Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2718: The purpose of war is due to authority

"Fifteen~~'s~moon~bright~rise~up~the sky~sky~yo~~why~~why~beside~beside~no~~cloud~~color..."

Li Yi changed a different musical instrument, the matouqin, and pretended to be a full set. Anyway, the other party couldn't throw things up, it was too high.

Pingkangfang Nanqu 'Everyone' and Luoyang Sikongfang's 'Everyone' came out to sing and dance, as well as other musical instruments.

"Walk around, let's go dancing, you don't need your men to fight, as long as they attack, we have an excuse to fight them."

Princess Yongmu smiled happily and pulled the priestess to run out.

There are two large screens on the high ground, on which songs and dances are played synchronously.

The priestess was pulled over stupidly, and she couldn't jump! I had to learn the movements of Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan.

The other 'everyone' danced around the three of them, and no matter what posture the three of them jumped out of, they ensured that they would cooperate seamlessly.

'Tom~~Tom~~' the flares are lifted into the air, the fireworks can be set off, and the flares can be set off.

This time there is no need to use the light of the moon to fight, everyone can see clearly, but it is bright.

The people who charged were huge, and it was unknown how many city-states they had gathered to launch a general attack.

Li Dan, Li Longji and other ministers got up one after another. They could still sleep before. Li Yi played the tune like a lullaby. They didn't wake up until the Spanish matador appeared.

"What song are you singing at night? Don't let people rest? Isn't it just the enemy charging!"

Li Rizhi rubbed his face with his hands, not happy! delayed sleep.

"Can you not wake up after a while?" Liu Chong refuted.

"I can sleep when I set off firecrackers during the New Year. I can't stand the toss as I get older."

Li Rizhi yawned, thanks to sleeping early at night, otherwise it would be easy to enter the intensive care unit, this heart...

The people who are charging all over the sky are stupid at the moment, why is it so bright? It's like daytime.

The slave rushes to the front, and doesn't care about anything, he will die if he wants to.

The commoners followed, followed by the nobles and priests, who thought they were far enough away to be safe.

What is the effective range of the water bullets? Different people gave different answers.

Every one of Yulin Feiqi is a sharpshooter, and he is most familiar with his Shui Lianzhu.

One of them estimates the effective range by wind direction and speed, and the other by feel.

This is the same as asking the effective range of an arrow from a two crossbow, depending on the skill of the shooter.

The lethality is related to more aspects, such as Yulin Feiqi being able to shoot consecutive arrows.

Four arrows in one slap, five fingers, one in the mouth, and continuous bowing in an instant, is a requirement for the explosive power of the body, a requirement for accuracy, and another requirement for the exchange of bows and arrows.

Yulin Feiqi's regular operation, five consecutive beads, a person's muscle strength is high, and the bow is good, otherwise the bow will be useless.

Now it's Shui Lianzhu, and Yulin Feiqi is as awesome as the person in the God Braid movie said, the braid is cut, and the **** keeps it.

Now give them bows and they will shoot five in a row as well.

Thousands of meters away, Shui Lianzhu is full of power, don't tell me the effective range, each of us has a gun for each of them, used to practice every day, and fed them with bullets.

'Clap, clap clap, clap clap...' The gunshots kept ringing.

Anyone in the enemy's command position is guaranteed to fall, and sometimes misses. It doesn't matter, if you are on the side of your comrades, you will not be on the side, and then you will find the target and aim.

For every command mission position, there are always several snipers.

The enemy's commanders had to see what was going on in front of them, and they didn't have binoculars.

They are usually at a position of five or six hundred meters, which is the effective shooting distance of Shuilianzhu.

Fei Lin Feiqi all sleep with their guns in their arms. Like the previous bows, they rarely use crossbows.

Ordinary archers like crossbows, just aim when firing, and then wind up, which is a physical task.

Fei Lin Feiqi was disgusted. The firing of the crossbow depends on the bowstring and angle of the crossbow, so he has less control.

With the sound of popping beans, the charging commanders fell one by one.

They are not Fei Lin Feiqi, they have their own tactical ideas, once the commander is missing, they will be at a loss.

Of course, Fei Lin Feiqi wouldn't rush into battle like this, it's not impossible, it's not worth it.

Fei Lin Feiqi must rush into formation under special conditions, and their formation will change, pulling out the skirmish line.

The airship passed by, looking for where the priests or nobles were.

It's a war. You fight first, and I'll fight you later, right? Moral prevails.

More airships passed by, and they were not responsible for bombing, but blocking the opponent's retreat.

People with small mortars, grenade launchers, automatic rifles rappelling from above.

The attackers discovered the situation, and all the commanders were guaranteed to be cleaned up.

The others were still charging, and when they didn't reach the place, the commander died.

The people who rushed were at a loss, what should we do? There is a ditch in front, such a wide ditch, you can't jump over it, can you jump down?

They ran to the front and looked down. The ditch was full of sharp thorns. This was obviously not good. They would die if they jumped.

It should be filled with soil, or run over with Who cares about this? What about people? Oh, dead? Shall we go back first? Can't beat it!

The person behind wants to rush forward, but the person in front can't go back, get out of the way, you rush, you rush, why are you standing with me?

"Xiaoyi, is this tribe fighting each other?" Yao Chong looked depressed.

Are your local people not going to fight tough battles? Don't you think about moats or trenches when you rush in?

The priestess also watched, including her people, seeing this kind of warfare for the first time.

There is danger in that ditch, but it's okay to slowly get out of bed and go down. It's just that it's easy for you to go down and avoid danger. How do you get up?

"What do you think? Their offense and defense rely on pyramids, unlike us, all kinds of digging holes.

The pyramid is nothing more than condescending, but because of the slope, it is less difficult to attack one side.

Compared with vertical walls, it is also easier to build ladders on a sloping pyramid.

You can't compare the level of technology in other places with the current situation in Datang. Look at my helicopter, you can't do it, right? "

Li Yi talked about the role and disadvantages of the pyramid. Once the Air Force appeared, it would be over.

In fact, without him, there would be no air force suppression, and no hot air balloons would be found.

"Brother Yi, how many tribes? Or city-states?"

Li Longji didn't think about the details, he wanted to know that he could find several positions that he could attack at will.

Influenced by some thoughts, under normal circumstances in Datang, you hit me first, and then I fight back.

Aren't you the one who hit me now! When you can't be beaten, I'll hit you back, don't say I'm wronged.

"There are seven so far, the drone found, and there are four more, they are coming."

Li Yi also understands that it is to let others take the first shot and occupy a moral position. (To be continued)

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