Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 661: who is it! ? Let's cut the old lady's Hu again!

   The Blue Star China Spring Festival Gala is similar to the Spring Festival Gala on Earth. It also starts the selection of programs and guests early and starts to participate in the rehearsal after being selected.

   Rehearsal is divided into classification rehearsal and joint rehearsal, also called joint rehearsal.

   These two rehearsal methods appeared because the cast to be used in this evening party is very large, and the types of programs are also rich and diverse. Even the Huaxia official cannot guarantee that all programs can be rehearsed at the same time every time.

   So they simply rehearsed by categories, and grouped the same types of programs into rehearsals. This way, on the one hand, it can intuitively compare the advantages and disadvantages of similar programs, and on the other hand, it can also help the director team to adjust these programs.

   When the time is right, all departments and programs will rehearse jointly in the order of broadcast. This is the lineup.

  As usual, four to five rows are held every Spring Festival Gala. The purpose of this is to ensure that the probability of possible errors is kept to a minimum.

   By the time of the last row, the final list of programs will be born.

   But even if you enter the final program list, it does not mean that you will be able to board the Spring Festival Gala stage. Due to various reasons on the day of the live broadcast, the program cannot appear on the stage, the most common of which is the timeout.

   Once the timeout expires, then there is a good chance that one or two of the shows that have not yet appeared on the stage will be removed to ensure the integrity of the entire show.

   This is not to mention unique on the Spring Festival Gala stage, and there have been several precedents like this!

   It can be said that until the last moment, you don’t know whether your show will be on stage.

Although Lin Fan can now be called "the hottest singer in China at the moment", facing such a big stage, he does not have many privileges. You have to participate in the rehearsal that you should participate in. If there is any change, the show should be taken down or not. Was taken down.

   Therefore, every dress rehearsal is very important to Lin Fan. Today was the first dress rehearsal. Zhou Yue was not at ease, so he accompany Lin Fan directly.

   It stands to reason that the dress rehearsal of this evening party was conducted in secret. In order to prevent the media from leaking information in advance, no one except the staff and invited program members can enter the rehearsal site.

   But there are always exceptions to everything, Zhou Yue froze and went in!

   When Lin Fanzheng wanted to ask Zhou Yue what his tricks, he saw a few people from the director group hurriedly approaching. Seeing their route, it seemed as if they were coming toward him?

  As soon as the directors approached, one of them smiled and said, "Hey, who is this? Why don't you invite me?"

   Zhou Yue ignored him and turned to Lin Fan and said, "Zhou Yang, my cousin, this year's chief director."

   Lin Fan: ⊙▽⊙!


  Big brother, do you still lack pendants on your legs? How do you look at me?

   It's no wonder that when Zhou Yue left Xinghe, Xinghe didn't even dare to let go of a fart. The feeling was because Zhou Yue had a bigger boss behind him besides being a big boss.

   Chief Director!

   Lin Fan's life, no, I have never seen such a big leader in my two life!

Zhou Yang took the initiative to stretch out his hand to show his hello: "Hello Lin Fan, I have heard your songs, and I also know that you have won awards overseas, you have done a good job, China is in need of you such an outstanding talent who wins glory for the country. "

   Lin Pan was so boastful that his old face was flushed, and he quickly held Zhou Yang's outstretched hand, and shook it twice: "Director Zhou is polite. You should be daring to win glory for the country."

   Zhou Yang likes an enlightened young man like Lin Fan: "Walk, rehearsal is about to start over there, what show are you on?"

   Can’t blame Zhou Yang for having a bad memory, mainly because the whole party is too important.

Zhou Yang is the chief director, and there are also song category deputy directors, executive directors, etc. below. From program screening to preliminary determination, and then to the first rehearsal for classification, Zhou Yang has been very busy, and Lin Fan has become popular again. Zhou Yang's eyes were just a guest performer at the party.

Lin Fan doesn’t mind. As the chief director of a party, Zhou Yang is really busy with many people: “I’m a song program, a new song. It’s the first time I participated in such a big party, although I have not yet entered the final stage. List, but I still feel a little nervous."

   Zhou Yue intervened: "What's wrong about you? Those who are not popular without you, who do not have the right inclinations can do it, let alone your talents. They should be the ones who are nervous."

   Zhou Yang rolled his eyes: "Just your broken mouth, if you weren't my brother, I would just ask someone to blast you out!"

   Zhou Yue raised his neck and cried, "Isn't what I'm telling the truth?"

   Zhou Yang wanted to punch people with itchy hands: "The truth is that you said this? Didn't you recruit Lin Fan for gangsters? That's how you treated your new owner?"

   Zhou Yue: "...I was **** off by you!"

   Zhou Yang: "I'm still not angry when you come here. Why are you angry? Where are you qualified to be angry?"

   The two brothers were fighting over there. Lin Fan could be regarded as having met someone who could overwhelm each other in terms of identity, status, seniority, or anything else.

   In the past, Zhou Yue relied on his old age, seniority, advanced qualifications, and excellent professional skills. No matter whether he was in the Galaxy or moved to the Earthman Studio, no one could stand him.

   is Lin Fan, sitting on the music resources of the entire earth, which made Zhou Yue treat each other differently and willingly do things for himself. But Lin Fan himself knew that he was just turning on the hook. If there was no plug-in, Zhou Yue would not be able to see him. Therefore, Lin Fan has always respected Zhou Yue. After all, this is a true master!

   Now finally came out a normal person who hadn't opened up, and was able to fight against Zhou Yue. Lin Fan couldn't help feeling a little bit in his heart: Sure enough, the big guys are playing with the big guys, and ordinary people can't get into the big guy's circle.

   Zhou Yang brought Lin Fan and Zhou Yue to the rehearsal site and asked the staff to reissue a pass to Zhou Yue. Of course, a non-disclosure agreement had to be signed. None of the brothers had any discussion about this.

   Zhou Yue is very happy to sign, which shows that this is not the first time he has signed this contract.

   After finishing the procedure, Zhou Yang took the people to busy himself. As the chief director of a gala, Zhou Yang was able to spare time to welcome Zhou Yue from his busy schedule, which is already very face-to-face. What he wants to pay attention to is the overall performance effect. Zhou Yang does not need to stare at things like classification rehearsal, and his own deputy director and classification directors are responsible.

   Zhou Yue, who was familiar with the door, took Lin Fan around the backstage, and greeted several ethnic and bel canto singers.

   Lin Pan walked around, and found that besides himself, there is only one singer Ding Ruirui!

   Ding Ruirui did not expect to be able to meet Lin Fan in the background. After all, the list of invitations has always been kept secret. Before the rehearsal, no one knew who else was invited except for herself.

   Ding Ruirui sighed half-truth: "Wow! Lin Fan, I knew you were invited too, so let's just collaborate on a song!"

   Lin Fan said to this: "Sister Ding, I actually have a collaborator on this song."

   Ding Ruirui: (╬ ̄ bowl ̄)

who is it! ? Let's cut the old lady's Hu again!

  How can it be so difficult to work with Lin Fan once?

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