Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1153: Return to St. Kaiser

Lin Rui is no longer interested in things other than tasks, he is too tired. The only thing he wants to do now is sleep. Even on the icy helicopter floor, he could sleep normally amidst the tremors and roars.

Helicopter took them to two nearby armed civilian boats, and then took them directly to St. Catherine Island. This is actually a long way from St. Kaiser Island, so they spent several days on this armed ship.

"How long have I slept?" Lin Rui shook his heavy head, looking at the sunlight shining in from outside the cabin.

"I'd like to ask you, how long has it been since you slept well." Long Zhengwu frowned.

"If you mean sleeping in bed, it's probably been several days. The task is urgent, most of the time, at most, one person finds a corner, closes his eyes and lies for a while." Lin Rui smiled bitterly, "I have forgotten to pay There are such things as pillows. The broken wooden bed on this ship is a luxury to me like a palace."

"So you slept for two days and one night, and now it's another afternoon." Long Zhengwu shrugged, "I didn't let them wake you up. Because I know that at times like this, a good night's sleep is better than anything else. "

"No wonder I'm so hungry now." Lin Rui frowned.

Long Zhengwu smiled, "There are dry food and canned food in the cabinet over there."

Lin Rui pried open the can with a knife and said, "I've already started to miss the food in St. Kaiser Island. But why do we have to go back by boat? Isn't that water transport plane faster?"

"The transport plane has other tasks." Long Zhengwu shrugged.

"What mission?" Lin Rui frowned.

"You will know when you return to the island." Long Zhengwu looked at him and said, "How long has it been since you returned to the island?"

Lin Rui thought about it and said, "It's been several months."

"Then you may be surprised." Long Zhengwu smiled slightly.

After returning to St. Kaiser, Lin Rui knew why Long Zhengwu said this, because the island has indeed changed a lot. Originally this was just a very isolated island, and all the facilities on the island were even left over from the colonial period. After Long Zhengwu took over here, he has been carrying out construction projects. Before Lin Rui left last time, this island finally took shape.

But after a few months, it feels completely different. Carefully planned roads have divided the island into several large areas, completely separating military and civilian areas. Long Zhengwu made great efforts to build basic networks such as power supply and water supply. And the original underground mines on the island were redeveloped and reinforced with steel and concrete. A zigzag underground tunnel system is formed.

From the outside, this is a beautiful island, and the military facilities are just some training camps and two military ports. The high-rise building on the island built on the foundation of the original colonial governor's palace looks very modern. This is the office area of ​​the Black Island Company.

But in fact, the dual-core structure adopted by the entire Hei Dao Company, the building and the underground command center communicate with each other, and they can command and issue combat orders from both sides, and the erection of dedicated satellite lines makes them feel like a duck to water.

Cobain and his team can use a private satellite network to communicate with most parts of the world. This ensures that members of the Black Isle will receive information support from headquarters at all times.

Lin Rui looked at the facilities in the underground base at a loss, "What are these?"

"It's just some ordinary equipment." Cobain came over and said with a smile, "We currently use laser communication, which can transmit language, text, data, images and other information, and the communication capacity is large.

In theory, laser communication can transmit 10 million TV programs and 10 billion telephone calls at the same time. Strong confidentiality. The laser is not only highly directional, but also can use invisible light, so it is not easy to be intercepted by the enemy, and the confidentiality performance is good. The structure is light and the equipment is economical.

Due to the small divergence angle and good directivity of the laser beam, both the transmitting and receiving antennas required for laser communication can be made very small. Generally, the diameter of the antenna is tens of centimeters and the weight is only a few kilograms, while the microwave antenna with similar functions has a weight of In a few tons, a dozen tons. "

"In other words, this will become a permanent ground base station? And it's a secret fortification buried deep underground." Lin Rui frowned.

"Yes, isn't it great, but there are better ones. Through this completely independent satellite network, we can better organize battles and provide information assistance. And you must know that my people are first-class masters. , we can use this powerful system to invade any place in the world and complete the network intrusion against the enemy." Cobain said with a smile.

"It's really good." Lin Rui nodded and said, "I almost don't recognize this place."

"Okay, after getting familiar with it, you must go to the port with me." Long Zhengwu patted him and said.

"What else can you show me?" Lin Rui asked strangely.

Long Zhengwu smiled and said, "These are our business affairs today, but you have to shave and change your clothes."

"Formal occasion?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Very formal. I want to take you to meet representatives of forty private military companies around the world." Long Zhengwu looked at the time and said. "They'll arrive in an hour, now you understand what the transport is going to do?"

"What are they doing here, because of the World Mercenary Alliance that you led?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Yes." Long Zhengwu looked at him and said, "This time we need to unite them around to fight against the management committee."

"I think it's better to be careful, this is a group of unfamiliar wolves." Lin Rui shook his head.

Long Zhengwu nodded, "I know who they are. Not only are they unfamiliar, but they are also greedy and cruel. So if we want to take advantage of them this time, we have to give them tangible benefits. I called them this time to take advantage of this momentum. , to establish a completely different set of mercenary rules from the management committee."

"Do you think you can do it?" Lin Rui frowned.

"It's definitely not good to be emotional, but at least we can know it for the benefit." Long Zhengwu smiled slightly, "The mercenary is always the first word, let's go, go and clean up, we will meet at the dock."

Lin Rui nodded, he really needed to wash up to get rid of the decadence of this body. He took a quick shower, put on some clean clothes, and followed Long Zhengwu to the port on the island. The huge water transport plane in the distance. Has been quietly moored on the sea. Several boats are picking up people from the plane to the dock. Silver Wolf was talking and laughing among the group of people, walking all the way.

"It seems that they have already arrived." Long Zhengwu smiled slightly.

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