Chapter 54

[In the video, a dialogue between Yasha Maru and infant Gaara is played. 】

[“There is a medicine that can treat wounds in the heart, but that medicine is too precious and can only be obtained from others…that is ‘love’.”][“Then! How can I get it?!!!”][“I think Gaara-sama has got it.” Yashamaru told Gaara with a smile: “My sister, Gaara-sama’s mother loves you very, very much.”]

Gaara: “Mother…”

Hearing the trembling cry in Gaara’s words, Temari and Kankuro were also very uncomfortable.

For too many years, they kept forgetting the obvious truth behind their heads.

[Yasha Maru gently advised the young Gaara: “Sara no Moruzuru was originally a violent creature that existed to attack, but you are born with the’absolute defense’ that guards you, so I think this is your Mother, my sister, the power of Lord Gallura…”][“This is… you have already got the holy medicine to heal the scars in your heart.”][As if the atmosphere has reached a climax, a drop of crystals shining in the sun fell on the sand. 】

[900 one drop, one drop, another drop, one after another…][The sand has formed dark traces. 】

[The sand defense in the image of Gallura blocked the face of the ninja coalition captain. It was a mother who blocked the crying face of the child so that he would not lose face for this. 】

[Yashamaru’s voice disappeared in the air, “Even if my sister passes away, she wants to protect Gaara-sama.”]

The smile of Galiula before his death, the obsession that turned into a guardian of the sand after his death, the tears of Captain Ninja, the confession of Fourth Kazekage…

This scene moved people’s hearts.

It’s different from the complicated thinking in Ninja’s mind.

The ordinary people who have seen the video, even the daimyo and the samurai, were moved to tears.

The name of the country of fire: “Yu, bring Yu a veil! Hmm, it’s so touching.”

Attendant: “…”

Daimyo, does this treat those terrifying ninjas as movie actors?

Although it is a bit touching (?).

Civilian: “It’s too pitiful, that kid!!!”

(bceg)    “It looks a little handsome, it’s really beautiful and terrible!”(Read more @

“Huh? Didn’t you find those capable ninjas, are the girls more prettier than the other girls?”

“I found out a long time ago, look at the women over there…” The male commoner reluctantly pointed to the female villager in the distance.

The girls with their peach-hearted eyes wanted to get into the video and immediately knew what the Ninja League Captain was.

“Ahhhh, so cute!”

“I’m not even twenty years old~”

“Look for such a ninja next time~”


A certain hidden village ninja who just passed by on the mission: “…” Don’t say “Shadow” doesn’t take the mission at all, even Jōnin is super expensive! ! ! Don’t let them perform that kind of meaningless task! ! ! ! ! !

What are those commoner, wealthy businessmen and nobles thinking!

And you! That man! !

Do you know S-level ninjutsu? Can you develop ninjutsu above a level? Do you have a blood line? !

Any female ninja in Ninja Village is very scarce, okay! !

He is still single! ! ! !


Continue to watch the video——

[Sighing, Fourth Kazekage in the state of Impure World Reincarnation murmured: “Galuro, mother is really a very powerful existence. Even if you die, you can’t stop you from guarding your child.”][“You helped Gaara get to this point, helped him become Fengying, helped him meet friends, and gave him the bond between brothers and sisters… You gave him everything I took away from him…” 】

[“As a father, I…no, I am not qualified to be your father…”][“Mother is indeed amazing…” Gaara with tears in her eyes said hoarsely: “I got the wound medicine from her hand and healed the pain my father brought me.”][“Gaara, you…” There were tears in Fourth Kazekage’s eyes. 】

Temari, Kankuro: “Dad…!” They had never seen a father like this before. In the impression that he was a man who was calm and hard before any difficulties.

In this video, whether it was the tearful eyes at this moment, the painful sobbing on the side of the mother’s bed, or the depressed and scratching head when facing the coercion of the elders, they never saw it. Over…

At least in front of their two siblings, Fourth Kazekage had never shown such an expression.

[A ninja with the ‘seal’ charm appeared in the quicksand. 】

[In the sad music, Fourth Kazekage’s Impure World Reincarnation body is gradually buried in the gravel…][From the perspective of Fourth Kazekage, Gaara’s figure is gradually blocked by the sand. Unlike in the dark sand, Gaara’s figure is bathed in the sun…][Rosa: “You have surpassed all the wind shadows of the predecessors, the village… please give it to you! Gaara!!!”][The image follows Fourth Kazekage’s sight into the darkness. 】

[The darkness is like oppression on everyone’s heart…]

“It’s great, I said,” Naruto sniffed vigorously, but the tears and nasal mucus were still falling from Ullahula: “Your mother and Yachawan don’t hate you at all, and your dad recognizes you too! It’s so true, I say!!!”

“You guy…what can you do! You have become such a great shadow!”

Sasuke: “Hey the tail of the crane…” What is there to cry! You cry faster than that Gaara worse! !

Sakura: That’s right, that’s right! !

Gaara opened the panda’s eyes and looked at Naruto who was wiping her tears for herself, and muttered very quietly: “Thank you…”

“What are you polite? I said, aren’t we friends?” Naruto was full of air: “Sooner or later, I will become Hokage too! Let Fourth Hokage admit that I’m a Hokage that surpasses all generations!!”


Shikamaru, who has been serving as a background board nearby: “Naruto, although I know you respect Master Fourth Hokage, I have to tell you that Master Fourth Hokage has sacrificed–”

Shikamaru’s words were not finished yet, and there was a voice again from the image that had been dark but had not disappeared! ! !


Beg to order. .

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