Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2369: game dash of the world

The latest website: "It's really uncomfortable to be in the rain. I feel like I'm going to catch a cold. It's all my fault for Lao Song."

Li Yi put the seasoning in the mutton soup bowl and sniffed.

Song Jing sat at the table next to him and didn't answer. You got cheap and behaved well. You are more shameless than me.

"How many spoonfuls of salt did I put in?" Song Jing thought about it and realized that he had forgotten how much salt he had put in.

"It doesn't matter how many spoonfuls you put in it, just stir it to see if it's salty or not. Change the soup if it's salty, and put it back if it's light. It's like drinking water, you know whether it's cold or warm."

The little robot assigned to him sees the essence through phenomena, you taste it.

"Ah chirp! Gangrou, do I have a cold?"

Meng Haoran lowered his head and covered his mouth with his hands on the table next to him and sneezed.

"No, I saw you smell the pepper, and that's it."

Li Yi shook his head, your nasal cavity is irritated.

"Yes, I smelled it, ah chi! It's uncomfortable." Meng Haoran looked at Li Yi helplessly.

"Go to the washbasin, just take a breath of water with your nose." Li Yi pointed to the side.

Meng Haoran went over, and sure enough, he took a breath and snorted, and he felt comfortable.

"Gangrou, I agree with you just now, but I don't think it's right."

Meng Haoran stretched out his arm to take the vinegar and said to Li Yi.

"I don't like to use mature vinegar when I drink mutton soup. They are all filtered rice vinegar, white, or mixed with glacial acetic acid. The mature vinegar has a koji smell."

Li Yi went to get the white vinegar and put two cloves of sweet garlic at the same time. He didn't eat salty garlic when drinking the mutton soup, and he didn't eat sweet garlic when eating other dishes.

"Gangrou, you should say that you will write to Your Majesty directly. If you say that you will write to you, it is not suitable."

Meng Haoran is kind, your Majesty said what you said in the past, why did you forget this time?

"Brother Haoran! The officials of the Tang state government are all the people that your majesty values, if you write to your majesty, doesn't your majesty do not trust them?

There are so many provincial governors, as for Zhi Bo, when a countryman encounters me, my native countryman reports it. "

Li Yi handed over the small bamboo tube containing the pepper powder.

Meng Haoran took the bamboo tube and was stunned for a moment: "If the ruler treats his subjects like brothers and feet, he will treat him like a belly; if the ruler treats his subjects like dogs and horses, he will treat him like a countryman; if the ruler treats his subjects like dirt, he will treat him like a robber. feud."

"So it is!" He said together with Wang Wei at the same table.

"That's why Xiaguan Shangshu and I are afraid of the state officials, and your Majesty Xiaguan Shangshu is the state official's heart."

Li Yi nodded, yes, I can't say Your Majesty, the officials were all chosen by His Majesty, and His Majesty did not trust them, so he asked the lower officials to bypass Shangguan, which would be detached.

I don't care, I didn't choose you, why should I trust you?

Meng Haoran looked around, Zaifu next to him and the people in the regiment saw him look over and gave him a nod in response: We all know that you are still too young, learn!

Meng Haoran suddenly wanted to scold God, this officialdom is too **** difficult.

Gangrou took a class and said a few words, which actually contained so many things.

Between people, do you want to calculate like this? What about a good pastoral?

"Haoran, let's mix the soup together, thanks to the fact that I haven't put vinegar yet."

Li Yi brought the bowl over and wanted to replace half of the soup.

"What's wrong?" Meng Haoran didn't understand.

"You taste your soup, you were in a daze just now, and there is too much vinegar, although I don't like it." Li Yi motioned to Meng Haoran.

Meng Haoran stirred the soup and took a sip: "Mojie, I don't think you put vinegar in it. It's just right, let's mix the three together."

"How much vinegar did you put in?" Wang Wei was depressed.

Fortunately, he likes to eat vinegar. He is a native of Puzhou, Hedong, and Yongji, Shanxi. There is nothing wrong with eating vinegar.

So the three bowls were poured back and forth, and the soup was ready to drink. It was a little hot just now.

"Guangping, the mutton on hand is hot, the bones are good, the ribs are braced, and the sheep's head is at the top, all of which are indispensable." Li Longji greeted Song Jing.

Authentic hand-stewed mutton refers to lamb chops, which you can eat by yourself, and the unauthentic ones are the meat from other parts of the sheep, which is eaten for you.

Datang's is authentic, hot, and it's actually the same when it's cold, that is, the meat of the lamb chops is not easy to pull down.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Song Jing had been in a daze just now, and he couldn't tell what his mood was.

I couldn't handle a large group of candidates, so I found Li Yi after a big class, but Li Yi's performance was too extraordinary.

That means of playing, it seems that he is incompetent.

However, His Majesty said that he supported himself, and his mood improved again.

Yes, Xiaoyi is the head of the sheep, he is the top, and all three of his apprentices have taken three subjects in a row.

Song Jing comforted himself, grabbed a lamb chop and dipped it in dry ingredients, tearing it up and eating it.

"When you go back and arrange official positions, try your best to arrange people from aristocratic families to rich counties as county lieutenants and chief registrars."

Li Yiyun adjusted the soup after finishing the soup, talking about so many students.

Everyone was silent, thinking, why.

They don't think that Li Yi wants to take care of the children of the aristocratic family. Li Yi can't wait to clean up the whole family, but he can't do it.

"Yes!" Li Longji first figured it out.

"This minister agrees!" Yao Chong understood secondly.

"Chen wait for a second opinion." Other important ministers followed.

"Rigid and soft, why?" Meng Haoran really needed to learn.

"In rich places, officials and local relations are implicated, ordinary people pass by, and others unite to bully you.

The children of the aristocratic family go in, do you dare to unite?

Fan Yang Lu, if Lao Lu's one arrives, the roof will be lifted for you.

Throwing a poor boy over is to make him suffer. While he has to face the people's livelihood, he has to fight politically.

Of course, my Zhuang households were fine in the past, but unfortunately they couldn't participate in the administration, they just developed the local economy in the name of Zhuangzi. "

Li Yi patiently taught Meng Haoran, not to put the children of aristocratic families in a good place, but to place the greatest conflict of interests.

Just like at that time, he just promoted a person directly to the deputy governor of Jingcheng Prefecture? will kill him.

"Eat, Haoran, don't think too much, take your time." Li Yi knew that Meng Haoran was not familiar with politics.

And Wang Wei is familiar with it, but he likes metaphysics, but fortunately it has changed now.

After Li Yi finished speaking, he snorted and drank sheep soup. The staple food was picture scrolls. He didn't eat pies, and he drank white wine. It was a personal habit.

In fact, not many people drink beer when they drink mutton soup. That is not to drink mutton soup, but to find someone to drink and chat on the grounds of mutton soup.

"Where am I going to be an official?" Ron passed the imperial examinations this year, and he was still the first, but his ranking was a bit low.

This is not a He also has his own ideals and ambitions.

"Don't be in a hurry to become an official. I will ask you a question. You still have to learn. Officials are not so easy to be.

In fact, Princess Yuzhen doesn't have high requirements on Ron, just be safe.

Now that I have passed the exam, it is different from before, and I must arrange an officer near me.

It depends on where the elder brother is going. When he returns to Chang'an, he is the official of Jingzhao Mansion.

"I remember what Li Yi said today. If any of the officials above is bad, I will secretly impeach him."

Ron was very excited and was fooled by Li Yi.

"Your mind should be on improving people's lives, not on taking care of Shangguan, unless Shangguan affects you."

Princess Jincheng is talking next to you, are you stupid? You are a local official, not a censor.

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