Best Movie Star

Chapter 329: spokesperson

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In a reception room of the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills, two executives from the planning and publicity department of Mercedes-Benz Corporation sat in it early.

"Schultz, I still think Matthew Horner is too young!"

On the sofa near the window, a middle-aged man with short blond hair was serious and serious, "He is not the most suitable candidate for the series."

Schultz was a chubby, middle-aged man with a slow-talking voice, "Becker, I once saw Matthew Horner at an event, and he looked older than his age, and the series There needs to be a sports element too, his age is not an issue."

Becker still shook his head, "A Hollywood star less than twenty-five years old"

Schultz reminded, "You overlooked one thing, Matthew Horner has the best image and the most famous among the male stars of his age in Hollywood."

"I'm still more inclined to use our German stars." Becker said the words from the bottom of his heart.

This is a disagreement over work, not who is targeting whom, Schultz smiled, "I understand, but the reality is that our native German stars, after leaving Germany, are basically unknown, the influence of Hollywood movie stars, before You've been dealing with Arnold Schwarzenegger, you must know better than me."

On this point, Becker admitted that in the scope of movie stars, except for a limited number of female stars in Europe, it is difficult for other people in Europe to compete with Hollywood stars in their worldwide fame and influence.

Maybe some people in the movie circle have more influence than Hollywood stars, but they are preparing for car advertisements, which are aimed at the broad middle-class consumer group.

Becker's doubts mainly come from his age. Matthew Horner's role on the screen is very mature, but everyone knows that the role can be shaped through makeup and other means. If he is like those Hollywood teen idols in reality, it is definitely not suitable. This ad endorses.

Although the Mercedes-Benz series is not a top luxury car, the price in North America also starts at US$70,000, which is not affordable for young people.

Schultz didn't say anything else. Since Arnold Schwarzenegger was in politics, the company decided not to renew his contract with Schwarzenegger more than half a year ago. He led a working group to search for possible new spokespersons around the world. Due to the company's business strategy, the age of new spokespersons is limited to forty years old.

The Mercedes-Benz series has been in existence for decades. In recent years, it has given people a feeling of sluggishness. The head office desperately hopes that this series can be rejuvenated.

Originally, they considered replacing Arnold Schwarzenegger with a football star, but among the superstars in football today, there are few candidates whose temperament and image can match the series.

The task force finally set its sights on Hollywood, and then he thought of Matthew Horner, whom he had seen at this year's Oscars, and nominated him as one of the candidates.

There was a knock on the door, and an assistant pushed open the door and said, "Matthew Horner and his agent have arrived."

Schultz nodded lightly, "Bring them here."

He stood up and walked to the door, ready to welcome the guests, and Becker followed, staring at the door with scrutiny eyes.

The door to the conference room soon opened again from the outside, and the assistant walked in with two people.

The first person who entered Becker's eyes was a blonde woman with a very tall stature, wearing a fitted professional suit and black-rimmed glasses, looking extremely shrewd and capable.

Behind the woman is a tall and strong man. At first glance, this man looks like twenty-five or six-year-old, but his eyes stayed on him for half a second, and he felt that this man was very mature, not like he was twenty. Multi-year-old young man.

Becker has seen many stars, and his eyes are quite sharp. Knowing that this must be Matthew Horner, his scrutinizing eyes quickly looked at him.

This person has broad shoulders and long legs, a broad skeleton, and a fitted shirt covering his body. He can clearly see his developed muscles, and his facial lines are sharp and angular. The temperament revealed by the whole person is hard!

In addition, Becker also felt a kind of wildness from him that could break through the steel jungle of the city, as if the human ape Tarzan had returned to the human world, and had received a British education. The wildness of his face could not be concealed at all.

"Hello, Miss Herman."

Schultz's greeting interrupted Becker, "Hello, Mr. Horner."

Then, Becker shook hands with the two of them successively, and when he held Matthew Horner's hand, his eyes widened slightly.

The hand in his hand is broad and powerful, as hard and rough as a stone, like an old driver who has been struggling to drive in the wild all the year round.

Becker greeted the two of them and didn't talk much. He sat at the conference table and just listened to Schultz communicate with the two of them. This time in Los Angeles, Schultz was the main focus.

Of course, his opinion is also very important.

Not speaking does not mean that he does not act. Becker has been observing Matthew. For this kind of advertising endorsement, the fit between the image of the spokesperson and the image of the product is very important. If you find a slender sissy to give this As the endorsement of the series, the brand image built up for decades will definitely collapse.

His eyes drifted over Matthew Horner again. He was sure that it was completely different from what he imagined. He had made an empirical mistake before, thinking that young Hollywood stars were all handsome men. He didn't expect this person to be off the screen. So similar to the image on the screen.

Rough shape, powerful appearance, straight and tough lines

The Hollywood star sitting opposite is clearly a top-notch humanoid Mercedes-Benz!

Becker's idea made a 180-degree turn, and the thoughts in his mind became more and more clear. In addition to the factor of youth, Matthew Horner is more suitable for the image of Mercedes-Benz series off-road vehicles than Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Although his thoughts have changed, Becker is a veteran of the mall and has been calm and continued to observe the two people on the opposite side.

Matthew Horner doesn't speak a lot, basically the agent Helen Herman is communicating with Schultz. Even if he speaks, his words are very safe, showing the maturity that is rare among people in this age group.

This person looks wild, but not impulsive. He is calm in the wild, and seems to be very confident.

The Mercedes-Benz series is not only wild, tough and tough, but also has the heritage accumulated over the decades. Becker is very clear about this, and Matthew Horner has an excellent fit in this regard.

The first meeting between the two sides ended quickly, and Matthew Horner and his agent Helen Herman said goodbye and left.

When they left the reception room, Becker said directly, "Sorry, Schultz, my previous thought was wrong."

"It's okay," Schultz asked, sitting back on the sofa. "How do you feel now?"

Becker thought for a while and said, "This is the first time I have seen Matthew Horner himself. From an intuitive image, he is more suitable to be the spokesperson of the series than the previous Arnold Schwarzenegger."

Having said that, he showed the rigorous side of the Germans again, "This is just my first impression. I retract my objections, but I think systematic research and assessment are necessary."

Schultz nodded, "This is related to our brand strategy, and any rash decision is stupid." He tapped the armrest of the chair slowly, "However, I agree with your point of view, just the appearance and temperament Matthew Horner is a better fit with the series in general."

"I didn't expect that there are such special young stars in an assembly line star-making factory like Hollywood." Becker laughed suddenly, as if mocking himself, "Maturity beyond age, angular appearance, wild and powerful temperament , and the composure that young people rarely find."

He sighed lightly again, "The only pity is that his fan base is dominated by teenagers."

Schultz acknowledges this, "It's Matthew Horner's biggest flaw, otherwise it's definitely the most perfect spokesperson for the series."

The two looked at each other, shook their heads and smiled. Most Mercedes-Benzes are not perfect. How can there be perfect things in this world?

"I think so," Schultz made a decision, "to start the endorsement assessment of Matthew Horner in an all-round way, let half of the working group's strength be placed on him, and strive for a result around the New Year."

"Yes!" Becker fully agreed, "Matthew Horner can be listed as our number one target."

They had met Matt Damon in New York before, but this man was completely different from the character portrayed in The Bourne Spy, his appearance was not sharp enough, and his temperament was more restrained, which was not very suitable.

Matthew and Helen Herman got into the car and finally relaxed.

"What do you think?" he asked Helen Herman.

Helen Hellman first explained that the driver drove back to Burbank, and then said to Matthew, "From my observations, Schultz and Becker seem to be relatively satisfied with you."

Matthew leaned back in his Our preparations were not in vain. "

On the night he got the news, he went to the Angels Agency to meet with Helen Herman, and made careful preparations in the past two days.

This kind of thing, of course, can't come over in a hurry, like a movie audition.

"How likely are we to get an endorsement?" he asked again.

"More than fifty percent." Helen Herman thought for a while, "It may be higher."

She told Matthew, "The Germans will definitely have strict assessments later. You are famous enough, but you have to be careful not to mess around during this time."

Matthew waved his hand, "Don't worry, I know the severity."

This seems to be going well. Before Christmas, Matthew received a notice from Helen Hermann that Mercedes-Benz was going to formally contact her to negotiate Matthew's endorsement contract.

Negotiations were initially held in Los Angeles and, if all went well, signed in Germany. 20146

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