Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1102: Both parties are planning and knowing

"One more bowl of medicine." In Tubo camp, Tashi Kuge has drunk medicine six times from morning to night today.

He has been like this for many days, and there are still 30 doses of medicine left, and there will be no more after drinking.

He found that this medicine not only cures the disease, but also makes people very comfortable. He urged thousands of households more than once to find Guan Lin.

"There are only thirty sets of medicine left," the subordinate replied.

"Where is the medicine dregs after boiling the medicine? Continue to boil it." Tashi Kure thought of the previous things, and the medicine dregs could still be boiled out after boiling.

"The warriors in the clan were rewarded by you a few days ago, that is, thousands of families. They took it to boil it, and they said yes, it is estimated that it has no taste now."

"I can't give any more, I can't give any more, stay, and boil the dregs of a medicine."

Tashi Kure was full of regrets, and in order to make people help, he rewarded the dregs of medicine that he thought was delicious.

Seeing that the number was not enough right now, he became anxious.

For him, no medicine is like losing his life.

"Yes!" The subordinates withdrew.

Not long after, a bowl of medicine was brought over. Tashi Kure looked at it with satisfaction and took a sip, feeling that the sweat and pores all over his body were refreshing.

He thought that he could easily defeat the Datang army across the river, but the various ministries did not cooperate.

Along the Yellow River, the people of various ministries are not as good as Tashi Kure.

After the light rain, many people fell ill.

They moved in a hurry, lost a lot of things, and went to the river side with fear all day.

I don't know one day when the Datang army suddenly came over, such a confrontation, it would be better for the two sides to start a fight.

The barley they planted was too late to be harvested, so they only cut a few bundles in advance. These bundles were okay to feed livestock, but people couldn't eat them.

If supplies are not sent later, many cattle and sheep must be killed in winter to satisfy their hunger.

Once the war starts again, once the loss is too great, people can only die in winter and cannot survive.

Under psychological pressure, after the light rain, he fell ill.

Everyone is in very bad condition. Seeing the rafts on the other side of the river increase every day, they are tied up.

Perhaps tonight, or the next night, the battle will begin.

The Tubo people of various tribes did not dare to speak on the face, but behind them they complained about Tashi Kure, so many people brought back less than 300.

Why don't you die in battle? What face do you have to come back and let us listen to you?

Zamp should be replaced over there, replace Tashikure.

After being defeated, it didn't even kill many people of Datang. Datang's army is more than our family combined.

Counting on a yellow river to defeat the opponent is so easy, why haven't you defeated it before? Is there one less river?

Tubo's morale was affected in this way, and the commander was only wondering where to get more medicine to drink.

The Datang soldiers on the other side of the river were busy repairing the army village. Even if the sister lake in front was occupied, there still had to be a defensive place behind them.

When the attack is over, a military village will be built on the other side of the river, with the Yellow River as the sky trench, and arranging on both sides to increase the thickness of the defense.

More rafts have been made and thrown into the water in a posture to cross the river at any time.

"According to the hot-air balloon investigation, the situation in Tubo is gradually getting worse. What you can see from their faces is depression and low morale."

Guo Zhiyun will have a short time to explain the situation to Wang Junkui, Zhang Zhongliang, and Qin Li.

"Zhang Xiaosong has no additional logistical supplies. He can't hold on for long. It is estimated that he will be moving in the last few days."

Zhang Zhongliang analyzed the situation, he did not forget Zhang Xiaosong, he just did not consider Zhang Xiaosong as a stable factor in the overall consideration.

Of course, ten thousand fine riders, if you don't care, don't you care? Ask which country in the world would take the initiative to ignore this force?

"He might be waiting for us? Why don't we move?" Wang Junkui was unwilling to be in the current situation, and it was difficult for the two parties to contact.

"Report, report." A few sergeants from Longyou ran over.

Everyone looked over, the incoming sergeant whizzed and whizzed, and Qin Li passed the water.

One person took the hand, pursed his lips, took a small saliva, and swallowed a little.

Others took the bowl and drank like this. They didn't dare to drink heavily for fear that they would accidentally choke their lungs.

After waiting for dozens of breaths, the person who drank the water first licked his lips: "Report! Longyou found three thousand feathers flying in the forest, one person and four riding, after supplying supplies, they ran away, not coming here, looking for Anxi Team."

"I take back what I just said, Zhang Xiaosong is waiting for us to do it." Zhang Zhongliang heard the news and found that he had made a mistake.

"Yulin Feiqi is so fast?" Wang Junkui looked at Qin Li.

"For the country's wings, like the prosperity of the forest. The forest rides on the forest, the solemn tiger and the bow." Qin Li replied.

He himself is a Yulin Feiqi, how fast the team is, do you need to talk about it?

"No, Zhang Xiaosong is waiting for the time. The time is up. No matter whether we act or not, he will do it. We are always ready. He estimates that we are calculating the time of our raft."

Guo Zhiyun considers from another aspect.

The general must know himself and the enemy, knowing that a yellow river is in front of him, and he needs a raft to pass.

According to the normal deployment of Datang Soldiers every day, how many people go to chop wood to make rafts can be estimated.

"Let the hot air balloon take off, find a good wind direction, release it, and fly to the If I am Zhang Xiaosong, my army must be there."

Qin Li gave his own judgment that the army would not go behind the enemy.

In case Tubo increases its troops, the team is caught between the front and the back of the two troops, which can be troublesome and exposed.

"I think the wind is pretty good now. Let go of two hot air balloons and take care of each other." Guo Zhiyun approved the proposal.

Two hot air balloons that had been floating outside were dragged down, refuelled, replaced people, provided food, and gradually flew out.

It was replaced by Yulin Feiqi, a hot air balloon and three people, and they brought tactical backpacks.

If something goes wrong, their ability to survive in the wild is stronger.

Even if they encountered dozens of large wolves, the six of them still dealt with it.

The hot air balloon took up the rope and began to flutter. A little bit off, they were adjusting the height to find a more suitable wind.

The Tubo here is full of chickens and dogs, and here it is again, should you throw dynamite bags?

Tashi Kuge got the news, ran out quickly, got on his horse, and stopped playing.

People are like this, there is the first time there is the second time, Tashi Kuge is used to running.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, Li Yi's Peking Daying camp at the time was ordered not to resist.

After that, few of them survived. They died in the Battle of Nanjing.

Facing the Japanese army together with the original Central Military Academy’s teaching corps, the teaching corps was defeated, and the Peking Camp that had not resisted was also defeated.

After a fight, the staff was reduced by nearly half, so I took a break and continued to charge.

In order to honor the teaching corps, and in order to wash away the shame, the Japanese army still suffered heavy losses due to heavy shelling.

The soldiers of the Peking Daying Camp did not resist for the second time. They used their lives to prove it.

I like to bring the system to Datang, please collect it: () Bring the system to Datang to update the fastest.

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