Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2717: Empty City Guitar Song

In another place, a group of Mayan nobles and priests were arguing, the nobles were afraid, and those who came back said they had encountered monsters that could eat people.

They didn't want to fight, and some even thought that they should compensate the priestess and slaves.

Other priests don't do it! Their original status was lower than that of the priestess, and if the priestess came back, it was over!

As for people from other places, big ships, etc., it means that the priestess wants to attract foreign enemies to attack us.

We have to start first, and it is best to join forces with people from other city-states to **** the enemy's things and cut off their heads.

After some discussion, the priests prevailed, and they were responsible for finding other city-states to deal with foreign enemies together.

Li Yi couldn't wait for people to come, so he had to build a wharf, the ships ran far away, and a cruise ship and some steam engines went to the places they had contacted before.

Li Longji and others stayed very comfortable. They had determination. When they once punished Weishi and calculated Princess Taiping, everyone involved could endure it.

Li Longji was the most tolerant. After becoming emperor, he used Yao Chong to deal with other old officials. Wei Zhigu clearly did nothing wrong and was cleaned up.

Zhang said that he strongly opposed Yao Chong, asked other kings to help, and was sent to Hunan.

Lu Huaishen was always suppressed by Yao Chong, known as the Prime Minister of Accompanying Food, until his death.

When the rest of the people were almost the same, Li Longji found the situation of Yao Chong's family that he knew before, and won it in one fell swoop, even if Yao Chong's eldest son fell ill and died.

Zhang said that he was equally tolerant. He was sent to Hunan and stayed in Hunan, contacted his good friend Su Ting, and later became prime minister again.

Everyone doesn't care about this matter in front of you, just wait a moment, just to communicate with Datang, and the opening of the court meeting will not be delayed.

Everyone's focus is on Datang, and things outside are casual after learning that the gap between the opponent's weapons is huge.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan can talk to the priestess. The priestess has a high IQ, learns things quickly, and lacks too much emotional intelligence.

Two people teach each other how to deal with the relationship between people, it is meaningless to count the sun, moon and stars all day.

The three people cultivated and planted things in the land by the sea, and the priestess belonged to learning.

Twelve days passed, and there was a bright moon in the sky.

Li Yi held a guitar and put on balm when he was outside. There were too many mosquitoes.

"The cloud is light~~the wind is clear~~a round of rivers~~yueming~~wandering me~this life is so affectionate~~a little bit~~ melancholy~~ a little bit of melancholy~~a little bit~~ leave me alone~ self-pity water shadow... …”

The priestess looked through the screen window, turned her head and asked Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan, "How did you two find him?"

She felt that Li Yi was too good, she couldn't find her other half, and other men looked stupid to her.

She chose other men as her father's priest, and the key point was that she was also a priest. Even if those male priests could surpass her father, they couldn't compare to her.

She has a man, but the kind of man who does not belong to dependence, but is a relationship between men and women.

She thinks it is very good to have Li Yi like this, but unfortunately it is not her own.

"I am the princess, the Tang princess, and my age is the most suitable.

My aunt and the others are not good, there are too many men, and Li Lang doesn't like it, and my father is even more worried about another princess to seize power.

In the Tang Dynasty, there is a saying that the one who wins Li Yi wins the world.

I call this a political marriage, and Li Lang approves it, and he doesn't look for other women.

I am the most suitable for him, it is me, life, hey! "

Princess Yongmu humbly said that the situation, the issue of identity, does not need other aspects.

The priestess thought for a moment: "You don't want to be with him, is there no way?"

"How is that possible? Why would I not want to be with Li Lang?

Li Lang is good-looking and talented. The key is to treat me well, and I am not stupid.

Don't hit my Li Lang's idea, it's useless. I can introduce you to some of the ones I'm ok with. "

Princess Yongmu was not worried about this priestess at all, she was thinking about introducing Wang Wei to the other party.

Or Wang Bo? See who else fits in? Marrying such a priestess will not suffer.

"Oh!" The priestess felt a little disappointed, she thought she could live with her.

With her status, you can have many men, while male priests and nobles naturally have more women.

She finally got EQ online and heard what Princess Yongmu meant, and immediately wondered: "What is he doing outside?"

"There is a book that Li Lang copied, called Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he is learning Zhuge Liang's strategy of empty city, playing the piano on the city head.

But he didn't like to play the guqin, so he got a guitar. In fact, he can also play the guqin.

Listen, change the tune, there is always love in thousands of rivers and mountains, hurry up and attack?

An enemy is coming! Oh, a large group, they are going to attack us on the night of the full moon. They eat less fruit on weekdays, and the moon is not full, so they can't see clearly. "

Princess Yongmu knew that Li Yi was pretending to be coercive. She was idle, so many mosquitoes had to go outside at night and put on balm.

"Wahahahah..." Princess Yongmu's voice fell, and the attack began.

Li Yi's guitar changed and began to strum: dong dong dong dong dong...

The rhythm of the Spanish matador, the fingers of the guitar chords hurt, I don't always play it, and there are no calluses.

Under the moonlight, a large group of people charged densely. Otherwise, why would they build a pyramid? It was the height difference.

The attacking side threw short spears and stones, and was obviously more tired than the people above.

The Mayan pyramids, from top to bottom, have steps and layers of defense.

The pyramids in Egypt also have entrances for troops, and people use this method to defend.

In the Tang Dynasty, with the development of construction technology, the city wall was built instead of the pyramid-shaped base layer.

To put it bluntly, the pyramid is a place for war and storage, and by the way, you can also observe the changing stars.

No need to be so mysterious, there is corn in the Mayan pyramids, why are the angles different? Because the wind direction is different.

It needs a dry environment to store corn, and the sun's path is viewed from any angle, nonsense.

From another angle, the wind is not so blowing, and when the corn is harvested, it cannot be preserved.

Datang's grain storage warehouse also depends on feng shui. First, check whether there is a lot of water in the ground, and then carry out the drying operation in a dry environment, and then pile the grain into it to ensure ventilation.

Originally, it was a practical study, and it had to be closer to metaphysics.

Like the Wentian Lanxiang Pavilion in Luoyang Palace, it is at the called the Golden Sabre Sha, take a step back and turn into an arc, called the Golden Belt, and go further diagonally opposite, this side becomes the golden knife edge.

In terms of behavior, a road, your store is at the top of the road, to ensure that a car hits it out of control.

At this time, a large stone must be erected, and both sides can pass, so two are erected, and the Taishan stone is called dared.

If you have money, you can get two large mirrors, protruding out, so that the vehicles on both sides can see each other's turns.

It's a simple matter, what Feng Shui master should you look for? Including some places where the house numbers do not have seven and four.

In metaphysics, it is called no air and no matter. In fact, there are pronunciation problems in some places, which will confuse seven, one, ten, and four.

After removing seven and four, it is always one and ten, and it really is nothing to worry about in this regard.


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