Arcane Lord

Chapter 2777 Original Power Goodbye Wizard

Thinking of this, Xia Duo even breathed a little faster. He quickly summoned Leiden and asked him about the residence of the wizards from the Kabu Tribe and Gray Eagle Tribe who had previously joined the territory.

While waiting for Leiden's reply, Shado also re-examined this idea. He felt that asking the wizard for advice should be helpful.

Arcane magic originally originated from primitive witchcraft, such as elven magic. It may not have an exact source now. After all, it was brought by the ancient elves from their original homeland.

But Xia Duo once transformed into a tree elder in the projection plane, and experienced first-hand the affinity with the magic network that even elves could hardly achieve. He speculated that the original elven magic may have been imitated by elves in the process of serving the tree people.

Similarly, Nese magic is also a type of arcane magic. Although it seems that the birth of Nese magic is derived from Nese scrolls, Nese scrolls are also based on many ancient spellcasting systems.

Many of the spellcasting systems are obviously rough, rough and even primitive. It can be seen that Nese magic is not created out of thin air, but has the foundation of many primitive witchcrafts.

What about order spells?

Xia Duo can almost conclude that the order spell with the power of order as its key feature cannot be born out of thin air, and there must be some kind of prototype.

And this prototype should have the most critical feature of a mature order spell, which is to use the power of order to directly interfere with reality instead of relying on the magic network.

Chateau speculated that when the order is stabilized to a certain extent, a special critical state will occur that can interfere with reality. Then, due to some accident or coincidence, individuals in the order will discover this critical state and take advantage of it.

So the most primitive power of order spell was born.

This kind of accident or coincidence probably happened many times before it was summarized and passed down by wise men. After countless years of development, it finally formed the all-encompassing heavenly legal system like that in the Eastern world.

Mature order spells certainly have all the characteristics of normal order spells, but they also artificially add many details such as modification, disguise, and assistance due to the needs of development.

It is not as simple and pure as the original order spell.

This is actually very similar to the development of home appliances on earth. The initial home appliances had only one core function, but later on they had more and more functions, and the original core function became the least noticeable.

Sha Duo is actually now able to perceive and even control the power of order to a certain extent. What he lacks most now is a primitive order spell model that can directly interfere with reality.

Once discovered, you can go deeper on that basis until a complete system is formed. This step is also difficult, but compared to the process from zero to something, it is still countless times simpler.

And the wizard who Xia Duo gave hope may be able to teach him how to control primitive power more effectively. The power of order is a kind of primitive power. The primitive here does not mean how old or basic it is, but refers to the unprocessed and original ecology. .

Soon, Leiden gave an answer - there are currently four wizards in the territory, including one from the Kabu tribe and three from the Gray Eagle tribe.

Also arriving with the message was Leiden himself, riding a bicycle and rushing in front of Sha Duo, "Lord, let me take you there!"

"No, you go and do your business, I'll go there by myself."

Leiden did not insist, but still called two Langas security guards through Gibb to accompany him. Chateau did not refuse. If there were acquaintances, it would be easier to communicate.

On the way, Xia Duo asked the two security guards, "Which tribe are you originally from? You speak Nese language well, and there is no accent at all."

The accent is actually a little bit different. After all, the Nese people in Daxia are from various places. The reason why I say this is more to lighten the atmosphere.

The two security guards were obviously still a little nervous, but when they heard Sha Duo complimenting their accents, they suddenly became happy again:

"We were all members of the Kabu tribe before, and it has been four or five years since we joined the territory."

"How much do you know about wizards?"

"Sir, speaking of wizards, in fact, if I hadn't joined the territory, I might have become a wizard." One of the two security guards, Umra, answered first, "In today's terms, a wizard should be a wizard. Become a more primitive caster!"

"There are also herbalists!" Another security guard named Saihu added, "In the past, wizards often brewed some mysterious herbs that could cure diseases and increase physical fitness. They are still used even now! Even Ya Elder Twowood also comes to communicate with us wizards from time to time."

"I see!"

Since these Langas joined, Shado's biggest hope for them is to integrate into the territory as soon as possible, but there is no prohibition on the customs and habits of the Langas, except for a few extreme ones.

Things like blood trials are not allowed, and ancestor spirit sacrifices are not allowed, but it is allowed to sacrifice one's own ancestors alone. In addition, blood sacrifices are also strictly prohibited.

Wizards can still inherit and even be protected, but unfortunately, when there is more complete Nese magic and the territory intends to popularize magic, few Langas are willing to try the wizard inheritance.

In the territory, there is a floating city above and territory guards below. The wizards have lost even the responsibility of guardianship. They have no chance to cast spells and can only assume some responsibilities of herbalists.

And this overlaps with the new druids trained by Atwood--that is, agricultural mages. In the future, the wizard profession may be destined to cut off its inheritance.

But this is not a bad thing. Everything is developing, and the advanced replace the backward. This is a general law of social development.

However, the discontinuation of inheritance does not mean that the inheritance has disappeared, but no one will learn or pass it on. The content of the inheritance itself should be preserved. Regardless of its actual use value, it can at least exist as cultural heritage.

Future new technologies may not be unable to find inspiration from these ancient heritages, just as Chateau is doing now.

The primitive wizards must be primitive and backward, but Xia Duo now lacks that primitive sample.

Even if the wizard cannot directly provide him with a sample of the original order spell, the wizard's experience in controlling the original power may allow him to discover the sample himself.

As long as there is even a chance of it, it is worth his 100% effort.

After a while, Xia Duo, led by two security guards, met Angtuo, who was once the wizard of the Kabu tribe and now the village chief of Daxia collar, in Xinsan Village.

Xia Duo had met each other once at the funeral of the old wizard of Kabu tribe, but at that time Angtuo only appeared as the old wizard's apprentice. Unexpectedly, a few years later, the other party actually took over the inheritance.

"Chief Angtuo, long time no see."

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