Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1154: Industry Summit

&&&&Long Zhengwu greeted him with a smile, "Hey, how are you all doing?" Many people in the team knew him, and someone immediately greeted him. .vo. He also responded with a smile. Some people are naturally able to make others gather around him, and Long Zhengwu is undoubtedly such a person, with a very charismatic personality.

&&&& The representatives of the major military companies invited to St. Cather's Island this time were also very surprised by this place, seeing everything newly built on the island, especially after seeing the huge modern building of the Governor's Palace on the island . They all seemed a little surprised.

&&&& And after they entered the conference room with Long Zhengwu and others, they were even more amazed at the large conference room on the roof.

&&&& "This is my first time here, God, is this the new headquarters of Black Isle?" a black man whispered.

&&&& "No wonder they have the strength to challenge the US military. In this place alone, their investment is definitely a lot." Someone in the crowd whispered.

&&&&After sitting down, Long Zhengwu said with a smile, "Gentlemen, this place is really good, but we have a better view to see today."

&&&& "Oh, I don't know what Mr. Long wants to show us?" a middle-aged white man frowned.

&&&& "The management method of the management committee has lasted for nearly several decades. From the current point of view, it has severely restricted the development of private military companies, so we need to reorganize, formulate new rules, and establish a new order." Long Zhengwu said solemnly, "In the process, I am very happy that you can come together with us."

&&&& "But what are the new rules? We were running fairly well. We didn't want to change anything for the time being." Another representative frowned, "The key question now is why we choose to go with you Black Island, Just to get rid of the management board, not to go against them."

&&&& "I know what you are worried about, and in fact this is also our concern. After all, the management committee has controlled the mercenary business for many years, and everyone has some concerns about changing it back. But I believe that you are all smart people. Inside the management committee It's already rotten, and they colluded with military officials to devour the benefits that should have been obtained by major companies. Everyone knows this." Long Zhengwu shrugged.

&&&& "But as you said, the management committee controls a lot of related outsourcing businesses after all. Even if we are dissatisfied, we have to endure it." Another member complained.

&&&& "I understand, but I have two contracts in hand, both of which have just been completed, and the US has acquiesced in my authority. In future military outsourcing contracts, we will also be out of the control of the management committee. This is me I want to give it to you." Long Zhengwu looked at everyone and said, "The reason why the management committee has been able to control some of the military's outsourcing contracts for so long is because they have resources. And this resource is not the management committee itself, but you , it's each of you who gives this organization the strength."

&&&& Lin Rui nodded and said, "Mr. Long is right, if there is no one under the management committee, how can the U.S. military trust him? If the U.S. military no longer trusts him, how can most of the outsourcing contracts be handed over to him? he?"

&&&& "But now that you have contract priority, does that mean that Black Isle will start replacing the management board in the future?" a representative asked.

&&&& "We Black Isle will never replace the management board, because like you, we are just an ordinary private military company. We will not create a pretext to squeeze other companies. So our proposal is to establish a large head office, with joint participation The way of management, in charge of all the companies that join the World Maid Union." Long Zhengwu shrugged.

&&&& "Is there any benefit?" Someone frowned.

&&&& "The first advantage is that we are no longer exploited by the management committee, reject high management fees, reject all kinds of opaque charges. And we will establish this head office in the Cayman Islands.

&&&&Because the Cayman Islands obtained a royal decree in 1978, the decree stipulates that the tax liability of the Cayman Islands is permanently exempted. Therefore, the Cayman Islands has no direct taxation at all, whether it is on individuals, companies or trust industries. No direct taxation . Therefore, it has also gained the reputation of a tax haven. It is also the fourth largest financial center in the world.

&&&&We will ask the most professional team to manage and operate this head office. Make it really serve us, not a bureaucracy high above it. "Long Zhengwu shrugged.

&&&& "How can you do this? Maybe it won't be long before you are more aggressive than the management committee." A representative of a private military company shook his head. "We can't put all our hopes on your commitment."

&&&& "That's true, so we have to check each other, check and balance the power of the company. When a game makes everyone a participant and everything is in plain sight, then it's hard to cheat." Long Zhengwu shrugged. .

&&&&Silver Wolf, who has not spoken, also spoke, "Gentlemen, we are trying to show you the best and try our best to convince you. The management committee will not do this, they will only give you a result, and you will It must be carried out in accordance with this. Whoever you go with is more in line with your interests; whoever you go with is more in line with your needs? In fact, this is no longer a problem, otherwise you would not be here."

&&&& "I understand Silver Wolf, but we still need to consider this matter." Someone continued.

&&&&Long Zhongwu burst into laughter, "Of course, I understand that we all want to be more secure. So we have a week to carefully consider and discuss every detail. But I still want to say that this is not just a The form of the league. More importantly, it is a brand new system, more professional and less restrictive, but at the same time it must be more standardized. This is my vision for the future of this league.”

&&&&His words have aroused the approval of many people. Lin Rui whispered, "Mr. Long, it's a pity not to be a salesman with your mouth."

&&&& "I think so too." Long Zhengwu whispered to him.

&&&& At this time, the black panther Gu Lei came in from outside, and after seeing Long Zhongwu, he whispered a few words in his ear.

&&&& Long Zhengwu was silent for a while and said, "Silver Wolf, you stay here, I'll go out for a while." Lin Rui didn't know what the black panther Gu Lei said to Long Zhengwu, but he knew by looking at his face that it seemed that the situation was not good. . Lin Rui immediately followed quickly and walked out of the conference room with Long Zhengwu. There were several people waiting outside, including Zhao Jianfei. Long Zhengwu frowned and walked out, "What is the situation, tell me exactly?"

&&&& "It's Jiangan's problem. He suddenly disappeared." Zhao Jianfei whispered.


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