Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1155: actuary missing

&&&& "What? Jiangan is missing?" Lin Rui was shocked. He immediately grabbed Zhao Jianfei's arm and said solemnly, "Why did the actuary suddenly disappear? Didn't he receive treatment in a British military hospital?"

&&&& "Yes, we went to pick him up this time, but when we got there, he was nowhere to be found. .vo. No one knows when he left, and no one has seen him. He accepts eyeballs It didn't take long for the repair operation. According to the military's surgical records, his left eyeball was ruptured, and he underwent emergency surgery due to traumatic hyphema in the left eye." Zhao Jianfei said solemnly, "Can his left eye be saved? It's still a problem, it depends on the recovery situation, so at this time, it's impossible for him to run around."

&&&& "You mean, he might become blind?" Lin Rui whispered.

&&&& "In the last action, he hurt his eyes. You know this better than us." Zhao Jianfei said helplessly.

&&&& "But even so, it is impossible for him to leave the hospital suddenly." Lin Rui shook his head.

&&&&Piao Dongsang tentatively said, "He's not blind in one eye, so he can't think about it, right?"

&&&& "You dare to say another word!" Lin Rui suddenly grabbed Park Dong-sang, pushed him against the wall, and glared at him fiercely.

&&&& "Hey, Rick, let go of the Korean guy. He's just saying something out of the blue." Crazy Horse patted Lin Rui's wrist and said solemnly.

&&&& "I'm really sorry boss, I didn't mean it" Park Dong-sang tried to calm down.

&&&& Lin Rui let go of him, shook his head and said, "It's nothing... I was too impulsive. But this is absolutely impossible. The actuary is calmer and silent than anyone else. He will never be able to bear the blow like you said. "

&&&& "What did the British say?" Long Zhengwu frowned, "People were lost there, and they didn't say anything?"

&&&& "It was a military hospital. Jiangan's identity was kept secret there, so there was no registration information, and no one knew who he was. And the few MIIA agents who were sent to watch him were not in the first place. Time found him leaving, and it was too late to react.

&&&& They believe that Jiangan left voluntarily and had an internal response in the hospital, because at the same time, a doctor in the hospital also disappeared. Through investigation, the British suspected that the doctor was related to the secret society. They even suspected that Jiangishi was also a member of the Secret Society. So after we resolved the Zumwalt-class issue, the U.S. military wanted to question us. But we ignored them. "

&&&& "This is impossible, the actuary will never be a member of the secret society. He is our best squad tactics and strategist, and many of our actions are directly planned by him. The actions of the society, if he is a member of the secret society, we don't know how many times we will die." Lin Rui shook his head.

&&&& "I think so too, but why did he disappear at the same time as a doctor with a secret society background?" Crazy Horse frowned.

&&&& "I don't know, but he must be in great need of our help now." Lin Rui paced back and forth, "No, I have to go to England."

&&&& Zhao Jianfei frowned, "You calm down first, this may be a trap. Maybe someone from the secret society tied Jiangan and tried to lure us into the bait."

&&&& "If that's the case, then we have to find him even more." Lin Rui looked at Zhao Jianfei and said, "Old Zhao, the class you taught me. I always remember it. I will never give up any of my brothers, Because our lives are together."

&&&& Zhao Jianfei was silent for a while and said, "I just said that it needs to be treated with more caution."

&&&& Lin Rui nodded, "I understand."

&&&&Long Zhengwu was silent and said nothing, and finally he nodded, "Go, Lin Rui is right. No matter whether we live or die, we will never abandon our comrades. Lin Rui, you take two o2 players to go first. I currently have this The situation, it is really impossible to leave, there is still a large group of people waiting in the conference room.

&&&& But I will contact the British military intelligence service, you can get their help when necessary. I believe that in order to track the members of the secret society, they will not refuse. "

&&&&Long Zhengwu patted Lin Rui on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "I originally wanted to introduce you to everyone through this meeting. It seems that this time I'm afraid it won't work, you must find Jiangan."

&&&& "Okay. Lao Zhao, I need further information. How did you know that something happened to Jiang'an?" Lin Rui said to Zhao Jianfei.

&&&& "In fact, after the completion of the Zumwalt-class destroyer mission, you returned to St. Kaiser Island, and we were not idle. We originally went to the military hospital in the United Kingdom to prepare for the landing, but unfortunately after we arrived, But found that he was not found.

&&&&After asking many people, a group of British MI6 agents approached us. he told us. They are agents working as guards in a hospital, and their purpose is to track down a hospital doctor. But that doctor is now missing, and Jiangan should have had contact with this person before disappearing. Lin Rui frowned, "What kind of contact did the actuary have with that doctor?" "I don't know, they just said that." Zhao Jianfei frowned. "Besides, one of them is a doctor and the other is a patient. It is very normal to see each other every day, even if they have had contact. It does not prove that the actuary is also a member of the secret society."

&&&& "Then why do they suspect Jiangan is a member of the secret society?" Lin Rui frowned.

&&&& "Because MI6 has been paying attention to the doctor for a They are spying on him. And they think that there is no escape from the doctor alone. The doctor escaped from the hospital smoothly, There is only one possibility, someone is assisting him, and this person is definitely an expert who can get rid of tracking." Zhao Jianfei whispered, "When Jiang An disappeared at the same time, they concentrated all their suspicions on himself."

&&&& "Could it be this person who forced Jiangan to leave?" Lin Rui frowned.

&&&& "At least they don't believe it. A single member of the secret society can hijack and coerce Jiang An in this environment." Zhao Jianfei shook his head.

&&&& Lin Rui shook his head, "But this possibility cannot be ruled out, he was injured after all. And the actuary has never been a person who is good at fighting. His value lies in formulating strategies and team tactics. Because of this, he is very interested in o2. worth far more than the member himself."

&&&& Long Noon nodded, "Okay, I approve your action. No matter who did it, we have to get the actuary back. There's still a bunch of hard-to-find guys in the conference room right now, and I'm doing my best to win them over." Support, in this environment, I don't want them to think that we can't even do our own business. Do you understand?"

&&&& Lin Rui took a deep breath, "Okay, I'll go right now."


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