Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1101: 3-day regular harassment

Two hundred Yulin Feiqi left with one person and three horses. He reported the letter and found a large group of people.

The Anxi soldiers are not in general good condition, they are fiddling with arrows one by one.

The first time I saw a large number of regular arrows, they felt exactly the same. There is nothing to say about the same arrows. Why can't the arrow shafts be different?

"You practice the same arrow every day, and you have a deeper understanding of arrows on the battlefield." Zhang Xiaosong envied him, his combat effectiveness was not high.

He was born in a scholar, not as good as Guo Zhiyun.

Guo Zhiyun was born in a family. He was naughty and messy since he was a child. He didn't like to learn, so he was sent to the army.

As a result, Guo Zhiyun found his own opportunity in the army, he can fight himself, and he has a talent for command.

It is estimated that it belongs to the kind of kid king, and he takes a group of friends to fight with people. He is responsible for command and can also charge into battle.

"We usually use a wide variety of bows and arrows, and we are required to have a bow, know the strength of the bow, and how big it is to pull it will not be damaged.

Once you have taken an arrow, you need to understand the weight of the arrow and the interference of the arrow feathers, and then shoot the target under different circumstances. "

Fan Fan shook his head. When they were training, some of the bows only had eight fights, and they would break if they pulled it hard.

For arrows, some have missing feathers on one side. Normally, in this case, they will use a knife to cut off the feathers on the other side.

Of course, there are masters, based on the feeling, look at the feathered side, estimate the flight attitude and trajectory, and the shot is arc, just hit the target.

Like playing basketball, the moment you shoot a basket, you basically know if you can make it.

"You have good bows and arrows, but you practice other bows? Are you ready to pick up the enemy's bows and arrows on the battlefield?" Zhang Xiaosong understood.

"The proprietor said that we are special forces, and the enemy's arrows are flying in a parabola. We may reach out and grab it. Do you know the parabola? It's like the circle."

Fan Fan tried his best to explain clearly that parabola is a noun.

"Shoot at the chest?" Zhang Xiaosong knows that the arrow is falling from the sky, and people who react quickly will call it. What is the operation of grabbing?

"Shooting in the chest, if you can judge that you can grab it, you can grab it, and you can't grab it with your arm. Injury is better than death.

When we train, we wear heavy armor and shoot each other with round-headed arrows. The arrows are dipped in ink and hit a spot on the body.

Our daily routine is training, studying, eating and sleeping.

If you are married, your wife will come back to live in a separate house for a few days every month.

Those who are unmarried go to Beiqu, and the girls from Beiqu don’t need our money. Like me, I can go to the middle music, and I can make a jingle or something. "

Fan Fan said all such secrets, proud.

Most people can't go to Beiqu, spend too much money, and basically go to the secret prostitutes that open the door to welcome guests.

Zhang Xiaosong felt that Fan Fan was showing off to himself, and he replied: "I can go to Nanqu, I'm a scholar."

"I can always see everyone in Nanqu, but as soon as they arrive in Zhuangzi, they look for the proprietor. They are now crowdfunding, saying that the proprietor will accompany the proprietor all night and give the proprietor 10,000 yuan."

"Captain Fan, you are finished, next time you don't take me to the middle song, I will tell the proprietor."

"Go, it's over if you take a breath, and you can take you anywhere."

"Captain Fan, you dare to insult me."

"Wrong, apologize, you don't take a breath, you take two breaths, one breath and one breath."

"I'm fighting with you, oops, Battalion Captain Fan, his subordinates are merciful, my brother, brother, and master are about to break his arm."

"I asked Zhang Xunzhi to laugh, and I didn't clean them up, they wouldn't be big or small."

Fan Fan released his hand, kicked provocatively two somersaults, turned his head and said with a smile to Zhang Xiaosong.

Zhang Xiaosong shook his head: "As the leader of the soldiers, is it good to laugh like this? Are they still afraid of you?"

"Afraid of what I am doing? I lead the team, what I say is what I say, let them jump off the cliff, they have to jump too, wrong, I take responsibility.

If I die in battle, any brother can take over for me and continue to command. This is called individual literacy.

We were trained as generals, and the proprietor said that in the future, we would be sent to various places to become generals. "

Fan Fan doesn't matter. He is not a real team leader. He is just the battalion commander of his team. Now there are three thousand people, and he is temporarily in charge.

The real majesty is not in him. Everyone is the same. Your majesty, the man with power, is Li Dongzhu.

Of course, the brothers were just as lively in front of Li Dongzhu, and then they were taken by him for fun.

"The hot air balloon rises and look at the surrounding situation." Zhang Xiaosong knew that Yulin Feiqi was different from his team, so there was nothing left to say.

The hot air balloon took off and swept around with the telescope, but no one outsider saw it.

There are many animals in the distance, and some animals are hunting other animals.

After the semaphore was struck down, Zhang Xiaosong got the news and figured it out: "When do you think they can send troops?"

"General Hao Lingquan, who brought back the silent head, brought five thousand and sixteen guards to Guo Zhi, and transported weapons to Guo Zhi, and replaced the seven thousand Yulin Feiqi back to Chang'an by the way.

They rode one by one and moved slowly. We set off later and passed them. They brought five hundred muskets and a large number of bullets.

According to their speed, there will be more than three days to rendezvous with Guo Zhiyun.

The remaining five thousand Yulin Feiqi adjusters used muskets, and they should hit the opposite bank on the raft in the middle of the river. "

Fan Fan didn't say anything specific, he told Zhang Xiaosong the information he had.

The gun was sent, and the effective distance was about a hundred steps. In fact, the bullet could fly very far.

When playing a dense formation, the judgment is not the effective distance, but the bullet kill distance.

Like Li Yi's pistol at the time, it had an effective range of tens of meters. Standing at a position of 200 meters, the bullet hit the and killed it.

The effective range means that the trajectory does not deviate much, and it can be aimed, and the bullet may not fly where it is far away.

In general, as long as the muzzle is not facing downwards, the bullets will fly upwards and left and right.

The lethality of flying upwards and falling again is not clear, flying left and right, a distance of two hundred steps, can penetrate into the body.

Shooting on the battlefield, it is impossible to destroy an enemy with every bullet, that is in the lyrics.

"Good for three days, we will bother in three days, and we will depart in two days. The hot air balloon will take off every fifty miles and no scout will be sent."

Zhang Xiaosong had made a decision, and the main Yulin Feiqi began to make trouble, and he followed suit.

War does not have to be to kill as you go up, you can also exhaust the enemy first.

His team has a lot of horses, a lot of means, and pits people. Guo Zhiyun's main force will suddenly rush across the river at the right time.

If Guo Zhiyun, Wang Junkui, and Zhang Zhongliang do not cooperate well, they must be impeached later.

The opportunity on the battlefield is presented to you, why are you waiting?

A teenager asked by the side: "Ban, Captain Fan, what new musket, how far can it kill people?"

"I can see through without piercing armor, where I hit, the lead bullet hits the eye, I stand on the wall facing down, and I die at four hundred steps.

The heavy armor of the piercing swordsman can penetrate the armor with a hundred steps and will not kill you, unless it is infected, the lead bullet is not easy to pick up, unlike the arrow.

The lead bomb is a soy-sized lead that hits the meat. When the meat is closed, the meat is opened to search for it.

We have practiced on pigs, practiced shooting and taking bullets, just to kill pigs. "

Fan Fan could not give definite data, he briefly introduced the situation.

"What did the pig look like?" the teenager asked again.

"The pig didn't say anything, just yelled and didn't understand." Fan Fan said solemnly.

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