Chapter 53

Fourth Kazekage’s wife, Galileo, is a very beautiful, strong, gentle and friendly woman.

In order to find a suitable container for Shouhe.

She gave birth to her husband, Fourth Kazekage, three times in a row in that situation.

[In the video, Galileo’s tired face still has a weak beauty. 】

[She is weak but intently looking at the child that Yiren puts on her face…][The premature baby born with thick dark circles in the video looks thin, small and pitifully, curled up next to his mother’s pillow. 】

[“What a small child.” Galileo gave a maternal smile. 】

The smile looked at two people.

Two orphans.

Two orphans who have never seen their mother in person.


And Naruto.

One was a bloodthirsty Shura, and the other was a monster demon fox that was despised.

The two of them coincidentally have an inexplicable feeling rippling in their hearts…

[In Fourth Kazekage’s memories, Gaara gently but carefully held the premature Gaara in his arms and pressed it to his face. 】

[She looks at her newborn son pityingly, “No matter what happens, I will protect you, Gaara…”][Finally, the loss of not being able to watch the child grow up to an adult, and the blessing of expecting him to grow into a good ninja…][The loving “Gaara…”][How could it be that I hate him to the bone? ! ! 】

Before the video, Naruto felt that her throat was a little sore, her eyes were terrible, and her mouth was sore.

He…so envious.

The same goes for Gaara, he can’t believe it, even unbelievable!

I wish my father was right in front of me, and I had to ask to understand if I wanted to die! !

[But, no need, because the image has already told him the truth——][Rosa looked at the opposite son, “Your mother loves you very much!”][Fifth Kazekage Gaara: “!!!”]

Genin Gaara in front of the video: “!!!”

In and outside the image, the two Gaara’s eyes suddenly widened, and their pupils trembling violently in their eye sockets like an earthquake! !

Up to now, this turning point does not seem to be unexpected, at least in the eyes of people watching images all over the world, the ending should have been like this.

Even Naruto and Gaara have faint expectations and speculations about this result.

They had only suffered a whole childhood, and they did not dare to have too many extravagant hopes.

Especially Gaara.

[“You said… Mother, she… loves me?” In the video, the expression of the young man who is the captain of the ninja coalition army is so moving and distressing. “But then, Yasha Maru who came to assassinate me That’s not what he said!! He said that he and his mother hate me to the bone!!”][“That was my order. I ordered Yasha Maru to lie to you… Even if he hates it, he should hate me who put Shouzuru in your body when his sister was pregnant…”][Rosa: “Actually, Yasha Maru is the same as Galileo…][Fourth Kazekage confided the truth in a low voice: “They didn’t hate you for being to the bone, but… they loved you deeply…”]


“Gaara! Gaara!!!”

The first to discover something was wrong was Naruto. He found that Gaara’s pupils were diffusing, the veins of the blood vessels on his forehead were clearly visible, and the curvature of the corners of the mouth was extremely unnatural! !

Naruto yelled, and the people around also noticed Gaara’s situation. Temari and Kankuro wanted to go, but Gaara’s state was too much like a precursor to Morizuru’s rampage!

When they hesitated, Naruto had already slapped Gaara on the shoulder. Gaara’s absolute defense once again did not alert Naruto.

“Hey! Gaara!! Excessively happy you!! Although… it is indeed enviable to say…”

The last few words Naruto said in a small voice, and he curled his lips a little.

Obviously happy for the other party, but really envious of the small expression, watching his seventh class teammates did not come for a while and felt sad.(Read more @

“Naruto…” “Naruto.”

Gaara: “Father’s order… Mother and Yasha Maru… Naruto?”

Looking at the trembling pupils, Naruto understood Gaara’s meaning in an instant, he was afraid he had heard it wrong.

Naruto: “Ah, your mother and Yasha Maru… love you so much.”

He raised a big smile to Gaara, “I really envy you too much! I say! There is such a good mother!!”

Naruto: My mother… Will… be like Gaara’s mother?

Ah, but if you have a mother to protect you, you won’t even be able to learn the simplest Three Body Technique, and you will always get beaten up, um…Although he has tried hard to fight back, his mother can rest assured.

Hmm… Could it be that his mother was not good at studying, she was stupid, and could not even learn Three Body Technique?

“Hahahaha, shouldn’t my mother be an idiot?” There was a figure in his mind without a human face, who could not learn Three Body Technique stupidly, so Naruto laughed in tears.

[Fourth Kazekage Rosha in the video further analyzes his sins: “I forced you to become Jinchūriki, deprived of your life, deprived of your mother, deprived of the bonds between you and the people around you, and even wanted to deprive you many times. Life…” He sincerely confessed in the’wife’s arms’: “In the final analysis, as a father, I only give you one thing…”][“The pain in my heart.”]

Naruto: “…”

If Gallura and Uchiha Mikoto finally let Naruto’s mother’s fantasy gradually take shape…

That Fourth Kazekage undoubtedly shattered all Naruto’s illusions about his father.

Recalling that he was sitting alone on the swing of Ninja School, watching other classmates’ fathers come to pick them up home. At this time, he would pull the goggles on his forehead to his eyes.

The pain in my heart…

No one knows the pain better than him.

[Gaara’s recollection, the young Gaara asked like Yasha Maru: “The heart is not bleeding, but it hurts, it hurts.”]

Naruto: Yes, it’s this kind of pain. There is no bleeding, but it hurts terribly.

[“Wounds on the body may bleed and may look painful, but as long as they are applied with medicine, the wound will heal quickly.” Yasha Wan: “But nothing is harder to heal than the pain of the heart, and sometimes it won’t even last a lifetime. get well……”】

Naruto: “…”

Gaara: “…”

Wooden Golem, who sat coldly on the cloud and looked at the distant image: “…”

Killer Bee who didn’t sing rap: “…”

Yugo, blowing bubbles quietly: “…”

Yakura in the Mizukage building: “…”

Lao Zi who muffled the wood: “…”

The Han who lifted the hat: “…”

Fu flying in the sky among the clouds: “…”

Some people say that a person who is unhappy in childhood needs a lifetime to heal childhood.

And Jinchūriki…If you don’t find a cure for the wounds in your heart… it will be misfortune for a lifetime.

2. Third Hokage and the advisory group: “…”

Chiyo and Elder Sand Shinobi: “…”

Fourth Raikage Ai: “…”

Third Tsuchikage Onoki: “…”

As a shadow, no one knows the darkness of Shinobu Village better than them.

It’s not just Jinchūriki, who lived in this world and were born ninjas and they experienced too many regrets. Step by step, I lose myself in regret.

But this inexplicable image, while predicting the future, has insight into the mistakes of the entire Ninja world.

This time the Five Shadows talks with Konoha as the initiator…

It’s really exciting.

It’s time to make some changes.

Fire Country · Konohagakure——

In the future, as Impure World Reincarnation, Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, who was summoned from the Pure Land to the Fourth Ninja World War, can be found in the mission report file–

Back then, who ‘accidentally’ revealed that Naruto is Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

And who ‘intentionally or unconsciously’ infiltrated Konoha Village’s stupid thinking that “Naruto killed Fourth Hokage”.

Who is clinging to the position of Hokage because of his own stupid thoughts, putting the cart before the horse!

Senju Tobirama stared at the image and folded his arms in thought: “…”

Regarding the Fourth Ninja War, it is not better than the coming.

Madara and the boy named Obito were actually deceived by the will of the old age to perform Project Tsuki no Me.

Even though I felt something was wrong back then, because of Hokage’s name, I didn’t have the energy to check it personally.

With the full intelligence of the Fourth Ninja World War, Second Hokage admitted that he would not adjust those endings again, it was impossible to justify. Besides, isn’t there this inexplicable image to help?

Although it is not possible to tell the specific reasons, in terms of the current situation, the people behind this scene should be more likely to be on their side!

It is time to change and subvert the inherent rules and systems. The systems he personally set should have been adjusted with the times.

In addition, –

Senju Tobirama: Shimura Danzō, as a student of the old man, when did you lose yourself and become stubborn in power? ! Don’t you know that if the roots in the darkness rot, the stench is enough to destroy the giant trees in the sky…

Of course, what Senju Tobirama doesn’t know is…

Danzo is definitely not alone in trouble at this time.

And the instantaneous Shisui Distinguished Heavenly Gods who came back from the resurrection.

And with Uzumaki Hime-kun who returned to Konoha, Akatsuki’s Ten Punch Sword.

Uzumaki Mito, who personally led a team to design and guard Konoha’s seal barrier, learned about the subsequent past through Itachi’s illusion. She immediately discovered the most incredible point of the Nine Tails chaos and Uchiha genocide:

“Who is it?! Open the barrier and put the masked man to attack Konoha!”


Countdown to the shelves, updated today (1/unlimited)

Content warning after the shelves: Three forces have started to pick Danzo, there are too many black materials, billions of dollars are coming~

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