“That woman, unexpectedly alert, should have discovered my existence.”

Ji Si Xiu Te seemed to remember the sight she had felt before, and said to Lin Chuan.

“I also talked to the uncle before, and he said that he had met a little girl, presumably the woman just now.”

“Although it is only a human being, it may help Ru in the future.”

“Have your words been so many?”

“Well, I originally belong to the category of people who like to talk, and I haven’t talked to someone for such a long time, so it’s inevitable that I’m a little too excited.”

Lin Chuan ignored the vampires chattering in his ears and leisurely watched people come and go.

It’s still daytime, the streets are full of pedestrians, and at night, there may be more than just people walking on the streets.

Even if no one comes to tell fortunes, Lin Chuan’s living expenses are also responsible, since the last time he casually mentioned a certain uncle who opened a factory, so that he escaped the tide of bankruptcy, Lin Chuan’s card has been able to receive remittances from the other party.

The five evils and three deficiencies that Satania said before were naturally fooling her, and there was no need to pay a price for interfering with the fate of a mortal, the Heavenly Dao of this side of the world could almost be said to be non-existent, as long as it was not too excessive, the lifeblood of a country would not have any consequences reflected in Lin Chuan.

Even if there were, it would be a little more unlucky than usual.


In front of the stall, a figure had already sat down.

Got a business?

Lin Chuan sat up slightly, put away his rambling posture, and glanced at the customer in front of him.

The other party seems to be a young man of about twenty years old, his appearance is quite OK, but the clothes on his body are really unflattering, and the black sportswear is like the unemployed homeless people everywhere in the cherry blossom country.

The other party seemed very nervous, somewhat cramped the corners of his clothes.

No, you big man pinching what a coat horn asshole.

Lin Chuan resisted the urge to complain and showed a professional smile.

“Fortune telling?”

Look, this is called professional.

The young man who was actively questioned remembered the purpose of his coming here and hurriedly opened his mouth.

“It’s not a fortune teller, I’m here to ask for luck.” I heard that you are very clever here, so I want to ask for the same can be shipped. ”

“Tell me more.”

Lin Chuan looked at the other party “seriously” and suddenly came to some interest.

Is it interesting that the gods born from the desire to kill are born?

He was the one who prepared to take care of that snake at school last time, right? Don’t you remember me?

What do you want to do here?

“Actually, tell you a secret.”

The sportswear youth seemed hesitant, but finally made up his mind to speak.

“My name is Nightfighter, and I’m a god.”

He glanced at Lin Chuan a little, as if he wanted to see the latter’s reaction.

Generally speaking, as long as he says that he is a god, many diviners will look at it and then sell themselves various items.

However, the mysterious young man in front of him seemed to be different, the other party did not regard him as a neurosis, nor did he drive him away, but slightly bowed his head, his eyes were clear, and he seemed to be waiting for him to continue.

“What’s up, keep talking.”

Hearing the other party’s urging, Ye Dou reacted to this, and his face produced some familiar changes in Lin Chuan.

“I am the god of night fighting, with thousands of devout believers, shrines all over the world, and the first popular god of Takatenhara who is loved by people!”

Lin Chuan glanced at Ye Dou’s shabby dress again and nodded.

“It seems that you are living a very good life, and such a successful person does not seem to need to be transported, and I am ready to close the stall and leave.”

Lin Chuan was about to get up after speaking.

“Don’t do this!”

Lin Chuan was just about to take a step when he was grabbed by a black unknown object and held by his ankle.

At his feet, the young man who called himself the Night Fighting God opened his mouth with a handful of snot and tears.

“That’s what the future holds.”

“I’m still on the road of struggle, trying to save money to build my own shrine, but recently I have encountered difficulties, and the artifacts that have been working with me have chosen to leave me.”

“Without artifacts, it is difficult for gods to exert their strength.”

“I’m so unlucky right now, so I want to find something to transport!!”

“Where did you hear about me?”

After Ye Dou told the truth, Lin Chuan asked.

“The last time I was helping to work at Uncle Silver’s house, I learned of your existence, so this time I came to you for guidance!!”

“Please help me, here are all my deposits!”

Night Dou’s hand did not know when a large wine bottle appeared, which was full of five-dollar coins.

“Why are they all five dollars?”

“Ahh… Isn’t sesame oil money all five dollars? (In the Sakura language, five yuan = there is a relationship).

Lin Chuan sat back and looked at the Night Dou Dao, who was somewhat frustrated because he was forced to admit his incompetence.

“So, you don’t have anyone to believe in now?”


“Don’t have your own shrine either?”

“…… Right”

“There are no artifacts under your command?”

“…… Exactly…”

With Lin Chuan’s question, Ye Dou’s head hung down a little, like a sword transformed into words.

“Then shouldn’t you take the money you have to transfer to market yourself and recruit artifacts?” What am I doing here? ”

Night Fight was stupid.

“This suggestion … It’s too realistic, please allow me to digest it for a while. ”

“…… It’s so hard to get a lot of people’s faith. ”

“If no one believes in you and doesn’t have a shrine, you’ll disappear, right?”

The sharp words made Ye Dou’s pupils shrink and his hands subconsciously clenched.

“I’ve seen some of these things, but they’re not gods, they’re weird.”

“I actually want to ask…”

“Why don’t you follow the example of what exists in urban weirdness?”

“Use your power to create panic, spread the plague called fear, and finally make everyone remember you.”

“Famous urban bizarres can even be passed down for decades and hundreds of years.”

Just like the right gods and the evil gods, the good people in the heart will believe in the right gods, and the evil people in the heart will believe in the evil gods, and for you, what kind of people believe in it has no impact.” Wicked people also have faith, don’t they? Even more than ordinary people need it. ”

“Those who do evil things need to have a spiritual sustenance.”

“And, such a thing, you should have done too…”

Night Doudou was cold all over his body, and he just looked up but bumped into the other party’s line of sight.

It is as if it is cut open and every corner is seen through the eyes.

“I have killed people, I can deny it, but the anger on my body cannot be hidden.”

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