“Are you….”

Harpy was about to recall Jessica’s face when she saw a man walking behind her, “Oh…. It’s really not the right time for you to mention Tony……”


Eric heard Jessica say the name and immediately walked over this way.

Seeing the silver-white color exposed between Harpy’s fingers, he sneered and stretched out his hand towards it, “It’s not yours, hand it over!” ”

Where will Harpy hand it over, he punched it with a backhand———


Eric was sturdy and punched

The metal object in Harpy’s hand even scratched a small wound on his face:


But he just moved his chin, wounds and under the skin without care…. A fiery orange glow rose…..


Now Jessica also realized that something was wrong…

Karma Taj.


Gu Yi tapped his hand on the back of the girl’s hand in front of him and asked softly, “Do you feel it?” ”

“Hmm…. I feel it….”

Wanda’s beautiful eyes suddenly opened, and the amber “nine zero zero” perk pupils flashed scarlet light——

——Open the palm of Qian, wisps of crimson chaotic magic energy, floating in the palm…

“Red….. What kind of magic is this? ”

Koichi: “Chaos magic.” ”

“Chaos magic?”

Wanda muttered….. The crimson energy of the opponent’s heart has a special induction.

The energy spread to the coffee table, holding up a ceramic teacup.

Wanda was curious and kept playing with the teacup with chaos magic, “Is this what chaos magic does?” Like Nian Li? ”

“Compared to the true power of Chaos Magic, this is not even dust.”

Furuichi admonished, “It’s much more powerful than you think, and you have to learn to control it.” ”

Wanda nodded understandingly, “Then your chaos magic should be very powerful, right?” ”

Furuichi shook his head, “I won’t. ”

“Huh? How will you not teach me? ”

“You were born with it.”

“Or we’ll play cards a little longer.”

Tony saw that Wanda had been in for so long and proposed a few more thrilling duels.

Strange held his ten fingers and looked at the curtain expectantly, “I’m quite excited now, I don’t have the brains to play cards.” ”


The bead curtain rings softly.

Wanda walked out with a complicated look and said to Stark, “You go in…..”


She set her sights on her brother – since she was born with chaos magic, then Pietro…

“Not yet me?”

Strange looked at Ye Li in confusion and asked, “Didn’t you say that Master Mordo came specifically to pick me up?” ”

Ye Li shrugged his shoulders and raised his eyebrows, saying——

——You can’t guess a woman’s mind

He felt…..

Gu Yi probably wanted to grind Strange.

After all, in the original trajectory.

Strange didn’t even believe in the existence of spells and souls until the Supreme Mage showed him a wave.

And now Strange has long believed in magic under the influence of Ye Li, and there is no need to worry about his impatience to run away.

“Man, take it easy, sooner or later it’s your turn.”

Tony patted Strange on the shoulder to comfort him, and then strode towards the inner hall, proudly saying, “I’ll go explore the way for you first, haha~”

Strange: “…” (You almost wrote hisser on your face….. )

Inner hall.

“Oh~ hello, respected Gu Yi Mage.”

Tony sat down casually, “Your tea is really good, compared to a famous Riben tea house I have been to.” ”

“You’re no less talented than Strange, Stark.”

Furuichi was not interested in chattering with Tony, and went straight to the point, “But your mind is not calm now. ”

“Oh, thanks Qua…. Well, what? ”

Tony paused, and asked, “You can see that I have an anxiety disorder?” ”

Furuichi smiled and nodded kindly, “You’re anxious about power….. Think that if you take off your steel suit, you are an ordinary person who is helpless against those gods and extraterrestrial life, unable to protect important people and people, right? ”

Tony gave a thumbs up in amazement, “Master, are you really accurate in looking at people, are you interested in becoming a psychiatrist?” ”

Gu Yi nodded again, “I have an international registered psychological counselor certificate. ”


Tony convinced…. Very good and powerful ….

“Then do you know how to treat my heart disease?”

“It’s simple….”

Gu Yi folded his fan on the magic book on the desktop and moved it in front of Stark, “Learn magic.” ”

She didn’t lie to Tony, and spell meditation calmed the mind and cured his anxiety.


Tony suddenly realized, “Mage, I have realized!” ”

Gu Yi smiled gratifyingly, he was indeed a malleable talent. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Tony was pleasantly surprised, “As long as you learn spells!” Even if I don’t have a suit, I can fill a cup! ”

Ancient One:?

Table tennis!!

Eric Savin grabbed one of Harpy’s arms and threw him out of the distance with a back, shattering a piece of glass.

“Ah——!” Screams were heard all around, and pedestrians fled in a hurry.


He walked towards Harpy and continued to move.


Jessica took a step forward and stopped in front of him, “Stop! ”

“It’s you, beauty.”


Savin clenched his fists, “I don’t show mercy to women~”

Boom! ——

Jessica kicked the glowing weirdo backwards and flew out, and then went to see how Harpy was doing.

Matilda pulled her off at this moment, “Jessica, look over there, that person seems to be cracking!” ”


Jessica looked through the fleeing crowd, and saw that Tagget, like Savin, a fiery orange glow rose under his skin, and it quickly spread throughout his body, as if he was about to explode…


Superhero experienced female knight, immediately senses that something is wrong…

Jessica sensed the danger, stepped on it, and the silver light slid quickly a few inches above the ground.

After approaching Targot.


Taggett instantly exploded into a flame…..

Harpy also got up at this time, scanning the theater around which there were already empty people, and found that Savin had run away, “….. I have to inform Tony about this, and maybe you can inform your brother too…”

When he saw the silver light just now, he remembered who Jessica was—a female knight, Mr. Ye’s sister.

“What is that again…..”

Jessica thought that after the battle of Niuyo, she would be stable for a while, but she didn’t expect that there would be a moth again…

However, the girl did not choose to contact Ye Li, she knew that her brother would not care about these things.

Sanctuary of the Mage.

Finally, it was Strange’s turn to enter the inner hall and get in touch with the world of mages.

And in the atrium.

Ye Li took the weaving magic analysis book, studied it carefully, and soon gained something.

I saw him make a move———

The clothes on Pietro and Tony’s bodies extend into a woven thread and intertwine with each other…


Stark sensed that something was wrong, turned his head and found that his clothes were actually connected with the white-haired boy’s!

“What’s going on?”

Pietro also found out, disgusted to part with Stark, “Hey! You’re disgusting, stay away from me! ”

“You’re staying away from me!”

Tony tried to take off his coat, but several layers of clothes were connected, “Is this magic?” Or a curse? ”


Wanda couldn’t help it, she saw Ye Li’s beckoning action in her eyes, and knew that eighty percent was made by him to make a bad 4.4.

Tony gave her a skeptical look, “Did you do it?” Unravel quickly. ”

Pietro was puzzled, “Sister, did you do it?” ”

“It’s not me, I don’t, don’t talk nonsense.”

The girl quickly shook her head, and at the same time pointed at Ye Li with her hand.

Ye Li saw that Wanda had sold him, so he made another move to restore the clothes of the two to normal.

It’s a fun little trick, but it’s useless.

“Li, what the hell are you doing, why is there such strange magic…..”

“It’s just, it’s whole person magic…”

The two naturally complained.

Ye Li smiled wickedly, “Didn’t I see that you guys always make a fuss, so that you can cultivate and cultivate feelings.” ”

Pietro’s eyes widened, “Who wants to cultivate feelings with him!” ”


Ye Li snapped his fingers.

Wisps of white spider silk appeared out of thin air around Pietro, wrapping him in rice dumplings.

Compared to the spider silk produced by Cindy and the spider silk made with Gwen’s solution, this spider silk is much tougher.

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