Child Of God

Chapter 19 - Choosing A Path

A few weeks had gone by and the girls training was progressing with acceptable speed. And that was for Mari and Sonia. Hanc.o.c.k had really shown her talent during these weeks and she was ready to split the ocean now.

"Okay, go ahead Hanc.o.c.k." Kurama and Rory were standing on the side and watching the girl prepare her deciding punch.

Kurama had told her if she couldn't make this happen on the first try then he would never teach her his magic. She would be getting the same magic lesson as her sisters. But if she could do this on the first try then Kurama would teach her his magic.

"Okay." Hanc.o.c.k took a comfortable stance and placed her arms by her sides and started to do a breathing exercise for a few seconds.

"AAH" Hanc.o.c.k yelled out and at the same time letting out all her power into this punch. And the results made Kurama smile greatly. Hanc.o.c.k watched the water divide from the power of the punch and her face lit up in happiness.

"Master! Did you see that?" She turned to Kurama and asked in excitement and anticipation.

"I did. A little over two meters. Not bad at all, Hanc.o.c.k." He smiled and put up his hands for a fist bump which she answered with her own fist immediately.

"Looks like we got the first student in tailed beast magic. Kurama how do you feel?" Rory asked.

"We'll see. She won't have a goddess to help her master it in seconds." Kurama said and watched the sisters jump around in happiness. Rory also gave him the stink eye.

"Something wrong with my methods?" She asked him with a small amount of killing intent in her tone.

"No, no, just saying it will be tougher for her. That's all." He smiled nervously.

"Better be all. Now you stay here and train them. I will go out and explore a little. Drives me crazy to sit here."

"Says the one that slept for literal decades." Kurama sneaked a glance at Rory and saw no visible reaction so he breathed out in relief.

"That's not the same thing."

"Oh, really. I see best we don't do a test like that a lot or else all your followers will die of old age while you are sleeping all their years away." Kurama smiled in amus.e.m.e.nt at Rory's perplexed look.

"I suppose you're right. No more long naps. Only short naps." She said and nodded to herself.

"Now off you go. I have these three to take care off. Go find some adventure." Kurama said and tried to wave her away.

"Ye, ye, I'm going."

Rory clapped her hands and her throne came floating down from above the white clouds covering the sky. It looked majestic floating down with all it's moving vines wiggling like they were excited to be called upon again.

"Bye for now! See ya later." Rory waved and the girls didn't even notice her leaving, they were to busy discussing Hanc.o.c.k's future.


Rory and her majestic throne were making their way towards the grand line. She had a specific goal in mind and she thinking about how to go about it.

'Maybe this form wasn't appropriate for this world. In this world, it's almost like height determines how powerful you are.' Rory wanted to change form to something taller than this little girl form she had taken so far.

Rory and her dad were basically nothing and everything at the same time. They weren't born into a gender, they have none. They can be both man and woman whenever they feel like it. Identity is nothing to them. It's just a tool to make it easier for other people to talk to them.

'Hmm, I believe I should stay in the female form, otherwise, Kurama might lose his mind. Are there any good forms I can take on.' She closed her eyes and started thinking back to all the information that was stored inside of her. She was sorting through all the females and tried to find someone appropriate.

'What's this.' She opened her eyes and smiled.

"Beautiful, cruel, funny and nice coloured hair. She's perfect." She snapped her fingers and she started to change into what she found in her memories about all these worlds. She had sorted through millions of people in just a few seconds.

"Should I keep my name? no, I will take this one." She reached out her hand to no one in front of her and pretended to shake someone's hand.

"Hello, my name is esdeath. Nice to meet you." Said the now long blue-haired woman sitting on her throne. She was still in the same outfit as before. only the body had changed.

"Now to figure out what magic to use. Can't use ice because it'll be too annoying to explain to those guys. Let's see if I can find some interesting magic." She closed her eyes again and started sorting through all the magic she had knowledge of.

"I can't use ice but nothing stops me from using the thing ice is made off." She smiled wildly now that she found the magic she would use from now on.

'This world, the ground, even the human body. Water is present in everything. It's also the perfect magic to use in this world especially." She put out her hand with her palm facing upwards and a ball of water started to grow over her hand.

Water is everywhere so by using this esdeath will have control of it all. Now that she finally had created a suitable identity to use, it was time to go join the Marines.



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