Ascension Or Journey From World To World

Chapter 58 - Beginning of the Battle of Marineford

Sabaody Archipelago. <Shakky's Rip-off Bar>.

Two days have passed since the <Straw Hat> Pirates left the bar and the Sabaody Archipelago.

During this time, a lot of different events have occurred.

Rayleigh told them about the <Pirate King> Roger, his ideals and dreams. He told them about his team and some of their travels.

Of course, he hid from them all the important information. Rayleigh could not tell them what One Piece is, what Will of "D" is, or to reveal to them the secret of the <Void Century>. If he did this, then the journey of the <Straw Hat> Pirates would be completed. This knowledge... their team is not ready to carry such a heavy burden. They are still too weak and naive.

The <Straw Hat> Pirates have not yet encountered dangerous and hopeless situations. They think that being a Pirate means being a carefree adventurer and moving towards your dream… to be "free". But this is far from the case...

Whoever says anything, but Pirates are criminals, at least most of them. What kind of "freedom" can we talk about?

Admiral Kizaru lucidly explained all this to them... with the help of his legs ... He kicked the <Straw Hat> Pirates and other Supernovas with his <Kicks at the Speed ​​of Light>.

If it weren't for the help of Rayleigh and Bartholomew Kuma, they would already be dead.

Once again, the <Straw Hat> Pirates were able to escape their death by pure chance and thanks to the limitless "luck" of their captain.


Grand Line. Marine Headquarters, Marineford.

The whole island was shrouded in a strange and tense atmosphere.

The city in which the Marines families lived, and which was usually filled with the noise of everyday life and the laughter of children, was completely empty today. All the inhabitants disappeared somewhere, and the deadly silence enveloped the streets of the city.

This happened for the first time in many decades of the Marine Headquarters, Marineford's existence.

There is a reasonable explanation for everything that happens, and this is an execution.

The Marines were about to publicly execute one of the commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates, namely of the 2nd Division commander, <Fire Fist>, Portgas D. Ace.

Fleet Admiral Sengoku knew that a man like Whitebeard would not allow the Marine to execute his son and try to stop them. Therefore, he ordered the evacuation of all inhabitants living in the City of Marineford.


This execution was a kind of ordinary demonstration.

The Marines and the <World Government> wanted to demonstrate their "strength" and regain all their lost authority.

Indeed, over the past few months, many different events have occurred that negatively affected the credibility of these two organizations.

They could not ignore all this. If ordinary citizens begin to doubt the <Justice> of the Marine and begin to lose respect for the <World Government>, then with a high probability they will go over to the side of the <Revolutionary Army>.

All this became the reason for the "Public Execution"...


In the sky above Marineford.

In the sky above Marineford, on a large white cloud stood four women and one man.

"Why does Hanc.o.c.k-nee continue to play Shichibukai? Is this really necessary?" a beautiful woman with very long, flowing pink hair asked.

"Mmm. She likes to humiliate the Marines and turn them into stones," a beautiful woman with long blue hair and bright blue eyes said with a smile.


"And she wants to become the goddess of love, family, and hearth? Seriously? No, no, no, you don't have to answer," a beautiful woman with long light pink hair and purple eyes whispered.

"Nnn. At least her clothes have become more modest..." a beautiful woman with dark blue hair answered.

All the women nodded in agreement.

"Mmm. I don't mind her wearing open and frank clothes... but only at home, where only we can see her. You all don't like to wear a lot of clothes, there's nothing strange about this, Dragons hate constraint, and all these clothes create a sense of constraint... ", looking at the nodding women, a man with white hair and red eyes said.

"I am comfortable in my Astral Dress, kimono and Greek toga," a woman with long blue hair and bright blue eyes said.

"Daphne, Astral Dress is not some ordinary clothes. Do you remember what I told you about that World? Spirits are none other than vessels for sparks that store the laws of the Main God of that Universe. The Astral Dresses and the Angels are a materialization of these laws.


For example, the Law of Time, its materialization is Zafkiel, <Time Emperor>, and the Astral Dress, which wears one of the ten names of God, Elohim.

I created your Astral Dresses according to the same principle, they are the materialization of your Laws and concepts, in your case, it is ice, cold, freezing, stopping, etc. Therefore, when you wear your Astral Dress, you do not sense any constraint.

Kimono and Greek toga are made of the rarest materials, but this is casual clothing that is not suitable for battle," looking at the woman and shrugging his shoulders, the man answered.

"So that's the thing. But why can't we make all our clothes out of these rare materials," tilting her head, a woman with very long, flowing pink hair asked.

"Two words, Rainbow Butterfly. As far as I remember, it is the thread from the cocoons of these butterflies that is the main material for creating these clothes," Bonney answered.

"Nnn. Rainbow Butterflies have been living for millennia and they rarely breed... Aura is trying to fix it," Ain nodded.

"Begins," Ray said unexpectedly.

Shirahoshi, Daphne, Bonney, and Ain immediately moved their eyes towards Marineford. They began to observe the further actions of the Marines.


Tension in Marineford is on the rise... as the time remaining until the execution... passes the three-hour mark.

John Giant rallies his forces as a staggering one hundred thousand elite troops prepare for battle. Fifty marine sh.i.p.s are stationed around the island with cannons lining the coastline. 

And at the front line of it all are none other than the remaining Shichibukais: Bartholomew Kuma, Gecko Moria, Donquixote Doflamingo, Dracule Mihawk, and Boa Hanc.o.c.k. 

At the rear of the island, Ace is located atop the execution stand. Watching over him are the three Marine admirals: Kizaru, Akainu, and Aokiji. 

With this, nearly every justice force imaginable is gathered waiting for Whitebeard to make his move.


While all the Marines were preparing for the battle and execution of Ace, Fleet Admiral Sengoku climbed onto the execution stand, he took Den Den Mushi into his hands and began to say,

"Men, I have something crucial to tell you all. Something about the true meaning of Portgas D. Ace… meeting his end here today!"

Hearing his words, all the Marines and spectators from all over the World held their breath. They wondered, "The true meaning? What is he talking about? Is everything really much more serious?"

"Ace! Tell me the name of your father!" Sengoku shouted.

"My father? Huh… at a time like this... My father is Whitebeard," Ace whispered, but his whisper was heard by all the Marines and spectators from all over the World.

"HE IS NOT!!!" Sengoku shouted.

"YES, HE IS! Whitebeard is my only father! I have no other!!!" Ace stubbornly shouted.

"Back then, we searched as though our lives depended on it. Searching for the possibility that there existed on that island a child of that man. Based on nothing but the tiniest of leads from Cipher Pol… We investigated all newborn children, all children who were yet to be born, and all of their mother, but ultimately found nothing.

Or so we thought… But out of pure obstinacy, your mother had risked her live… to perform a certain trick with regard to your birth!

And it was this trick that deceived our eyes. In the South Blue, there lies an island by the name of Baterilla.

Your mother's name was… Portgas D. Rouge! She performed a feat that we could never have hoped to imagine… And out of devotion to her child, bore him in her w.o.m.b… for a full TWENTY MONTHS!

And when the birth finally came, her strength all but spent… She left this World as you entered it. One year and three months from the father's death… a child was born bearing the most accursed blood to be found in this World… THAT CHILD IS YOU! 

Do not claim you are not aware! 


Shock! Marines and spectators from all over the World were shocked and amazed at this news.

The whole World was shocked.

<Fire Fist> Ace is the son of the <Pirate King>, Gold Roger!!!


In the sky above Marineford.

"Trash. Children are not to blame and should not be held responsible for the mistakes of their parents," Daphne said scornfully.

"Sengoku admitted that they were looking for Roger's child around the world. I'm sure that they killed a lot of newborn children and pregnant women. I don't understand how after all this, people can maintain their faith in some kind of <Justice> of the Marine and endorse the policies of this rotten <World Government> ...", Ain said with a cold expression on her face.


"Roger is a real idiot. He had to ask Rayleigh or Whitebeard for help, then his lover could survive and Ace would have grown a completely different person," looking at Marineford, Bonney said with a sigh.

"You're right. There are a huge number of islands on which you can very easily hide a pregnant woman from the dogs of the <World Government>. Skypiea, Prehistoric Islands, Elbaf, Whitebeard Territory, Islands in Calm Belt, Rouge would be safe from the <World Government> on any of these islands.

But he decided to leave his pregnant lover on Resort Island in South Blue. I'm starting to think that all D's are stupid idiots. Perhaps this was the reason why the <Ancient Kingdom> was destroyed...", watching the "spectacular" appearance of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ray answered.

"I think Roger did not love Rouge. That is why he did not take care of her safety and well-being. Roger needed an incubator... no more, no less...

He was the most dangerous and wanted criminal in the world. He was the <Pirate King>, but the most important and dangerous was that he possessed forbidden knowledge.

On top of all this, Roger was mortally ill. But all this did not affect his further actions. Roger still found a suitable woman and conceived a child with her. It's very selfish… He just used her as some kind of one-time item from the <88 Belly Store>.

And now his son is doing the same. This arrogant and selfish piece of shit chased a pirate who is much older than him, much more experienced, and much stronger. Teach sailed on Whitebeard's ship for more than ten years, he cannot be weaker than Marco or other commanders. He was already a pirate when Ace was still a tiny s.p.e.r.matozoon in Roger's Kintama.

Ace ignored the advice of his "friends" and did everything in his own way.

As a result, we see how he provoked a war, as a result of which a huge number of ordinary Marines and Pirates will die... But why should he pay attention to some extras and cannon fodder? Right?" releasing killing intent, Shirahoshi said.

Ray went to Shirahoshi and pulled her into his arms. He began stroking her head and reassuring her.

Shirahoshi was very kind and gentle, but she hated and despised people who did not value their families members and their kindness.

"There, there, Shirahoshi-chan. All well, all well, don't need to be so angry. If you don't like Ace, then we can just kill him. Do you want to drown him? Or should we ask Astoria to burn him?" continuing stroking her head, Ray whispered soothingly.

Daphne, Ain, and Bonney watched their interaction with gentle smiles on their faces.

[That's how a real loving husband should behave.] they thought.


Meanwhile at Marineford.

All the sh.i.p.s of the Whitebeard Pirates and their allies gathered at Marineford Bay.

Whitebeard himself was aboard his flagship the Moby D.i.c.k and looked at Ace with a serious expression on his face.

"Oyaji… Guys… I set out on a whim even though you all warned me not to, so… WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME BEHIND!? My own c.o.c.kiness got me into this mess in the first place!!!" Ace shouted.

"Nah... I was the one who told you to go, my son," Whitebeard answered calmly, but his voice was heard by everyone present.

"Liar!!! Don't you screw around! You stopped me back then, but I still...", Ace continued to shout.


"Too much talk, start fighting! We didn't come here to listen to your chatter," puffing her cheeks, Bonney said.

"Nnn. Boring," Ain nodded.

"Darling, when can we fight them?" looking at Ray, Daphne asked.

"I want to show them the true power of <Poseidon>," Shirahoshi said with a smile.

Ray looked at his wives and thought a little...

"Honestly, you can fight them right now. But... let's wait a bit and watch this battle," crossed arms over his c.h.e.s.t, Ray said.

"Do you want to kill Teach and Shanks?" Daphne asked unexpectedly.

Ray shook his head.

"No. Why do we need to pay attention to them? Our main enemies are Im and <Gorosei>. After this war, we will visit Elbaf and talk to the <God of Elbaf>. I can guess about Im's identity, but I want to be sure of that. After visiting Elbaf we will kill Kaido and Orochi. Hiyori has already become strong enough and she will be able to defeat Kaido on her own," Ray replied.

"<God of Elbaf>... I think this is the Odin... or rather, the Will of Odin," Ain said.

"I think so too," Bonney nodded.

"Tsunami. Too weak," Shirahoshi whispered.

"Hehehe. Shirahoshi. You have already awakened all your power, of course, this attack looks weak for you," Daphne giggled.

[Really. Who would have thought that she would become so strong?] thought Ray, Ain, and Bonney.

They looked at Marineford and saw huge waves approaching it.


"Don't go thinking we can overcome him with sheer military force! We might actually be the ones to meet our end… That man… holds the power to destroy the World!!!" Sengoku shouted.

"It's a TSUNAMI!" the Marines cried out in shock.

"Gurarararara," Whitebeard laughed out loud.


A tall man in Admiral's clothes appeared in the sky. He spread his arms to the sides and shouted:

<Ice Age>

Streams of ice escaped from his hands, this ice flew in the direction of the approaching tsunami and began to freeze them.

Gigantic tsunamis in seconds turned into giant ice sculptures.

Whitebeard watched Admiral's actions with a smile on his face.

After the Admiral froze the tsunami, he turned toward Whitebeard and threw ice spears at him.

Whitebeard just punch the air and all the spears destroyed from the shock wave, but his attack did not stop there, the shock wave reached the Admiral and destroyed his body. The admiral turned into pieces of ice and fell into the water of the bay.

As soon as these pieces came into contact with water, it immediately began to freeze and become covered with a thick layer of ice.

The whole entire bay froze and turned into an ideal battlefield.

A thick layer of Ice bound all the sh.i.p.s of the Whitebeard Pirates, which became a signal of the beginning of the battle.

The war has begun...

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