Ascension Or Journey From World To World

Chapter 40 - "The Real Son of Whitebeard"

Grand Line. Somewhere in the sea.

On board the Marine ship.

A tall man with short purple hair stood with his back to a group of 50 Marines.

The man was looking at the sea, or rather, he was looking at the approaching pirate ship.

Recruits were built in a row. Most of them were very nervous. They already fought against pirates, but they fought against pirates from the four seas. This is their first battle against the Grand Line pirates. All these recruits were considered elite. They were trained by the Instructor Zephyr. But this did not help them in any way, they all knew that this battle could be the last for them.

Among them were only two people who remained calm.

One of these two was a man with pink hair.

This man was a rather tall and lanky man, with large lips and broad shoulders that appear disproportional to his long arms. He was dressed in a Marines uniform.

The second person was a woman with a cold expression. She had dark blue hair.

These two were the best students of Zephyr, Ain, and Binz.

The man turned to the young Marines and looked into the eyes of each of them. His gaze was filled with seriousness. Zephyr understood that most of these young Marines could die in today's battle. He did not want this, Zephyr was an instructor and teacher, of course, he did not want to see the death of his students. He did not even wish death to his most unloved student Borsalino.

He will try to protect these young Marines, even at the cost of his life.

Once again he looked around all the recruits and began to say:

"Exactly three years have passed since our first meeting. I have known some of you longer than these three years. But now it doesn't matter. You all went through the Elite Training Camp of the Marine. This sailing was supposed to be your final exam. I planned to let you battle against not the strongest pirates, so you gain experience. As you know, the Grand Line is very different from the four seas. I wanted all of you to be prepared for all this. But I never thought that we would meet strong pirates."

Zephyr turned and began to look at the sea again.

"This battle will be difficult. I don't know who exactly is on this ship. But my experience tells me that these pirates are not just from Grand Line... they are from the New World," Zephyr said.


"New World".

"I heard that people from the New World are very strong."

"This is the place where Yonkos rules."

"Can we win?"

"Of course! Zephyr Sensei is with us. Even if he stopped performing the work of the Admiral, but he is the real Admiral!"

"Yes, yes! I'm sure Zephyr Sensei will be able to defeat these pirates."

Zephyr did not look at the recruits, he could not tell them that he had long ceased to be that very legendary Admiral of the Marine, Zephyr the <Black Arm>. His health deteriorated very much, he had serious lung problems. Because of this, he could not fight as before. He could not control his Armament Haki at the same level as it was in his youth. And if he fights for too long, he will begin to suffocate. But that's not all, after the death of his family at the hands of pirates, he suffered very much. Upon learning of the death of his beloved family, he lost a part of himself and because of this, his Will weakened. All these factors led to the current state of Zephyr.

Zephyr has long ceased to fight, but for the sake of his students, he will fight until the very end. 

"Prepare the cannons, as soon as the enemy ship is within reach, immediately open fire. We will win! We will destroy these pirates! Show them your <Justice>!" raising his hand in the air, Zephyr shouted.


"Destroy these pirates!"

"We show them our <Justice>!!!"

"For the Marine!"

"For the Marine!!!"

All the recruits perked up and started screaming. They immediately began to obey the orders of Zephyr.

Only one Ain continued to stand in her place. She just looked at Zephyr's back. Ain was a smart woman, she guessed that Zephyr Sensei was much weak than before and did not want to fight anymore. That is why he became a Marine Instructor.

Perhaps the other recruits did not even notice, but Ain saw that there was fear in the eyes of Zephyr, he was afraid not to be able to protect his students. Ain felt that this battle would be difficult, very difficult. She had a very strong intuition. And now this intuition screamed that she would die.

But Ain still felt hope, she felt that someone would save them all. She was not sure about that. But it was a little hope. In which she wanted to believe.


In the sky above the battleship of the Marines.

"This woman has amazing intuition," looking at Ain, Ray said.

"Is that she? A woman who owns the power of a devil fruit with which you can turn the time of people or objects, returning them to twelve years ago," cute tilting her head and making a thoughtful expression on her face, Bonney asked.

Ray looked at Bonney's face and thought, [How sweet she is.]

He smiled and replied, "Yes. She is a Modo Modo no mi devil fruit user."

"Do you want to take the power of her devil fruit?" looking at Ray, Bonney asked.

Ray nodded.

"Yes, the power of this devil fruit does not suit her, I want to give her another devil fruit... two other devil fruits. But this will happen only if she agrees to travel with us. If she wants to continue working with Zephyr, then I will not take away the power of the devil fruit from her," he replied.

Bonney was a little surprised, that Ray wanted to give her other devil fruit and not one but two.

"What kind of fruits do you want to give her?" she asked.

"Moa Moa and Goro Goro," Ray answered.

"Moa Moa... a paramecia-type devil fruit that allows the user to amplify the size, speed, and strength of any object they touch. Is that the fruit you got in Impel Down Prison? Are you sure you want to give it to her? This fruit has great potential. Imagine what a swordsman or a sniper with the power of this fruit will be capable. If my eyes do not deceive me, then this woman is a real sniper who can fight in close combat using daggers," looking at Ray, Bonney said seriously.

Ray smiled and stroked Bonney's head.

"You have learned a lot. Before, you would not have paid attention to all this. But now, you understood at first glance what kind of weapon this woman specializes in. And stop calling her "This Woman" already. Her name is Ain. Look at her face. She is a real Kuudere!" Ray answered.

"Kuudere, yes? I need to find out from Astoria-nee what exactly Kuudere means. It is possible that if I become Kuudere, I will get an advantage over this woman... and this snake woman. Hehehehe," Bonney whispered.

Ray did not hear Bonney's words and asked, "Did you say something?"

Bonney panicked a little, but quickly calmed down and looked into Ray's eyes.

"Yes. Goro Goro, what kind of fruit is this? What power can it give?" Bonney asked.

"Goro Goro is a logia-type devil fruit that allows the user to create, control, and transform into electricity at will, making the user a Lightning Human," Ray replied.

Bonney's eyes widened.

"And you want to give her these two devil fruits? Is her body even able to withstand such a power? Aren't you afraid that she can burst like a balloon? The lightning logia, I think this is the strongest fruit. This fruit has simply unlimited potential." Bonney said.

"Do not worry about Ain. She will not be able to control these two fruits at once, and the devil fruits are very much limited. If they were not limited, there would be a huge number of gods in this world," Ray answered.

"I'm not worried about this woman. I'm worried that she can betray us. Maybe she's really just a crazy killer. And having received the power of these devil fruits, she will begin to travel across all the seas leaving a trail of blood. Anything can be," looking at Ain, Bonney said.

Ray looked at Ain's cold face.

"No, it's impossible. She's not that kind of person. And she will be a very faithful ally," Ray said.

Bonney looked at Ray and said, "I completely trust your decisions."

Ray smiled and began stroking her head.

"I'm sure that when you get to know her better, you can both become friends," Ray said, continuing to stroke Bonney's pink hair.

Bonney closed her eyes and nodded. She enjoyed Ray's affection. She really liked that Ray always tries to show his love for all his wives. It was not only Bonney who liked it, all of Ray's wives liked it. Any woman wanted her beloved man to show affection for her.




The atmosphere between Bonney and Ray was destroyed by the sound of explosions.

Bonney opened her eyes and immediately began to search for the source of the explosions. Her eyes were filled with cold. She thought, [You could not wait at least another 5 minutes? I enjoyed Ray's love, and you ruined everything! Unforgivable!]

Ray saw Bonney's changed expression. He took her hand and pulled her into his arms. Ray leaned over and kissed Bonney's forehead. She smiled happily and buried herself in his c.h.e.s.t.

"Bonney, we need to watch of the battle, the Marines will not be able to resist for a long time. They will lose as soon as the pirates board their battleship," Ray whispered.

Bonney turned around in Ray's arms and pressed her back against his c.h.e.s.t. Ray hugged Bonney around the waist and they began to watch the battle between the Marines and the Pirates.

"This man is like Whitebeard!" looking at the pirate ship, Bonney said.

"Even their weapons look the same. Look, he also uses naginata. But... why does he look like a bad copy of Whitebeard?" she added.

"This is Edward Weevil, he calls himself "The real son of Whitebeard." Just watch him, he is very strong. In the future, his strength will be equal to the strength of the Admiral. Now he is able to defeat most Vice Admirals," Ray said.

They watched as the Marines tried to sink the pirate ship, but they did not succeed. Edward Weevil just cut all the cannonballs. This spoke of his prowess at Observation Haki and Armament Haki. Still, it was a battleship, a warship. The main strength of the Marines.

"He's too strong for Paradise. Ray, what is he doing here?" turning her head to Ray, Bonney asked.

"Mmm, to be honest, I have no idea what's going on in his head. I don't want to use <Legilimency> on him... It seems to me that in his thoughts I will see a monkey playing the drum," Ray said.

Bonney looked at Edward Weevil's face. Saliva flowed from his mouth, but he continued to cut the cannonballs.

She smiled wryly.

"I understand what you're trying to tell me. Hehehe, Renner told me not to use <Legilimency> on crazy and brainless idiots," Bonney giggled.

Hearing the words of Bonney, he remembered that he saw in the thoughts of one woman.

The woman dreamed of being caught by goblins and ...

He shook his head, trying to forget about it.

"Ray, the pirates sailed to the Marine battleship Marines," Bonney said.

Ray looked down and saw that the pirates and the Marines began to battle.

As soon as the pirates boarded the Marine ship, they began the massacre. The Marines could not resist, they had a huge difference in strength. Pirates from the New World are many times stronger than the pirates from Paradise.

Zephyr tried to defend his students, but Edward Weevil did not allow him to be distracted. Ain and Binz were engaged in a battle against Weevil's first and second mate.

Ain battle against a man who turned into a wolf.

Binz battle against a man who could create ropes.

Ain and Binz were able to use some of the <Rokushiki> techniques, only because of this they were able to fight against these pirates.

But even with the knowledge of <Rokushiki>, they were weaker, these pirates owned the Observation Haki and the elementary Armament Haki.

"No! My students!" Zephyr screamed.

There were many injuries on his body, he was weaker than Edward Weevil. Zephyr's hands were covered in Armament Haki, but it was evident that it was difficult for him to maintain his current state.


Suddenly, two people appeared on the deck of the battleship. They appeared from a flash of flame, like demons from the underworld. All battles stopped, the Marines and Pirates looked at these two people.





The man released a wave of energy in all directions. Red bolts of lightning appeared in the air. Cracks began to appear on the battleship. All the pirates, one after the other, passed out and fell to the floor. Foam flowed from their mouth.

All the Marines, Weevil and his two mates remained in consciousness.

"Conqueror's Haki," said a Marine with pink hair.

"It's him ... my hope?" whispered a woman with blue hair.

But her whisper was heard by absolutely everyone.

The Marines looked at the woman, their faces filled with surprise and shock.

Ray also looked at the woman, he looked into her beautiful eyes and smiled.

The woman saw his beautiful smile and a little blush appeared on her cheeks.

"Bonney, you can battle the dog and the rope," Ray said, looking at Bonney.

"Who do you call a dog!? I'm a wolf! Don't compare me with a dog!" the dog screamed.

"I'm not a rope! I'm a rope-man!" rope-man shouted.



The deck was cracked and Bonney disappeared from her place.

She appeared behind the dog. Bonney pointed her right hand at the dog.



A shock wave appeared from Bonney's hand. A wave pierced the body of the dog and destroyed it from the inside. Blood began to flow from all his openings.

Zephyr's eyes widened.

"She used <Rokuogan> with one hand," he said.

Bonney appeared in front of a rope-man and kicked him right in the c.h.e.s.t. Her leg was covered in Armament Haki.


A crunch of broken bones came from the body of a rope-man.


Due to the force of the kick, he flew directly overboard into the sea.

The Marines who watched the "battle" were shocked.

"Hey, hey. We couldn't even scratch them. But this woman defeated these pirates without any problems," the Marine said.

All this time, Edward Weevil just stood and watched everything that happened.

"Uhhh, awww, mommy told me not to fight against a man with white hair and red eyes," Weevil said.

He looked at Ray and nodded.

Weevil turned and jumped into the sea. Zephyr tried to stop him and attacked Weevil. But Weevil was faster, he jumped into the sea and swam away like a seal.

"A cowardly pirate!" Zephyr shouted.

Ray just stood and looked from the side.

He did not want to let Edward Weevil go.


A woman dressed in black assassin clothes appeared next to Ray. She stood in front of him on one knee, and her head was bowed.

"Mai, catch this "Real Son of Whitebeard." Give him to Demiurge, he knows what to do with him," Ray said.

Mai nodded and disappeared into a cloud of black smoke.

Ray turned his head to the approaching Bonney.

"Will Mai hunt for him?" Bonney asked.

Ray nodded.

"Hehehe. In this case, he is doomed. It is useless to run away from Mai, she will find him everywhere, it is impossible to hide from her. Mai really looks like a Maiev Shadowsong," Bonney nodded.

Ray was surprised.

"How do you know about Maiev Shadowsong?" Ray asked.

"Zesshi-nee told me about <Warcraft>. She shared all the books with me and I really liked them. It's such a cool world! The Burning Legion! Titans! Magic! Abyss! Just amazing," Bonney said joyfully.

Ray saw her eyes glow. She became a true fan of <Warcraft>.

[Do I tell her that the World of Warcraft really exists? I will tell her about this when we are alone.] Ray thought.

"I apologize for interrupting your conversation. But, why did you help us? You're a pirate. A pirate with a high bounty. <Shirogami no Akuma> Ray," came the voice of Zephyr.

He went to Ray and looked into his eyes.

"Not all pirates are bad guys. Not all pirates wanted to be pirates. This conversation will be long, take care of your students first. We will talk after that," Ray replied.

Zephyr nodded and left to help the wounded and check the dead.

A girl with blue hair approached Ray and Bonney.

She bowed to Ray and Bonney and said, "I thank you. We survived only thanks to you."

Ray wanted to say something. But…

"You liked him? Answer me honestly," Bonney said.

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