Child Of God

Chapter 50 - Arrival Of Heroes

Tenrou Island, also known to the members of Fairy Tail as their sacred grounds. It served a multitude of functions for the guild. And now it served as the trial grounds for the S- Rank Wizard Trials. Selected members of the guild were gathered here for the test.

'I need to tell the guild or else this will be very bad." A young girl with blue hair was racing down a hill on this sacred island. She was running like she was trying to escape from an enemy. Panic and sadness were written all over her face.

Suddenly when she was running her right foot got caught by a tree root and she fell face-first on the ground. But before she actually hit the ground along and sturdy arm caught her in mid-air. The arm belonged to a man that easily exceeded two meters in height and he was pushing three meters.

He caught the little girl in his grasp and sat her down carefully on the ground. "Are you okay, little one?" He asked as a gentleman would and he smiled while simultaneously radiating kindness towards the girl.

"Y-Yes, thank you. W-who are you?" The girl asked and looked to forget that she was in great distress just a second ago. "GAJEEL!" It didn't last long as the girl got her panic returned to her like a slap to the face.

"GAJEEL! HELP HIM PLEASE!" She yelled while being held by the gentle giant. She stared straight into his eyes, and it was at this moment that she saw something that frightened her greatly. "Your eyes!" She said in a tone that was both a whisper and a scream.

"Do not worry about this old man, little one. Now, how about you tell me about this Gajeel you spoke of." He said and placed a hand on her head to calm her down. The girl had obviously noticed the fact that he had two scars over is eyes that showed how he had no sight.

"Grimoire Heart, they are attacking. Gajeel is back there, I need to get help!" She said and tried to get up, but the man with no eyes did not let her do so. He picked her up in a princess carry without her permission. "What are you doing?!" She panicked and struggled to get free as anyone would.

"Well, you are exhausted and hurt. How are we ever going to make it in time to save your friend if I let you walk? Guide me there and I will walk for us both." He said and smiled.

She nodded with determination and pointed in the direction of the area she was escaping from. Not for a second did it enter her mind that this unknown man with no working eyes could also be an enemy. She was in a total panic and all that was on her mind was this Gajeel person.

The two of them were making their way through the forest at a fast speed. And the man was just walking normally. His walking speed was faster than the girls sprinting speed. "What is your name, little one?" He asked while switching between looking at her and the road ahead.

"Levy, and you didn't answer me when I asked who you are?" She told her name without hesitation and immediately started digging into his identity.

"Issho. I am just an old man and no one to pay much attention to." Issho said while smiling kindly at her.

"That's usually what people say when you should dig into who they are. People who say that are ALWAYS important." Levy said and stared at Issho.

"Ooo, what a clever girl. Imagine if I was with the enemy. You would have already willingly handed yourself over to me." Issho said and Levy suddenly realized that what he said was true. She had gotten into this situation without even getting his name. She was being careless and she suddenly started feeling ashamed at the thought of how she let panic take over.

"I am not your enemy so no need for a look like that. But next time it wouldn't hurt you to be a little careful." Issho smiled and finally, vibrations from a battle taking place reached their location. Both of them watched as a massive sword materialized in the air and an aura resembling a powerful beast assaulted the area.

"Gajeel!" Levy said in a quiet yet firm tone of voice. She watched the sword descend on the ground and let the beastly aura hit her and she felt strangely safe by its raw predatory viciousness.

Issho suddenly started jogging and immediately the surroundings became a blur to Levy as they in just a moment arrived at the scene of the battle. The ground had big craters and the area was thoroughly destroyed. And in the middle of this scene of destruction was three bodies and one of them collapsed just as Levy and Issho got there.

"GAJEEL!" Levy with all her strength struggled free from Issho and ran up to him. She fell down on her knees right next to him with tears streaming down her face. "Can't you do something?" She looked back at Issho.

Issho was watching Levy let out her desperation and on some level and for some reason. He related to that feeling of desperation and helplessness that he saw in her. He had the same one before Esdeath found him. Desperate to not disappear from the world. Desperate for a way out of the darkness he sat in.

"I will try, little one." He said and started using his cane to walk towards Gajeel and Levy. She immediately stood up with all the strength she had left and run over to help guide him towards Gajeel.

Levy was under such stress that she didn't even realize that Issho had run here at incredible speed and not stumbled ones. So her decision to run up and help guide him towards Gajeel's body was done purely out of emotions and sense of urgency.

Issho sat down on his knees in front of Gajeel and looked over his body. The man with long black and spikey hair was barely alive. He was badly beaten up and it was a miracle that he was alive with all the cuts and bruises on his body alone. And that was not even taking into account all the internal injuries.

"He is banged up badly, but I can do some light fixes here. But you have to take him to the camp your guild has set up here on the island. Do you understand?" Issho asked and Levy nodded with curiosity at how he knew about her guild. And she was all around very interested in who he was and how he got here.

"Good" Issho placed his hand on Gajeel's body and a powerful magical presence manifested around all three of them. 'He's strong. This is like the Guild Master.' Levy looked on with shock written on her face as she felt the magical presence manifest itself in the area.

Gajeel's body was surrounded by a shimmering green light. It looked to almost be drawn into the body itself. Gajeel's body was starting to close its wounds slowly and the bleeding stopped all around the body.

"What kind of magic is that? I have never felt anything like its aura before!" Levy turned her eyes towards Issho. He removed his hand and Gajeel started breathing normally now. He had fallen asleep and now it was no risk of him dying during the journey towards the camp.

"Looks like some of your friends are coming," Issho said and pointed at a path in the distance. "Friends?" Levy looked over but saw or felt nothing in that direction. "What are you talking about?" She turned back but much to her surprise, Issho was gone. Only a sleeping Gajeel together with the two enemies he had knocked out was left in the area.

"LEVY!" Suddenly behind her, in the direction where Issho had pointed, two people came running. One had red hair and one had blue hair.

"Erza, Juvia? What are you doing here?" Levy was surprised to see anyone from her guild. She had no idea anyone else was in the area. What surprised her more was the behavior of Issho, Why would he run away from them but show himself to her.

"Are you okay? What happened here?" Erza came running and sat down next to her and started to inspect her body. "Who are these people," Juvia asked while looking at the knocked out dog in a samurai outfit.

"Enemies. They attacked me, and Gajeel fought them off while I ran to get help." Before she could continue she got hit in the head by Erza. "Why would you return, be lucky that even Gajeel survived, What if we lost two members in one day!" Erza hit her on the head again and gave Levy a mean look.

"I'm sorry. But I wasn't alone. I met someone on the way. An older man, he came with me and he also healed Gajeel with weird magic. Look!" Levy stepped aside and let Erza and Juvia look over Gajeel's body.

"He sure doesn't look like someone that just fought alone against two enemies. hmm, okay. Tell me everything, Levy!" Erza said and looked at the blue-haired book worm.

It took but a moment for someone like Levy to tell them everything that happened in perfect detail. She had an incredible memory so she could remember the smallest of details. Erza had a concerned look on her face and Juvia seemed to have stopped listening long ago. She was dreaming away over someone else.

"Okay, let's wake these guys up and find out what's going on here," Erza said and walked over to the dog person. "Time to wake up!" She said with an evil grin and raised her fist.



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