Grand Line. Somewhere in the sea.

On board the Marine ship.

"You liked him? Answer me honestly," Bonney said.

Ain panicked a little, she did not expect such a question. How can she answer it? Like a real Kuudere, she was able to maintain her cold facial expression and hide all her emotions. But she could control only her expression. She could not control her eyes, and now there were a lot of emotions in her eyes. No wonder they say that the eyes are the windows to the soul.

Ain looked first at Bonney, then at Ray.

She could not find the answer. Does she like him? But they met for the first time.

[Why did she ask me this question. I do not understand human feelings! But... he is handsome... and strong... and he has such a beautiful smile. What? What am I thinking about? What to do? How do I answer? I will be the greatest liar if I say that I do not like him. Argh, what to do !? Why is it so hard!?]

She looked down at the floor and began to look at one point.

Steam began to come out of Ain's head. She overdid it with a brainstorm. A few more minutes of such a brainstorming and a blue screen will appear in Ain's mind.

Suddenly, Ain felt a hand fall on her head and began to stroke her. She felt a calming warmth that began to spread throughout her body.

Ain looked up and saw Ray's smiling face in front of her.

When she looked at his smile, it seemed to her that all her problems just disappear and everything becomes unimportant. She liked to see his smile, looking at it, Ain felt warmth and happiness. 

Ain herself did not understand how filled with happiness a very pure and gentle smile appeared on her usually unemotional and cold face.

Ray ran a hand over her cheek and Ain felt a pleasant shiver pass through her body.

"You have a very pretty smile. You need to smile more often," Ray said.

Ain nodded.

"I will smile only for you," Ain whispered very quietly.

Ray heard her words and smiled.

[Ahh. Kuudere has such a big heart. With Kuudere's love, only Yandere's love can compete.] Ray thought.

"Mou. Stop flirting. You created a pink atmosphere here," Bonney said.

Ain heard Bonney's words and began to look around. She saw that many eyes were directed at them. Ain was embarrassed and hid behind Ray.

As soon as she hid behind Ray, they heard the screams of the Marines.

"The pirate has melted the heart of our beauty Ain!"

"No. Ain-sama!"

"We lost Ain! We need a new idol!"

"I know! We will create a new fan club!"

"Yes! We can create a Hina-chan or Gion-sama fan club !!!"

"You're right!"


While the Marines were discussing their new fan club, Zephyr approached Ray.

"Idiots. What idiots they are," he said, covering his face with his hand.

"Hahahaha. Are all the Marines so funny?"  Bonney laughed.


Zephyr sighed wearily.

"Don't be mad at them. In today's battle, they were could all die. All of them perfectly understand this and try not to think about what happened," Ray said.

"You're right. I'm glad that these children survived. At least the majority..." Zephyr said sadly.

"So what is it? To be saved by a pirate?" looking at Zephyr, Ray asked.

"It doesn't matter. When death is inevitable, it doesn't matter who lends a helping hand," Zephyr answered.

Ain was surprised when she heard the words of her sensei. She always thought that Zephyr hates pirates with all his heart.

"Before, I did not hate pirates. I respected people like Whitebeard. On the territory controlled by Whitebeard, there is always peace and order. He protects his islands from other pirates, and only a blind person will say that people live poorly and unhappily on his territory. He doing the work that the Marines were supposed to do," Zephyr added.

"When did you start to hate pirates?" Ray asked.

"I think you yourself know the answer. It was never a big secret," Zephyr answered.

"Those who killed your family and arranged the massacred on your island were not pirates.," Ray said.

His words were like a bomb explosion.

Zephyr's eyes filled with cold, he looked at Ray and asked: "Do you know something?"

Ray nodded and waved his hand. A white folder appeared in front of Zephyr.

As soon as Zephyr read what is written on the folder, he began to guess about everything. He held out his trembling hands and took the folder.

Zephyr began to read very carefully. He reread the information in the folder several times. His hands continued to tremble.

Ain saw the current state of Zephyr and began to worry. She respected Zephyr, he was like a real father to her. It was Zephyr who saved her life when she was still a child.

Zephyr silently handed the folder into Ain's hands.

She began to read, with every page she read her face grew paler.

"Why? Why did they do that!?" Ain shouted.

"That's how the <World Government> works. Only the result matters to them. They don't care how it is achieved," Ray replied.

He looked at Zephyr and waited for his decision.

Zephyr was lost in thought. He did not know what to do next. His faith was completely destroyed.

"If you don't know what to do next, then follow me. I need people like you," Ray's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Follow the pirate? Why do you think that I will agree to this?" looking into Ray's eyes, Zephyr asked.

"Because I'm not a pirate. And because I will give you the opportunity to take revenge on the <World Government>," Ray replied.

Zephyr's eyes widened.

"The opportunity to revenge on the <World Government>? Hahahaha, a good joke. You have no idea what you're talking about. It's impossible. The <World Government> has too much power," Zephyr laughed.

"Why do you think this is impossible? I, the one who will destroy the <World Government>!" Ray answered.

The sky began to darken, the sea began to rage. The Marines ship began to swing on the waves like a small boat.




Accompanied by thunder, bright bolts of lightning flashed in the sky.

Ray began releasing all of his Conqueror's Haki. He was a Proud Dragon and a master in mental magic, which made his Conqueror's Haki incredibly powerful.

Zephyr looked at Ray and was shocked. His body began to tremble.

"Is this the power of the King? No! This is much more! Even Xebec did not have such a powerful Conqueror's Haki!" Zephyr shouted.

Ain looked at Ray with awe in her eyes.

[How cool he is. His eyes are so bewitching now.] Ain thought.

Bonney had the same reaction.

[Kya, My future Husband is a real Overlord! He is so cool! I have to keep this memory! This will be my treasure.]

The rest of the Marines sat on the deck and looked at Ray as God.

[We must create a <Shirogami no Akuma> Ray fan club! He will be our Aniki! No, he will be our Oyaji! Oyaji, we will all follow you!] All the Marines thought.

Ray did not even know how his Conqueror's Haki affects the people around him.

"Hahahaha! I will follow you! I believe that you can change this World!" Zephyr shouted.

Ray began to calm down and stopped releasing his Conqueror's Haki. The sky immediately began to brighten, and the sea calmed down.

"I want you to continue to be an instructor and educate young people. I will return your youth to you and heal you from all diseases," Ray said, looking into the eyes of Zephyr.

 Zephyr nodded.

"What will happen to my students?" looking at the young Marines, Zephyr asked.

"WE WILL FOLLOW RAY-OYAJI!" the Marines shouted

Hearing the scream of the Marines, Ray's eye began to twitch.

"Hehehehe. Take care of your new subordinates. Oyaji," Bonney giggled.

Ain's lips twitched, she wanted to laugh, but she could not destroy her mask of a Kuudere. Kuudere should show their feelings only to their beloved man.

"Hahahahahahaha. These idiots. Take care of them. They are good guys. You won't regret it," Zephyr laughed.

Ray looked at the Marines and began to think.

[If I create Alliance of the Kingdoms, I will need to create some kind of organization to maintain order. Why not create <Neo Marine>. Zephyr will be a worthy Fleet Admiral of the <Neo Marine>. Yes, that's a good idea. After creating the organization, I will propose joining <Neo Marine> to people like Koby, Garp, Smoker, Hina, Tashigi, Tsuru, Gion, and Aokiji.]

"Fine. But they will continue to be your subordinates. I only need Ain. I will take her to my ship," Ray answered.

"Oyaji is so cool!"

"He does not hide his love for Ain-sama!"

"Oyaji is a real man!"

"I knew Oyaji was a man of culture!"

"We need to learn from Oyaji! And maybe then, we will cease to be V.i.r.g.i.n Marines!"

"But I'm not a v.i.r.g.i.n anymore..."

"What!? Argh, you bastard! How dare you betray our brotherhood of v.i.r.g.i.ns!?"

Zephyr covered his face with his hands.

"Idiots. What idiots they are," Zephyr muttered.

Ain hid behind Bonney and began to whisper.

"He needs me! He said that he needed only me! It was a confession!? But I wasn't ready. I need to give my answer. I must say that I need him too. He needs me! Hehehe. He will take me to his ship. Hehehe. The ship of Ain and Ray. "

Bonney heard Ain whisper and smiled.

[So this is Kuudere. Now I got it. I'm still too inexperienced, I need to continue my studies with Zesshi-nee and Astoria-nee.]

Ray walked over to Bonney and Ain. He noticed that Ain wants to ask him something.

"Do you really need me? Do you really want to take me to your ship?" Ain asked.

She had the same cold face, but her eyes were filled with expectation and hope.

"Of course. Only if you yourself want it. I will not force you," Ray said.

"I want! I want this!" Ain answered quickly.

Ray smiled and stroked her head.

"Hehehe, I'm very happy," he said.

Ain closed her eyes and enjoyed Ray's stroking.

Bonney looked at their interaction and thought.

[I have to tell the girls about this. They should know that we may have a new sister.]

Ray removed his hand from Ain's head, which caused her discontent.

He turned and used the <Gate> spell.


The Marines saw a dark passage appear in the air.

Zephyr went to the Gate and began to study it.

"What is this? Is it the ability of the devil fruit?" he asked.

Ray shook his head.

"This is my own ability. You can call it Magic," he answered.

The Marines eyes began to glow.

"Go through this Gate. It will take you all to my base," Ray said.

Zephyr went first, he trusted Ray's words. Following him went the rest of the Marines. They did not think that Oyaji would deceive them.

Ray looked into Ain's eyes and offered her a hand.

Ain looked at him and smiled, she grabbed Ray's outstretched hand and pressed it to her c.h.e.s.t. Now there were only three people on the entire ship, so she did not need to hide her emotions.

Bonney hugged Ray's free hand and said, "It is very unfortunate that we cannot take this ship."

"We must leave this ship. When the Marines find it, they will think that Zephyr and all the new recruits were killed. <World Government> does not need to know that Zephyr is still alive," Ray replied.

Ain and Bonney nodded. That was reasonable. They both knew that the one who controls the information rules the world.


The Sky Islands Archipelago.

A portal appeared in front of the giant palace.

From this portal came a tall man with purple hair. Following him, the young Marines came out of the portal.

They immediately began to look around.

They were surprised when they saw a giant palace in the Japanese style.

"This palace looks very luxurious."

"Yes. Not every King can afford such a palace."

"Where are we?"

"I do not know, but this place looks very beautiful."

"This is Sky Island," the purple-haired man replied.

"Sky Island!? Sky Islands really exist!?"

"Hahaha. The Sky Islands really exist. Welcome to Merveille," they heard an unknown voice.

Everyone turned to the owner of the voice and saw a blond-haired man in glasses.

"What an unexpected meeting. I would never have thought that I would see you in this place. But since you are here, then you are not an enemy," said the man with purple hair.

"Hahaha, haven't seen each other for a long time, Zephyr the<Black Arm>," the blond-haired man laughed.

"Hahahaha, really. Long time no see, the <Dark King> – Silvers Rayleigh," the man with purple hair laughed.


"The <Dark King>!?"

"First Mate of the <Pirate King> !?"

"Yes. It's me! Rayleigh the <Dark King>!" he answered.

"Sometimes it seems to me that you like to see the shocked faces of people when they find out about your identity," Ray's voice was heard.

Three people came out of the portal and it immediately disappeared.

"Hahaha. It's my hobby," Rayleigh laughed.

Ain pulled Ray by the sleeve and asked: "Ray, what Island are we on now?"

Ray looked into Ain's eyes and answered: "This island is called Merveille. Earlier, on this island was the base of Shiki the <Golden Lion>."

Zephyr heard Ray's words and decided to clarify.


"Yes. Shiki the <Golden Lion> is dead," Ray nodded.

"You did the right thing. Shiki was a madman who only wanted destruction. He was too dangerous," Zephyr said.

Ray nodded and looked at Ain and Bonney.

"Bonney, give Ain a tour of the palace and the island. I need to talk with Zephyr about our future plans," Ray said.

Bonney nodded and took Ain's hand, she led her towards the palace.

Ray walked over to Zephyr and Rayleigh.

"We need to talk about our future plans. I want to create an organization similar to the Marine and I need to know your opinion," Ray said, looking at Zephyr.

"An organization similar to the Marine? It's very interesting. Hahaha, let's talk about it," Zephyr laughed.

"Rayleigh, will you keep us company?" Ray asked, looking at Rayleigh.

"Yes. That sounds interesting," Rayleigh said.

Zephyr was surprised.

"We are talking about an organization that will fight against pirates. Aren't you against this?" he asked.

"Of course not. This World needs the Marine. Most pirates are ordinary thugs and killers. All they do is create chaos and destruction. If in this World there will be no force that will fight against such pirates, then ordinary people who are unable to protect themselves and their loved ones will be the first to suffer," Rayleigh said all this with a serious expression on his face.

"I never would have thought that you think that way," Zephyr said.

"Zephyr, you yourself know that there are good pirates. Mostly they are pirates who go to sea to find adventures, or in order to start a family and find true friends. Roger and Whitebeard are excellent proof of this. They are not even pirates, they are adventurers. But in this World, if you have the power and you don't obey the <World Government>, then you will be branded as a cruel pirate. And you can't stop it or at least somehow change it," Ray said, looking at Zephyr.


"All of this because of the <World Government> they want to control absolutely everything and everyone," Zephyr said with a sigh.

"And in order to change that. We must create a force capable of withstanding the <World Government> and the Marine," Ray replied.

"But isn't that what the <Revolutionary Army> does?" Zephyr asked.

"<Revolutionary Army>... They create even more chaos. What do they do? They attack the Kingdoms under the authority of the <World Government>. As a result of their actions, ordinary citizens suffer. They kill the Kings and seize power. But during any seizure of power bloodshed occurs. They create more hatred. They do not unite people, they kindle a flame of hatred in them for the <World Government>. After that, these people release all their hatred and rage at ordinary marines, at soldiers," Ray said.

"I never thought about it from that perspective," Rayleigh whispered.

Zephyr did not answer, he considered the words of Ray.

They continued on their way to the palace in absolute silence. Zephyr and Rayleigh pondered the words Ray had told them.

In the future, this day will be known as the day the <Neo Marine> was created.


At the same time. In front of the palace.

"Oyaji and Zephyr-sensei forgot about us?"

"Where do we go?"

"Let's explore this island. We need to find a place for the building of a future base."

"You're right! We need to find a place where we can build our clubhouse building."

"Let's not waste time."


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