The show of this evening party cannot be leaked until the last minute, even if the final program list is not confirmed, everyone invited will sign a non-disclosure agreement.

   Lin Fan is not worried at all. The new songs he prepares, as well as the partners he collaborates with, will be revealed by others before the party is broadcast live.

   Therefore, in addition to Zhou Yue and others, everyone who participated in the classification rehearsal today became the first listeners of Lin Fan's new song.

   After listening to this song, those big folks and bel cantos all know why Lin Fan is so young that he will be invited to the party.

   The director of the classified program is even more happy from ear to ear: There are really few songs like this these days, which can be listened to by young people and older people at the same time. And Lin Fan's song is more than just the degree to which it can be heard!

   And Ding Ruirui, who was once again critically struck by Lin Fan's talent at close range, she couldn't wait to jump up and hug her thigh: "Brother Fan, can't you really give me a chance to cooperate?"

   Lin Fan sweats profusely: "If there is a chance, there will be a chance in the future."

   After Ding Ge, I really persevered in seeking cooperation, but Lin Fan was helpless. There really is no place where I can cooperate with Ding Ruirui.

   can only hold Ding Ruirui temporarily, and let's talk about it later depending on the situation.

Zhou Yue accompanied Lin Fan to complete the process of the first sorting rehearsal, and everyone who should be introduced to Lin Fan was introduced to Lin Fan. The place to say hello was also finished, and he consciously completed the task. Turning around, I wanted to plunge into the recording studio, turning a blind eye to things outside the window, and hurriedly made the music of "Blessings of Love".

   But Lin Fanji stopped him from leaving: "Ms. Zhou, discuss something!"

   Zhou Yue's eyes lit up: "Is there a new song again? Hurry up, get it out for me, let me listen to it first!"

Lin Fan was speechless for Zhou Yue's three-sentence attitude towards music: "No, Teacher Zhou, I just released an English song and another song for the party, so there will be new songs so soon. Up."

   Is the new song so easy to make?

   Uh, I'm sorry, it seems to be quite easy for myself.

Zhou Yue didn’t believe it: “Don’t think I don’t know. Your English song was done a long time ago, but you have been too lazy to post it! And today’s rehearsal song, how long ago did you prepare it? "

   Not to mention, Zhou Yue accidentally leaked from Yang Hongxia, knowing that Lin Fan actually still has a lot of songs in his hands, but because of various reasons, they have not been released.

   Zhou Yue has always wanted to play these songs, even if you don’t release them, have you ever let my old man hear it?

   But Lin Fan has been really busy recently, and has no time to make music at all.

Let’s not talk about anything else, even the release of the new album directly bounced back. Zhou Yuezheng is worried that he has no chance to squeeze Lin Fan to produce new songs. At this moment, Lin Fan took the initiative to send it to the door. How could Zhou Yue easily let Lin Fan go? Woolen cloth?

   The more I think about it, the more beautiful it is: You don’t have time to make music. You can give me the song. I have a lot of time. I will help you arrange the soundtrack and make it for you first! Think of it as sharing the work pressure for you!

Gu   But Lin Fan didn't speak up and changed the subject abruptly: "No, Teacher Zhou, I have something else to do with you!"

Zhou Yuebai gave Lin Fan a look, and wanted to say proudly, "Don't find me for things that have nothing to do with music", but also thought of Lin Fan's salty fish temperament that eats soft or hard, and pushes backwards. For fear that I would annoy Lin Fan and have no new songs to listen to, I didn't dare to be too arrogant.

   "You tell me, I will listen."

Lin Fan coughed dryly: "Then what, Mr. Zhou, your relationship with Director Zhou is pretty good? Can you help me lead a line? I have a few variety show planners on my hand, and I need the support of China to make it. ."

   Lin Fan is talking about two variety shows that have exploded on the earth, "National Treasure" and "China in Classics". These two variety shows are both large-scale national-level variety shows. The first one is a big hit show in the past few years, and the latter is a new show just launched.

   "National Treasure" is a program that works with nine historical and cultural heritages of Chinese civilization to explore the formation of Chinese civilization and its contribution to the world through video display and storytelling.

   "The Classics" is a variety show focusing on ancient classics, a bit like a drama version of a hundred forums. Each issue will tell a story about the inheritance of a classic, "Historical Records", "The Analects", "Songs of Chu", "Shangshu"...all will be put on the stage one by one.

   But whether it is "National Treasure" or "Classic Books", it is a large-scale cultural output type of program, which involves a large number of precious cultural relics, historical knowledge, archaeological relics, etc., professional fields that ordinary people cannot touch at all.

   Not to mention that the program requires a large number of excellent, even national treasure-level actors to participate in the recording, and various expert teams provide technical and knowledge support.

   Lin Fan didn't have much ambitions. He was very satisfied to set up a personal studio, do some slow variety shows, release new songs and release albums, and occasionally shoot movies and TV shows.

   Even the main missions of the two lifetime series of the system, Lin Fan was in a state of semi-giving up, and he did not even dare to think of the two major cultural benchmarking programs produced by the official father.

   But, who made Zhou Yue, with thick eyebrows and big, sent his cousin to Lin Fan?

   Such a good network, such a thick thigh, I have sent it to the door, Lin Fan does not hug the white!

   And to be honest, let alone Lin Fan for these two variety shows, even the major entertainment companies in China, or even Magic Satellite TV, would not be able to do it. This is no longer something that personal fame and prestige can control.

Lin Fan’s requirements are not high. I present the planning plan, the program process and details, and I am responsible for the selection of actors and the creation of scripts. Official dad, you can handle things including but not limited to cultural relics, relics, experts and other professional fields. Let's have a joint product!

   Lin Fan didn't dare to think about these two programs before. It was completely because the reality didn't allow it, and he couldn't handle it at all. Now that Zhou Yue and Zhou Yang have such a ready-made matchmaker, of course it is impossible to miss such a good opportunity!

   Zhou Yue immediately heard the main point in Lin Fan's words: "We can't do it ourselves? Need someone to escort?"

Lin Fan nodded: "Yes, not only need to be escorted, this kind of show is not only impossible for us to do, no one in the circle can do it, and ultimately has to fall into the hands of the official. Instead of being passive, I think it is better to actively seek cooperation. Let’s be honest, and believe that the official level will not compete with us for profit.”

   Instead of holding such a good show in his own hands, Lin Fan feels that it is better for everyone to work together for a win-win situation. No matter what, he will not suffer.

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