An hour ago.


“Chinese Restaurant~Chinese Restaurant~”

Carrying a small red and black schoolbag on her shoulder and walking on her slender legs, Cindy roamed freely through the street, looking for the storefront she wanted.

Although she is not Chinese, her Asian face is perfectly integrated here.

However, Cindy’s very prominent appearance in the eyes of Asians still attracted attention.

“Hey! Gossamer! ”

“It’s really spider silk!”

“Can you sign it! My little daughter watches your cartoons every day! (Superhero spin-off animation, Ghost Spider Club investment)”

Soon someone recognized her, and then more and more people came to ask for autographs.


Cindy saw that people were gathered in a circle, pursed her lips shyly, put the hood of her jacket on her head, and shot spider silk out of the crowd.

“Goddess! This is for you, please accept it! ”

I don’t know who took the lead and gave her a souvenir hanging that imitated ancient artifacts.


Just one shot 323 out of control.

“Me! I! I also have something to give you! ”

“Wait! And me! ”

After a while:

Cindy was holding a bunch of messy things in her arms…..

What wrapped paper cake, fruity milk tea, unopened latest women’s sneakers…..

There are even a couple of skewers of lamb …..

Hold these things.

Cindy was a little at a loss.

That’s too enthusiastic…..

If you leave with spider silk now, such a large pile of things will definitely fall to the ground.

She thought it was rude…

Outside the crowd.

A handsome young man wearing headphones, tiptoeing on white shoes, watched, “It seems to be… It’s a superhero…”

“Good 1a, don’t look at 1a, it’s not yours to look at it again.”

Next to him was a wretched short man with a gold tooth on his mouth, wearing a marten, and hanging a large (cfde) gold chain.

He said to his cheap nephew.

“Let’s hurry up and investigate the case, the reward is someone else’s 1A.”

Cindy sniffed the skewers and said curiously.

“Is this considered Chinese food?”

“Chinese food?”

A woman in a women’s suit came out of the crowd and asked Cindy.

“Are you here to find Chinese food in Chinatown?” I can introduce you to a couple of good restaurants. ”


Cindy said with delight.

“Hello, you are….”

“My name is Chen Ying, and I am a police officer in Chinatown.”

After Chen Ying introduced herself, she said to the crowd.

“Okay, everyone disperse, don’t block the streets.”

As a police officer, she still had some prestige, and quickly evacuated the crowd.

Cindy bowed her head to Chen Ying in gratitude.

“Thank you.”

“It’s okay, I’m also a fan of yours.”

Chen Ying led Cindy to the Chinese restaurant and smiled.

“I’ll take you to try the authentic food here, superhero.”


Cindy talked to her as she held the things in her arms.

“…. I wanted to learn a few Chinese dishes. ”


Chen Ying pushed open the door of a Chinese restaurant and turned around and asked.

“It’s for yourself…. Still…”


Cindy hesitated, but explained, “I have a Chinese friend…”

Hearing this, Chen Ying immediately changed his “I understand” smile, “Boyfriend? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Cindy blushed and did not refute ….

“You… Don’t talk nonsense….”

“Hehe~ rest assured.”

Chen Ying took her to the back kitchen and teased.

“How dare I spread the scandal of superheroes, let your fan groups know, and you can’t tear me alive~”

“My fans are so fierce…. I think they’re very welcoming…”

“Just kidding. Come, get acquainted. ”

Chen Ying introduced Cindy to a cook.

“This is… You can learn to cook with her. ”

“Well, hello.”


Cindy followed the cook and happily learned a few delicious Chinese dishes.


Dozens of minutes passed …..

“Good cuisine will shine….. Of course, this is just a metaphor … We need to control the heat to…”

The chef is explaining the essentials of cooking.

Cindy glanced out of the kitchen window out of the corner of her eye, and suddenly froze, “It’s glowing…..”


The cook lady looked at the dish in front of her suspiciously, “Where is it glowing?” ”


She noticed the direction of Cindy’s gaze and cast her gaze over, then froze as well.

“My God…. True… It really glows….!! ”

I saw out the window.

Blue pillars of light connect to the dome of the sky.

At the end, it seemed that a sky collapsed out, and countless black dots burst out of the hole, spreading and spreading.

Part of it is coming to Chinatown.

After a few minutes, Cindy and Chen Ying ran to the roof of the restaurant to look out, and found that a part of the Zitauri army had flown into the street to destroy.

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