Grand Line. Marine Headquarters, Marineford.

The actions of Aokiji and Whitebeard signaled the outbreak of war.

The Marines saw that the ice bound all the sh.i.p.s of the Whitebeard Pirates and opened fire on them from all their cannons.

The whole entire bay was covered with a thick layer of ice and became an ideal battlefield.

The Whitebeard Pirates did not wait for the invitation and began to jump from their sh.i.p.s.

The captains were the first to enter the battlefield, they immediately faced the Vice-Admirals of the Marines. Ordinary Marines will not be able to fight against pirates from the New World, especially against Captains. After all, Observation Haki and Armament Haki are not rare skills in the New World and all Whitebeard Pirate Captains certainly own them.

"You don't ever see Vice-Admiral's line up like this, Gagagagaga! It's just like the "Buster Call"! Gagagagaga !!!" one of the captains laughed.

"Slaughter them and throw their corpses into the bay!!!" shouted a pale thin man with a spider tattoo on his forehead.

"Yes!!!" the pirates shouted and attacked the Marines.

The battle began to gain momentum.


All of Shichibukai stood on one of the walls surrounding Marineford. They simply watched the start of the battle and took no action.

Hanc.o.c.k stood apart from all these dirty men and looked at the sky with a loving and gentle smile on her face.

Private Marines, who saw her beautiful smile, or who tried to examine her hot body, turned to gray stones. Hanc.o.c.k did not even need to pay attention to them, her awakened power acted automatically and turned all these l.u.s.tful and dirty men to stone.

[Only my Beloved Husband can look at my body with such a look. You, dirty Marines must know your place.] Hanc.o.c.k thought with a cold expression.

Suddenly, one of Shichibukai decided to make a move.

"Fufufu, what are you actually gonna do it?" looking at that Shichibukai, a very tall, light blond-haired, very lean and muscular man with tan skin asked.

This "man" wears a light pink feather coat, a white shirt with red stripes, a green belt, and orange pants with white stripes. He also wears black dress shoes that are somewhat pointed and on his face were glasses with purple lenses.

"I'm just going to measure... So I can see it with my own eyes the difference in actual strength between that man and I…", a tall lean man with black hair, a short beard, mustache and sideburns that point upwards answered.

He wears black and red ornate clothing with a crucifix pendant. His attire consists of a wide-brimmed black hat decorated with a large plume, and a long, open black coat with no shirt underneath, with red, flower-patterned sleeves and collar. He wears light purple pants held up by a decorated belt and tucked inside overly large boots in comparison to his leg size.

He carries his black sword on his back when he is not using it. 

It is one of the twelve Sajio O Wazamono class swords, Black Sword <Yoru>.

<Yoru> is an ornately decorated and very long blade with a total length of at least 7 feet. On the hilt of this blade is a crossguard, though the bars between the blade and the hilt are much longer than average. The blade itself is pitch-black with a very strong sheen, and its shape is similar to the German "Großes Messer", a single-edged long sword with a slight curve at the end of the blade. Overall, Yoru looks like a large black cross.

Of course, this man was <Strongest Swordsman in the World>, <Hawk Eyes> Mihawk.

Mihawk drew his sword and swung it toward Moby D.i.c.k and Whitebeard.

A huge blade of green energy burst from Mihawk's sword.

This blade very quickly approached Moby D.i.c.k and cut all the ice in its path.

The Marines and Pirates watched the <Strongest Swordsman in the World> attack with shocked facial expressions.

However, before this blade reached Moby D.i.c.k, a big, very muscular, broad-c.h.e.s.ted, heavily-armored and dark-skinned man stood in its way.

He strained all his muscles and his body began to become covered with diamonds. The man blocked Mihawk's attack and redirected it to the sky.

"He stopped it! The World's Strongest slash!!!" pirates screaming.

"The 3rd division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, <Diamond> Jozu."

They did not even realize that Mihawk used only half his strength... He bears the title of <Strongest Swordsman in the World> not for the show...

Suddenly, a bright and dazzling yellow light shone in the sky above the pirates.

As soon as the light was dispersed, the Pirates saw one of the Admirals... Kizaru.

Kizaru looked at Whitebeard and crossed his arms in front of him.

<Yasakani no Magatama>

His lazy and slow voice was heard.

*Pew pew pew pew pew pew pew*

Hundreds of deadly light particles began to fly out of his crossed arms, which flew at great speed right into Whitebeard.

Like last time, this attack was blocked by one of the commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco the <Phoenix>.


The war went on. Two of the three Admirals have already entered the battle.


In the sky above Marineford.

In the sky above Marineford, a group of people watched the entire war. This group consisted of four women and one man.

They sat on a large white cloud, drank wine and watched everything happening at Marineford.

"Boring. Watching this "War" is so boring… Look at Hanc.o.c.k, she's having fun and beating the Marines and Pirates. I also want to beat a few doz... hundreds of Marines," Bonney said with a bored expression on her face.


"I already surpassed Mihawk... I thought that his swordsmanship and strength was much higher than that of the Admirals... But... he is at the same level of strength... Perhaps he bears the title of <Strongest Swordsman in the World>, but... his level of Haki is much weaker than the level of his swordsmanship. In addition, he reached the Peak of Mastery, the next step is the level of a demigod that he cannot reach in this World. I think that the <Strongest Swordsman in the World> is that bald bespectacled man," Daphne said with a sigh.

"The bald bespectacled man is stronger than the other old <Gorosei>, and unlike them, he is not a Mythical Zoan user. Demiurge has already revealed all their powers. I would never have thought that these old people are users of such unusual devil fruits... Space, White Tiger, White Crane, Black Turtle, and Black Coiled Dragon. Hahaha. Honestly, the appearance and temperament of these four old men really resemble all these animals. *Sigh* Xianxia… These arrogant elders are everywhere...", closing his eyes, Ray said.

"Hehehe. Ray-nii-chan, there are things that are beyond our control," covering her mouth with a sleeve of a kimono, Shirahoshi giggled.

"Nnn. Shirahoshi-chan is right. Mythologies, Legends, and History are the foundations of almost all Worlds," taking a sip of wine, Ain said.

Ray nodded and looked at the Giant walking toward Marineford.

"Little Oars Jr. The "latest" living proof of the existence of Jotuns, Titans, and Goliaths," Ray said quietly.

"Absorption of his blood did not give us any advantage. I thought that when you use your <Predator> ability on it, we will gain some skill or at least increase our physical strength... But we got absolutely nothing," looking at the Giant, Daphne said.

"I'm not at all surprised. We are already too strong for such weak bloodlines and useless abilities. In this World there was only one ability that was useful to us," Ray answered.

"<Third Eye>... Yes, this is truly an amazing ability... And we didn't even need to leave this extra eye on our forehead, it's good that we have metamorphmagus abilities," Daphne nodded.

"After all, it's a spiritual ability," Ain added.

"But can members of the Three-Eye Tribe awaken the ability of the <Third Eye> without the third eye? Why did we succeed then?" tilting her head, Shirahoshi asked.

"We are different from them. They need a third eye as a vessel for spiritual energy. They will not be able to awaken this power if they do not have enough of this energy," looking at Shirahoshi, Ray answered.

"Mmm. I understand," Shirahoshi nodded with a smile.

<Ursus Shock>

Suddenly they heard a quiet and calm male voice.


A bomb of highly compressed air exploded on the battlefield. This explosion was incredibly huge and rocked the whole of Marineford, and its shock wave spread in all directions.

The shock wave reached even the cloud on which Ray sat with his wives.

"Ohh. Kuma used his bear bomb," Bonney wondered.

"Well, this is his last battle on the side of <World Government> and the <Revolutionary Army>. No wonder he wants to show them his power," Daphne said.

"He will be a great <Guardian> of our Empire," Shirahoshi nodded.

"I still can't believe that he wanted to sacrifice himself for the weapons for this miserable <Revolutionary Army>," Bonney said with a cold expression on her face and rage in her eyes.

"He wholeheartedly hates <World Government>... And as they say, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Therefore, he joined the <Revolutionary Army>... They are the only ones who dared to confront the <World Government>," Daphne said.

While the girls were discussing <World Government> and the <Revolutionary Army>, Ray watched the defeat of Little Oars Jr.

{Ray, we're done.}

Suddenly he heard the voice of one of his wives.

{Bella, is everything all right? Is no one injured?} Ray asked anxiously.

He believes in the power of all his wives, but this does not mean that he does not worry about their safety.

Ray was never a saint, for the sake of his beloved wives, he is ready to destroy this whole World. Ray will never let anyone harm them or at least somehow offend them.

Bella: {It's all right. Donquixote Pirates did not become a big problem for us. Everything went according to plan, we killed all the members of the Doflamingo crew, except for our spies... Monet, Sugar, Baby 5, Buffalo and Senor Pink...}

Ray: {Good job. I hope your battle against the Donquixote Pirates did not destroy the entire Dressrosa.}

Bella: {Mmm. Do not worry. We had no battle, we just killed all the Donquixote Pirates. It was quick and clean.}

Ray: {Then tell Narberal to start moving Dressrosa to Calm Belt.}

Bella: {Okay honey. See you at home. Oh, I almost forgot, our spies and *cough* Princess Rebecca say hello to you.

Baby 5 said that she no longer needs to be a spy and hide her love for Ray-sama... She also wants to become our maid.

Monet said that now she can fulfill her dream and become your secretary... Well, in fact, she is very good at this work. She has organizational skills.

Rebecca wants to meet her sensei and "Future Husband"... I think she will make friends with Vivi and Reiju very quickly. Now we will have the <Princesses Trio>. Hehehe. Be prepared to take responsibility, Sensei~ Hehehe.}

Ray: {*sigh* I met Rebecca just a few times... *sigh* Really… There are things beyond anybody's control. See you at home.}

When Ray finished his conversation with Bella, he noticed that all eyes were on him.

"Darling. Do you understand that someday you will have to accept all of them? If you refuse all these women, they will die of grief and a broken heart. Moreover, you should not forget that the stronger the bloodline, the more difficult it is to conceive a child and become pregnant. The only exceptions are the Goddesses of Life, but they cannot give birth to more than one child," Daphne said in a low voice.

After these words, the girls lowered their heads and smiled sadly. They wanted children, but for all the time, not one of Ray's wives was able to get pregnant. They would be happy, even if at least one of them could become pregnant and have a baby...

Seeing their facial expressions, Ray went to his wives and hugged them tightly.

"There is an eternity ahead, someday we will succeed. At least we are sure that Narcissa will be able to get pregnant with 100% probability," Ray whispered to them gently.

Daphne, Ain, Bonney, and Shirahoshi gently smiled and alternately kissed his cheek.

They were glad that Narcissa chose this path. She is the only future Goddess of Life in their team.

[I hope Hanc.o.c.k can also get pregnant and give birth to another baby. She is not the Goddess of Life, but her Divinity is not very different.] the girls thought.


Meanwhile, in Marineford.

"Pirates are Evil!? The Marines are Righteous!? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history!!! Kids who have never seen Peace... and kids who have never seen War ... have different values ​!!! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right!!! This very place is neutral ground!!! Justice will prevail, you say!? But, of course it will!!! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!!!" spreading his arms to the sides and looking at the sky, Doflamingo shouted.

This fool doesn't know yet that he no longer has the Pirate Crew and his country… This time Donquixote Doflamingo was on the side of the losers.

The winner is the King, and the loser is the Bandit.

Right, Doflamingo?


Execution stand.







A tall, tanned, broad-c.h.e.s.ted, muscular old man with a beard and a scar over his left eye was climbing the steps to the top of the execution stand.

The old man climbed to the very top and went to <Fire Fist> Ace.

"Why are you here, Garp? Do you have a problem with the plan?" looking at the old man with narrowed eyes, Sengoku asked.

"No... he is a pirate ... I feel no pity for him," Garp answered.

"Well, then..." Sengoku tried to say something.

"Shut up! I'll just stay here," Garp said quietly.


"Ace…! Why didn't you live like I told you to!?" clenching his teeth, Garp asked with tears in his eyes.

Ace looked at Garp with a shocked expression.

"Garp, if you do something foolish, I will not hold back on you," Sengoku said coldly.

"If I could have, I would have!!!" Garp shouted.

Sengoku did not even know and did not realize that if Garp wanted to save Ace, then even the entire Marine could not stop him from doing this.

Do not forget that this man is the Strongest Marine... <Hero of the Marines>... Garp the <Fist>.


In this moment, all the battles between the Pirates and the Marines stopped for an unknown reason.

Pirates and the Marines raised their heads and looking at an unknown object falling from the sky.


In the sky above Marineford.

Ray was looking at the battleship falling from the sky and was a little surprised.

On board this battleship was all members of the <Straw Hat> Pirates team...

"Nnn. Rayleigh and Shakky are there too," Ain said shortly.

"Ray, can we beat the Admirals now?" looking at Ray, Bonney asked.

"Mmm. Yes. Let's end this stupid War and go to Elbaf," with arms crossed, Ray said.

"Hehehe. Finally, the time has come. I'm already tired of waiting," getting up from her seat, Shirahoshi said with a smile.

"Mmm. Let's wait for this battleship to land on the battlefield," looking at the falling battleship, Daphne said.

Ray looked at Marineford and thought: [Today will be the last day of the existence of the Marines.]


"AAAAAAAAACCCCCCCEEEEEE! We're here to save you!!!"


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