Best Movie Star

Chapter 330: Ethics Clause

Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets! Three shifts today!

After the Christmas break, Helen-Hellman and Mercedes-Benz representatives began formal negotiations, which lasted nearly three weeks and reached an agreement on all aspects.

In mid-January 2005, Matthew came to the Mercedes-Benz headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany, to participate in the signing press conference convened by Mercedes-Benz.

In the past, the signing meetings he attended were limited to the entertainment industry, and the media reporters present were basically entertainment reporters. .

For Matthew, it was also a new experience.

In the face of many media reporters, he picked up the pen, signed his name on the "contract", and then exchanged contracts with executives representing Mercedes-Benz.

The two stood in front of the camera shaking hands, and a flash of light came on.

"Mr. Matthew Horner always presents himself as a positive tough guy on the big screen, and he has always been recognized as a tough guy by fans around the world. The cooperation between Mercedes-Benz and Mr. Matthew Horner will definitely be able to Achieve win-win."

The Mercedes-Benz executive said a few words to the media reporters, then left the stage and handed over the stage to the spokesperson, Matthew.

Then, questions from the reporters were thrown at Matthew.

The reporter from the local German "Bild" first stood up and asked, "Mr. Matthew Horner, what do you think of this endorsement of the Mercedes-Benz g-series off-road vehicle?"

When filming "National Treasure" before, Matthew and Diane Kruger learned a few simple German words, but it was far from the level of normal conversation.

He just put on the headset, and the translator will translate in real time.

After listening to the translation, Matthew didn't think much, and said, "A man drives a car, and you can see what kind of personality he is when you see what kind of car he drives. I like the feeling of conquering the road, so I only drive off-road vehicles, That's my style. And the Mercedes-Benz G-Class is my favorite off-road vehicle."

As early as when negotiating an agreement in Los Angeles, Mercedes-Benz provided Matthew with one black and one white Mercedes-Benz Big G. According to the contract, if he drives in the future, he must use a Mercedes-Benz G-Class off-road vehicle. If the situation is special, please communicate with Mercedes-Benz in advance.

Of course, Matthew's participation in crew events or premieres, etc., and riding in officially provided vehicles are not within this scope.

Even if Mercedes-Benz has no contract terms in this regard, Matthew has to use this series of cars often. Laomei has done a lot of things too much. The advertising law has strict regulations in this regard, and star endorsement advertisements are regarded as It is a "testimonial advertisement", that is, the product introducer in the advertisement must be a real user of the product, otherwise it will face fines.

The amount of the fine is very high, which basically wipes out the income of the fined person in terms of endorsement.

This is also one of the reasons why celebrities prefer high-end brand endorsements. Take the two junk food brands that Matthew pushed down. How many scandals are there every year? Not to mention that it will damage the reputation, I am afraid that it will face the dilemma of lawsuits.

Another reporter from the "Munich Zeitung" then took the microphone and stood up and asked, "Can you rate this car?"

"The one-of-a-kind design and strong off-road applicability of the Mercedes-Benz G-Class off-road vehicle perfectly suits my hobby and style."

Having said this, Matthew humored in a timely manner, "Perhaps it won't be long before you can see me driving a Mercedes-Benz G-Class off-road vehicle through a hail of bullets to save the world."

There was a good-natured laughter in the press room.

Matthew spread his hands and said with a smile, "A stubborn guy like me is not suitable for driving those delicate cars."

Perhaps the communication work of Mercedes-Benz was well done. Most of the questions from the media reporters were polite, and Matthew handled it very easily. After answering more than a dozen questions, the signing press conference ended here.

Then, Matthew went backstage and handed over the contract to Helen Herman.

After an investigation, Mercedes-Benz signed a three-year advertising endorsement contract with Matthew for the G-Class off-road vehicle series, in which the basic endorsement fee is a tiered $5 million, $6 million and $7 million .

There are also some incentive measures. For example, during his endorsement period, the sales data of the Mercedes-Benz G series has increased significantly, and there will be corresponding bonuses. Moreover, the global box office of the film where he plays the leading actor exceeds 500 million US dollars, and there will be an additional reward of 2 million US dollars. A billion dollars is $5 million.

In addition, Mercedes-Benz will actively sponsor films starring Matthew. If Matthew competes for the leading actor in a film that is suitable for the promotion of this series of models, Mercedes-Benz will stand behind him. .

That is to say, the film uses him as the male lead and will be sponsored by Mercedes-Benz.

This will greatly increase the weight of Matthew's competition for the male lead.

Of course, this is also a win-win situation. Mercedes-Benz has always placed a lot of advertisements in Hollywood movies.

The price of the Mercedes-Benz G-Class off-road vehicle series in North America is not particularly high. The starting price of $70,000 is enough to make many middle-class families become potential customers.

Enjoying these benefits, Matthew is naturally obliged in many ways.

It is only the most basic regulation that you must use a Mercedes-Benz big g for driving, and there are a series of clauses in the contract.

Before June this year, he has to cooperate with Mercedes-Benz to complete the shooting of the advertisement. In the following two years, as long as the Mercedes-Benz company needs it, he is obliged to cooperate with the shooting of an advertisement every year.

In terms of business promotion, he has to participate in at least one large-scale promotion of the Mercedes-Benz G series every year.

In addition, there are many restrictions in the contract.

In the moral clauses involving strict confidentiality, Mercedes-Benz has clear regulations for Matthew, requiring Matthew not to take on **** and sissy roles during his role as the spokesperson of the Mercedes-Benz G series. If drug abuse and homosexual scandals break out, then As a breach of contract, Mercedes-Benz can unilaterally terminate the contract and sue for liquidated damages.

However, these provisions do not deal with men and women.

On the one hand, this is the result of Helen Herman's negotiation. She knows Matthew and knows that he has obviously changed after Britney, and it is impossible to stay with a woman for too long.

On the other hand, a man who drives such a **** and wild car can only show attractiveness if he can catch more beautiful women.

In Matthew's own words, this car is definitely a sharp weapon.

The restriction on the spokesperson of Matthew basically comes from the moral clause.

Although this endorsement contract was signed in Germany, it has also been filed in the United States, and it must follow the relevant regulations in the United States. Even Hollywood stars must abide by the moral clauses in the advertising law.

Ethics clauses are of great value to advertisers, and ads endorsed by celebrities generally have more impact than ads endorsed by non-celebrities, especially among younger consumers.

When commodities, especially those with only vague impressions, are combined with celebrity endorsements, it is easy to transmit the public impression of celebrities to the meaning of commodities. Advertisers hope that the affinity and credibility established by celebrities will be transmitted to commodities, so that commodities can also Have the same affinity and credibility, and thus have stronger competitiveness.

But "meaning transfer" can also be a double-edged sword, and if advertisers choose an inappropriate spokesperson, it will transmit negative connotations to the product.

Therefore, advertisers who choose celebrity endorsements place great emphasis on the reliability, value, image, reputation, and publicity risks of celebrities, because once a celebrity's image is damaged by improper behavior, the image of its merchandise will be severely damaged.

As a result, advertisers can use ethics clauses to rescind contracts when necessary, thereby quickly disconnecting celebrities from merchandise in the minds of consumers.

Violating an ethics clause can be a valid reason for terminating a celebrity endorsement contract.

Having said that, this is similar to a basic employee contract. If you get a large amount of income from the company, naturally you cannot do things that are detrimental to the company's interests.

With the high liquidated damages, Matthew is still very contractual. He will definitely not accept roles such as gays and sissies. In reality, it is even more impossible to make a base. As for taking drugs or something, he has no interest at all.

The advertisement of this car is still being planned and will not be filmed at present. If it needs to be filmed, Mercedes-Benz will greet him one month in advance. After Matthew signed an endorsement contract with Mercedes-Benz, he participated in two commercial promotion activities and worked in Germany. It's basically over.

However, instead of immediately returning to Los Angeles with Helen Hermann, he went to Munich, the central city in southern Germany, alone.

Some large-scale promotion activities for the 2006 World Cup in Germany are being held here. As the host country of the 2010 World South Africa also sent a delegation to warm up.

After Charlize Theron won the Oscar for Best Actress, the situation that no one cared about before has changed. Now it is regarded as a national sign by South Africa. Many activities that need to be commercialized will basically be pulled by Charlize Theron. Long to participate.

Currently, Charlize Theron is in Munich.

In fact, Matthew is very clear that participating in some world activities on behalf of the country is very beneficial to celebrities. This can be said to be one of the best ways to brush the style.

Of course, that doesn't really apply to native American Hollywood stars, who, if they don't go against the Washington authorities, have a low profile.

Anyway, the United States is a strange country, and it is difficult for him to understand these absurd and messy behaviors.

When he came to Munich, Matthew called Charlize Theron first, and because he had participated in an event in Germany for two days, he directly told her that he had come to Munich.

Charlize Theron was busy, and finally made an appointment with him to go to a party hosted by the German Football Association in the evening. 74

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