The silver metal blade tip slipped blood beads, and with a flick of his hand, the spiritual scepter became bloodless.


Ye turned away from his wrist and was used as a spear staff to retract the pestle.

Around, the Hydra soldiers had been cleaned up by him and Tony.

“Who are these people? Why attacked us? ”

Questioning, Pietro approached a soldier cautiously and rummaged through the information.

After a while of fumbling.

He found a clue and said in surprise.

“They…. They are Baron Strack’s people! This is! ”

“Baron Strack….”

There was also a look of concern on the girl’s handsome little face, and Strack could be described as covering the sky in Sokovia.

The Baron’s soldiers died in her house, and he certainly wouldn’t let her and Pietro, two small commoners, have a good time…

“Baron Strack? I remember in the data…”

Stark checked in the information that Ye Li had hacked out before, and also learned some information about Baron Strack, the remnant of the hydra, “Since it is the one who identified the hydra, inform Nick Fury to solve it, captain, they have to work again.” ”

“Speak as if you’re not an Avenger.”

Ye Li and Tony had a word.

Then walked up to Wanda.

In her shy and dodgy eyes.

He held Na Qianqiansu’s hand in his palm and said seriously, “Come with me, Wanda, you will definitely not be able to stay in Sokovia, things are because of me, and I will be responsible to the end.” ”


Wanda was stunned by these words, amber eyes, full of silk threads spinning in circles…

In the girl’s mind.

Two important points in the words have been echoing…..

Go with him…..

Responsible to the end…..

Go with him…..

Responsible to the end…..

Could this be…

She was now holding a small hand and was held by Ye Li lightly, this posture was like being courted…

At last.

Wanda still left her family property in a daze, and with only a little luggage, she was fooled away by Ye Li….

Pietro was not worried about his sister, and naturally followed with his suitcase.


He was so unimpressed with himself… I am deeply disturbed by the imminent change of life———

“Wanda, we’re going with him like that?

Maybe when we get to magnesium country, they will sell us for labor!

I heard that some foreign guests with superficial scenery are doing such things behind their backs! ”

“Okay, Pietro, since just now, you haven’t stopped…”

Wanda listened to her brother’s chatter, pressed her eyebrows, and said helplessly, “If we stay in Sokovia, we won’t have a good life, and the baron is not a soft-hearted person.” ”

“Or the little girl has a vision.”


His voice just fell.

Pietro proudly hid behind his sister, “Hmph~”

“Well, whatever you think.”

Tony knew that the siblings had a big opinion of him, shrugged his shoulder armor, and turned to talk to Ye Li.

“Are we just leaving? Don’t go to meet the remnants of the hydra? ”

“No need to rush.”

Ye Li had his own plan, glanced at Wanda, and arranged to say, “Take Wanda and them first.” ”

Speaking up.

That baron also sent him an assist, and he naturally prepared a “thank you gift” for him…..


“I’ll take a step first~”

Tony, wearing a steel suit, flew in the direction of the airport, “The car is borrowed from you, hurry up, God knows if the baron will send someone again.” ”


“Come on, Stephen.”

Ye Li rode a motorcycle venica, took Wanda in front of him, and also drove quickly towards the airport——~ (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu novel network!) )

Only Strange and Pietro remained, sitting in Tony’s sports car, looking at each other…

“Can you do it?”

Strange questioned Pietro, who was holding the steering wheel, and he attached great importance to traffic safety.

“Eh…. This one is the brakes …. This is the throttle….”

After studying for a while, Pietro’s eyes lit up, and he smiled confidently, “I think I’ll open…..!” ”

Strange: ??

“Do you have a driver’s license?”

“(Qian Zhao Hao) No.”


Stephen was so frightened that he quickly pulled his seat belt –

“I’m going to get off!!”

“Failed! Tony Stark is really setting bait and deliberately luring snakes out of the hole! ”

Table tennis!

Strack slapped the table in annoyance!

This time the operation failed, allowing Iron Man and others to escape, maybe some news will be exposed!

“Get those fighters out, you must intercept them!”

“I’ll go down at once, Mr. Strack.”

When a subordinate receives an order, he must convey the order.


A golden door of light suddenly opened in front of him…

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