Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2368: Official game layout

The latest website: "The first one teaches you how to deal with the hesitation and demands of the people. Normal official lectures do not have this."

Li Yi seeks truth from facts, and there really is none. Those who were admitted to the imperial examinations in the Tang Dynasty all talked about the format of administrative documents and some legal judgments.

Regardless of whether he is a county captain, a county chief, or a county magistrate, the Tang Lushu Council must meet.

If you didn't understand it before, hurry up and learn, otherwise you won't be assigned a local official, and neither will other officials. Just wait, you can talk when you learn it.

The students were excited, and even more excited when they were kicked, it really hurts!

"What I just said was the way to govern the people, and now I'm talking about the way of being an official. Obviously Shangguan wants to tell the specific situation, you are still provocative and stand up, who will you clean up if you don't clean up?

For example, if Shangguan corrupts and accepts bribes, if you foolishly tell Shangguan that you have done something wrong, Shangguan will not kill you.

There is an example in front of you, right? I didn't let Yulin Feiqi kick him to the death, otherwise it would be a matter of one kick.

To be an official, one must be a wise official and preserve oneself in order to better serve the people.

I would rather take what is straight than what is in song. Good character, we try to avoid it.

Of course, sometimes it is quite helpless, such as Wei Zhigu and Lao Wei who stayed in Chang'an, when he went to Henan Prefecture to inspect.

Yao Chong's son wanted him to let go of some people, but he refused to let him go.

At that time, Yao Chongduo was so powerful that His Majesty had no choice but to clean up Lao Wei.

This example is special, others are fine, at least now you are looking for me, I will not protect you. "

Li Yi talked about the way of officialdom, and Cui Xu, who was kicked this time, has obeyed. You can do it, your man, your Wei Zhigu and Yao Chong are examples.

No problem, I was beaten, I deserved it, I should be the first bird.

"Alas!" Yao Chong listened and watched in the shed, he had nothing to do but sigh.

He did, and his son said before that he would reward Li Yi as a little official, arrogant! Xiaoyi saves your life.

On the contrary, Zhang said, blinking, happy, Xiaoyi is a good person and dares to speak.

A few days ago, the Lu Clan of Fan Yang and the Zheng Clan of Xingyang stood up for power. Today, the students who were admitted to the two families were silent.

Who would have thought that someone from the Cui Cui of Qinghe would be beaten for nothing.

Xiaoyi has shown his attitude, from the aristocratic family, as long as I get the handle, I will take care of you.

Reconciliation and mutual cooperation are impossible to dream of against the imperial court.

This is political maneuvering, teaching, tidying up, dividing lines, all in one go.

Those who can understand understand it, and those who cannot understand don’t need to understand, because the level and status are not enough.

"Let's talk about floods now, you will go to the place in a few days, and you won't be the county magistrate because I don't allow it.

With no experience at all, why is he directly the magistrate?

If you think you can handle it yourself, you can find me alone, and I will give you an interview. If you pass, you are the magistrate.

If you can't pass it, don't think about becoming an official this year, continue to study, and delay a year. "

Li Yi went to class and continued to say that he didn't dig holes at this time, he did it on purpose just now.

The students are very honest. You say, we listen, and we promise not to be short of mind.

"When I become a local official, what's the first thing I do? Wherever I live, I can just find a place.

Find it, watch more, listen more, think more and talk less, and look at the relationship between local officials.

Everyone who can hold real power, who is not against whom, who is good to whom, who is behind, will be found out in the shortest time.

After looking for it, don't rush to stand in line, and quickly see if there is a big river or a landslide in the place where there is a possibility of flooding.

You don't need to think about the drought, the court has arrangements, because the drought is not an emergency, there is no time to adjust.

If there is a big river and you find that there are hidden dangers in the embankment, write it down and ask the craftsman secretly, you promise not to know.

Then ask who repaired the embankment, and the county magistrate organized the repair, who is responsible? Does the person in charge benefit?

Then it is to stand in line, stand on the opposite side, do a good job of the relationship between the same team, remember not to corrupt and take bribes, that way you will be included in yourself.

Then wait and wait until the rainstorm occurs, no matter whether there is any problem with the embankment, directly submit a letter to impeach the other party for embezzlement and bribery when repairing the river.

Either don't shoot, don't show mercy, don't negotiate with others, then the other party will be alert and erase the traces. "

Li Yijiao, the students had forgotten about the heavy rain and were stunned.

The officials in the shed were also at a loss, and Li Longji rubbed his face.

"Yuanzhi, it's not wrong to lose." Lu Huaishen comforted Yao Chong, understand? Xiao Yi is very good at this kind of thing.

Look at the moment he made his move, he said that whoever is allowed to join the group will join the group.

You calculated him so much back then, you thought he didn't know? He is waiting, waiting for an opportunity.

Yao Chong smiled: "Don't look at what he said or didn't take action, he didn't show mercy. In fact, he showed mercy, which means that some of the things my old Yao did, he recognized."

"I'm teaching you this class, but I didn't talk about local economic development and educating and educating the people. There is a brochure, you can read it for yourself.

What did you gain from this class? Some people thought it was an official fight.

I tell you, wrong, the reward is that I allow you to bypass the local officials and write to me directly.

If you find out that the county magistrate is corrupt, remember not to foolishly write to the state government. Do you know if the state government is involved?

Here, can I get involved? How much can they successfully bribe me?

I will transfer the small matters to the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Punishment. For the bigger ones, I will transfer them to the regiment. Do you all know what regiment it is?

Oh! All nodded, knowing that. No matter how big the matter is, I will tell His Majesty, and then Li Family Zhuangzi and His Majesty's team will take action. "

Li Yi continued to tell the truth, the truth that people love to hear.

"Then now, the outstanding officials of Datang's reserve, please stand up your chests, the mere rain can't compare to the surging tides of the officialdom."

Li Yi said that he stood up straight and raised his chest.

'boom! ’ A large group of students stood at attention at the same time, holding their chests high.

"Lower people are easy to abuse." Li Yi shouted.

"God is hard to bully." The students answered.

"Skynet is booming." Li Yi shouted again.

"No omission!" The students and.

"Go to drink sheep soup, remember to put more pepper, whoever is uncomfortable, hurry to the hospital to find me, understand?" Li Yi arranged.

"Understood!" the students shouted.

"Disband!" Li Yi shouted again.

Whoa! The students ran in the to drink sheep soup.

Song Jing was at a loss, I asked you to come over to press them, but you...

"This is the means! There are so many students who can be an important task in the future."

Li Dan understood the situation, and Xiaoyi took this opportunity to gather a large number of people.

"Either way, Xiaoyi is a good kid. He doesn't know how to calculate, and he is dedicated to the Tang Dynasty."

Concubine Doulu praised Xiaoyi always being silly and telling the truth.

Others listened and sweated. Li Yi didn't know how to calculate? Yes, you are right.

"The local prefecture and county are in trouble! They will be arranged, and once the matter spreads, it is not true. Everyone is afraid that they will directly write to Yi Di."

Li Longji shook his head with a smile. He didn't expect Brother Yi to dig a hole at any chance.


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