of.

As a result, the situation changed too quickly, the transactions changed, and the Tower of Time itself was busy with affairs, so the construction of the second floating city was temporarily stalled.

He planned to wait for the quasi-high-level mages of the fourth phase of the inheritance ceremony to come out before continuing the construction, which was actually some internal infrastructure. Later, during the construction process, the people from the Tower of Time would be gradually moved to the new floating city.

The old one will not be dismantled. It is still a powerful war spell platform. The deterrent effect of one or two is not a concept at all. This means that Xia Duo does not have to worry about being robbed and can be more proactive.

But this time, Xia Duo did not go to the new floating city to hang out. Instead, he quickly returned to the main plane after relaxing.

Codex Square.

As soon as Xia Duo walked out of the portal, he met an old man and four children. From the look of them, they seemed to be preparing to visit the floating city.

Seeing this scene, Xia Duo subconsciously slowed down. It wasn't that there was anything wrong with the four children themselves, but that he saw a string of worn-down wolf tooth pendants hanging around the neck of one of the children.

This gave him an inexplicable idea - maybe he could ask the wizard for advice on how to explore and control primitive power, which might help him study the power of order!

Anyway, he went out to relax, and even if it proved unhelpful in the end, it at least enhanced the relationship between him and the people in his territory.

But what if it helps?

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