“You’re smart.”

Ye Li put the Stinger Hidden Sword on Mo Lun’s neck and said with a smile, “Don’t worry, it will only hurt a little.” ”

“You can’t kill me!”

Mo Lun barely endured the pain and threatened viciously, “Wait! I will definitely eat you! ”

“Kill or not? This sounds familiar. ”

After Ye Li locked the Demon Lun into an anchor point for absolute tracking, his hand was neatly ———

“The last one who said this has already been refined into a puppet by me…”


Hidden saber slashed.

No blood splattered.

In a blink of an eye.

Mo Lun melted into a pool of purple mist and quickly dissipated, which was extremely strong and highly poisonous…

Before he died, he experienced pain more terrible than nuclear radiation…

Marvel Earth-001 universe, “Weaving the World”.

Successor family, clone factory.

in the incubator.

Morun’s embryo grew rapidly and soon became a tall adult———

Table tennis!!

A crisp sound.

The man smashed the glass jar and walked out, and the glass shards on the ground could not pierce his skin.

“Damn it!!”

It is obviously a new body.

That stinger is so scary…..

“You failed?”

Jenix, the head of the cloning factory, asked the resurrected Moren, “What about Brix and Pola?” ”

His words just fell.


Pola walked out of another culture tank.

“I failed, accidentally defeated by a mechanical monster, that parallel universe is not simple.”

“It’s okay.”

Janix said in a relaxed tone.

“We have countless chances, and those spider totems only have one, don’t we?”


A teasing voice sounded from behind him.

The three heir family members were taken aback.

Looking in the direction of the sound, I found that it was a… In addition to being handsome… Very ordinary man ….

“It’s you!!”

Mo Lun shouted in horror, “How could you!!” ”

He was even scared so that his legs went a little soft…..

The inheritor family traverses multiple universes, hunting totems, daring to be so arrogant, relying on the cloning technology that can be resurrected infinitely.

But now that Ye Lidu has stabbed Laos and guarded the resurrection point, can Mo Lun not be afraid…

Seeing Morun’s fearful look, Janix and Bora also realized something, and immediately rushed towards Ye Li – “Do it!!” “Kill him!!” ”

An inexplicable smile appeared on Ye Li’s face.

Since he came to the lair of the heir family.

He wasn’t going to tie up anymore…




After a thought…

.. Phew~——~~

A cold wind blows.

Everything around was covered with ice, and the expressions of Morun, Bora, and Jenix were forever frozen.

Other members of the heir family far away, such as Patriarch Soros, Demon brother Dammons, etc…..

They were also killed by the sudden sweep of the Absolute Zero Realm.

Even the imprisoned world weaver weaver master was not spared.

Below absolute zero.

All beings are equal.

Everything is silent. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Earth-001 universe – weaving world, I am afraid it will be called a frozen world in the future…

[You defeated Gwensdaisy and Cindy Muen’s enemies of fate, as their relationship, you can choose…”

[You defeated Gwensdaisy and Cindy Muen’s enemies of fate…]

[You defeated…]

[You defeated…]

[You defeated…]

[You defeated…]

A series of system reward voices sounded, but Ye Li knew that the inheritor family had not been completely destroyed.

Swoosh –

He teleported to the center of the heir family and found the soul crystals of the members of the heir family.


Under their wail, he crushed them one by one.

[You defeated…]

“(Good money) Phew~~”

Ye Li let out a soft breath, and the heir family collapsed, which can be regarded as a piece of heart disease in addition to Cindy.

[Did you choose to take over the web of destiny after destroying the heir family of Gwensdaisy and Cindy Muen’s hostile organization and killing the world’s weaver Kahn Elderly?


Ye Xian’s thoughts flashed, and he came to check in front of the web of fate that was frozen by him.

At the center of that net.

Kahn, the weaver master who controls the fate of the spider totem, is indeed already hanging…

Speaking of this Kahn, there is also a bit of a story.

Kahn is also a member of the Heir family, but he is tired of his family hunting totems in various worlds.

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