Child Of God

Chapter 28 - Meeting The Devil

On the shores of the most infamous island in the west blue. A lone Marine woman was walking with a smile plastered on her face.

She had her hair in a bun and it presented her as very innocent and pretty. The perfect target for someone with a cold heart and vile thoughts.

She had blue eyebrows and a beautiful smile and her body breathed this constant aura. It felt like an ocean was surrounding her like a blanket.

The aura was weightless but also carried the weight of an entire planet. It was calm and soothing, but also destructive and fierce.

A person could waste an age and still not finish explaining the feeling this transcended aura transmitted.

She was walking towards the worst and most dangerous place on this island, the jungle. It was filled with killer beasts and also people that would kill anyone.

The only way to stay safe while walking through here would be by joining one of the crews controlling the island. But even then death would always loom over your head.

This showed by the fact that she was already being followed and she had entered the jungle just a moment ago. There were six people following her and eight people waiting up ahead. They waited up in the trees and their eyes followed her movements.

As she passed their location the people up in the trees moved and jumped down on the ground.

"WOHO! A MARINE!!" A tall but slim man landed in front of her. He had shoulder-length blonde hair and dirt all over his body, like all others here.

"Been so long since I tasted a marine woman! And you're the prettiest one I've ever seen." He tilted his head and licked his lips.

"Elias The Predator. Guess the name fits." Esdeath looked him up and down with a smile. She was amused by this man.

"I'm offended! Thinking one little marine is enough to take me and my boys on." Elias laughed and brought out two knives.

"I don't have a need for your hands to F*** you!" Elias ran towards Esdeath with knives raised high.

He threw one of his knives at her expecting her to dodge it. But she caught it by grabbing the blade and then she immediately threw it back and it pierced his right leg.

"AAAH! You BITCH!" Elias screamed and took out the knife. He pointed at her and screamed for his men to attack.

"Let's try out my magic on these morons." Esdeath raised a hand and did a hand sign, mostly because it made her look cool.

All the men were stopped in the middle of their charge. Elias saw Esdeath make her hand sign. He wasn't an idiot on that lever of stupid so he knew this wasn't an ordinary Marine.

"What are you?" He asked without letting his fear manifest itself in his tone of voice.

"A nightmare to people like you. Well, I'm a nightmare to anyone I don't like." Esdeath changed her hand sign and the thirteen snaps were heard and his men fell down on the ground, dead.

"Are you coming, Elias? Or shall?" Esdeath started to walk towards him while drawing her sword slowly.

"STAY AWAY!! FREAK!" Elias started running away at his fastest speed. He was trying to reach the rundown castle in the distance.

"It's no good to bully. Stop that." Esdeath gripped her sword tighter and raised her sword in the air. Her eyes zeroed in on the running terrified man in the distance.

She brought the sword down and the next second Elia's body split in two while running. He was cut from head to toe.

"Now for the one I came for."

Esdeath took a step and in that simple movement arrived at the large gate of the castle. She used her sword and split the gate in two.

She sheathed her sword and made her way towards the castle dungeon. It was completely empty inside the castle, but that only lasted until she reached the dungeon.

Down here in the dungeon you heard screams of men and woman. The men were being brutally beaten and some of them were assaulted s.e.x.u.a.lly and used as playthings for anyone in the castle.

The woman was used as test subjects for the pirates. There was only one person inside this dungeon that wasn't getting beaten or s.e.x.u.a.lly assaulted. And that was a black-haired girl that looked to be in the same age as Hanc.o.c.k.

"Humans are such vile creatures."

Esdeath reached the end of the staircase and she was greeted with a corridor that had cells all the way to the end of the corridor. And at the end of the corridor was a room dedicated to one single prisoner, and it was someone that Elias had saved as a present to another captain.

"Who are you?!" A man standing outside the first cell asked with his sword drawn.

Esdeath disappeared from the spot and appeared at the door of the last room. The guard had fallen down without a head on his shoulders. And the other cells also became quiet when Esdeath had moved.

Esdeath raised her sword and cut the door in two. She took a step inside and she saw that in the middle of the room was a teenage girl that was hammered onto a cross. The girl had tears on her face and you couldn't really see her appearance because of all the dirt on her.

And not to mention the fact that only her lower body was covered. Her entire upper body was exposed for everyone to see.

"W... Who are you?" The girl asked Esdeath as she stood there in front of the cross.

"Are you here to kill me, please kill me." She pleaded with a weak and quiet voice.

"Nico Robin. Nice to meet you," Esdeath moved her arm and the things that kept Robin hanging was cut off and Robin fell towards the floor.

"Oops, I got ya." Esdeath appeared under the cross and caught the girl as she fell down

"Be still." Esdeath brought forth her hand and water appeared on her hand. She took Robin's hands in her own and made the water spread all over Robin's body.

Robin felt the water move around on her skin and suddenly all the feelings since the massacre came rushing to the surface. Her eyes got wet and she started to cry loudly into the c.h.e.s.t of the random woman that saved her life.

"There, there, it's alright now. They can't hurt you anymore." Esdeath felt a little awkward because she had never been in this situation before. So she just pinched her cheek as she did with Hina and for some reason, she kissed Robin's forehead.

Esdeath stopped the kiss and questioned herself. Why did she kiss the forehead? The only answer she came up with is that it felt right.

She was about to speak to Robin, but the girl had fallen asleep. Esdeath stayed there and watched the girl sleep soundly and peacefully in her bosom.

'Sleep tight little one,' She also closed her eyes and started to slowly sway back and forth.



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