Child Of God

Chapter 54 - The White-Haired Beast Appears

Standing by at the island was the ship belonging to the Grimoire Heart guild. And five people were running up steps made of ice that connect the ground to the ship.

'Kids are so energetic nowadays,' A man with shoulder-length white hair and nicely trimmed beard stood in the air and watched them approach the ship. He had the aura of a kind and serene man on him, quite opposite to the man that was standing inside the ship.

'They truly stand no chance against that man, but they sure do have great determination to do it anyway.' He laughed quietly to himself.

Natsu, Erza, Gray, Wendy, and Lucy was currently fighting the master of the Grimoire Heart guild. Someone they could not compare to at all but that didn't mean they wouldn't try. Natsu had been the first one to rush in there and attack the master of one of the strongest dark guilds.

The master's name was Hades and he was currently fighting Fairy Tail's number one team. They had great coordination with each other. But whether they realized it or not, it was entirely useless. They were so wrapped up in everything that they didn't notice that Hades took no actual damage from their attacks.

Lucy and Wendy combined two attacks into what mages call unison raid and with Natsu being in the centre of this attack. His kick on Hades through the use of Unison Raid was the finishing touch on their assault on Hades. The perfectly timed unison raid took Hades by surprise and within the span of a second Natsu had reached him and landed a kick that sent Hades crashing into the back of the ship.

"We did it!" Wendy said and jumped up in happiness. Her smile and declaration of victory brought a smile to their faces. But they all still knew that he wouldn't go down this easy. But still it didn't take away from the fact that they were happy they got so many hits in.

From the huge smoke screen that had appeared from Hades body crashing into the back of the ship. He came walking out, without a scratch on his body. Not even a bloody nose could be seen on him. He had taken all of that and sustained no injuries what so ever.

"The mistakes people make are eventually labelled as experience. But with a true mistake, there will be no experience to be gained. Because the mistake you made taking me as your opponent will leave you with no future."

Hades came walking out with a smile on his face. It was a smile of triumph, a look that made them all aware that they had always been and would always be vermin in his eyes.

"Is that enough warm-up for you? How about we get this started?" Hades said and his magical pressure started building up inside the ship. All of them felt Hades power and it momentarily paralyzed them. It was a crazy amount of magic power to deal with, and Wendy especially almost fell down because of the terror building up inside her.

"KATSU!" Hades locked eyes with Wendy and all the pressure immediately surrounded the little blue-haired girl. "That's Enough!" An equally powerful pressure appeared around Wendy and created an almost visible barrier around her that stopped Hades invisible attack.

"What happened!?" Gray and Erza looked at Wendy. And the girl herself was utterly confused at what happened. The terror that existed inside her took over and she collapsed exhausted on the ground.

"Who said that?" Lucy and Natsu were more focused on who's voice rang out before the second pressure came in and saved Wendy. "What's going on?" Erza was looking at Hades while holding Wendy in her arms.

"Interesting, someone new I don't know. Show yourself." Hades voice rang out inside the ship, but still no answer from whoever had stopped him.

Hades raised his right hand and shot a blast of dark magic in a random spot inside the hall. He, of course, hit nothing, but he shot another one at a different location. "Not a very patient man are you?" A voice rang and surprisingly it came from right behind Erza and Wendy.

And now behind them stood a man with white hair, baggy clothes with a ripped cloak hanging over his shoulders. He looked like a homeless man that would walk the streets at night with nothing but alcohol on his mind.

"What kind of vermin is it that has made its way onto my ship this time?" Hades said and looked at the newly arrived old man. Someone that looked as old as Hades.

"No vermin. Just another old man lost to the times and trying to keep up with the younger generation." He said and laughed heartily to himself while remembering how his wife used to describe how he lived his life.

T-Thank you for saving me!" Wendy said with rose-coloured cheeks that started to become more red as the seconds passed. She sat there, protected behind his back. And for ones in a long time, she felt truly safe. The tranquillity and power exuded by this stranger made her feel safe like only one person had done in the past.

"It was no bother. It was my p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, my name is Rayleigh. You can just call me an old man if you want." Rayleigh said with a smile.

"Old man! Step aside, I need to kick this guys a.s.s for what he did to our old man!" Natsu's fists were on fire and he was all too ready to continue this march towards his early grave. Rayleigh knew they would all die against Hades if he put in just a little bit of an effort to kill them.

"How about you kids sit this one out? Let me take care of this man." Rayleigh said. His body was turned towards the group, but his eyes never left Hades.

"Natsu, let's do what he asks. We stand no chance against Hades, so let's sit this one out." Erza was talking in a calm tone but her body language betrayed her words. She was clenching her fists so hard that her nails dug into her hands.

"Calm down, kid," Rayleigh put one hand on Erza's shoulder and spoke with a calm tone. "You have to protect these guys, you are the leader here. So don't let your emotions take over, stay focused." Rayleigh let go off her and turned towards Hades again.

"Say your goodbyes now because this is where all of you meet your end," Hades said and laughed sadistiaclly while staring at Rayleigh.

"There will be no tearful goodbyes today. You should just be happy that I will make this quick for you. I don't enjoy beating down on weaklings." Rayleigh hit Hades with some mockery and released some of his magic. It was perfectly matched with what Hades had released earlier.

"Let's see you try!" Hades summoned his chains and they flew at Rayleigh with amazing speed. "Not good enough, Hades." Rayleigh held out his hand and the two chains Hades summoned was met with an invisible force and simply bounced them off their path.

Seeing how his chains failed he moved in for close combat. And thanks to his increase in all physical areas this was the right move when his chains won't work. But unfortunately for him, this would work against a mage, but Rayleigh was anything but that. He had been fighting Garp all his life, so close combat was one thing you never want to face Rayleigh in.

"Bad move," Rayleigh said and moved as well. They closed in on each other and caused an outburst of pressure as their fists clashed. Erza had to hold onto Wendy so she wouldn't get blown away. As the fists clashed, Hade realized his mistake right away. Rayleigh was miles above him in physical strength alone.

"I said I wouldn't play around, so I won't." Rayleigh disappeared and reappeared right behind Hades. He grabbed ahold of his neck and threw him overhead and smashed him into the floor. And a quick kick to the head sent Hades crashing into a wall and destroying it.

"Impressive, but let me show you the abyss of magic!" Hades got up, albeit on somewhat shaky legs. And he removed his eye patch that covered his left eye. And right away the atmosphere in this area turned to that of an apocalyptic feeling.

Everything went dark and a terrible magical pressure was brought down on the entire area. It was so terrifying and incredibly powerful that Natsu, Gray, Lucy and, Wendy couldn't breathe properly. Erza was the only one with a somewhat clear mind left in that group.

Wendy had tears running down her face and she looked to have lost all hope. There was no light left in her eyes anymore. "Everything's going to be alright." A hand was placed on her head and it belonged to Rayleigh.

"How troublesome. This feels like someone throwing a tantrum. Let's quiet this man down." Rayleigh turned away from Wendy, that now had a small white barrier attached to her body. She could no longer feel the intense pressure Hades was releasing.

"Come here and taste despair, all of you!" Hades laughed like a maniac as he felt the power released from inside of him.

"No thanks. But I will show you despair, however." Rayleigh said and released his magic. *Boom* Immediately the entire top section of the ship got blown away and disintegrated into nothingness. Hades fell face-first on the ground unconscious.

'Whoops, I thought he could take it, Seems he was weaker than I originally thought. Or I have yet to get accustomed to the power the contract gave me. Lady Rory, what have you done to me?' Rayleigh sighed and his pressure died down and everything calmed down.

"W-W-W-W-W-WHO ARE YOU???" Gray screamed while backing off completely terrified of the monstrous magical pressure Rayleigh released on the area.

"I told you already, an old man trying to keep up with you kids," Rayleigh smiled and laughed.

"F.U.C.K OFF!"




Lucy, Natsu, Gray and Wendy yelled at the same time. Not for a second would they believe that was the case. He just knocked out someone using his pressure alone, and that someone was Hades. A guild master of one of the most powerful evil guilds in the entire world.

"Sorry, sorry, soon you will know," Rayleigh said and turned his gaze towards the entrance that the team had barged in through. Because there stood the rest of the guild. Makarov stood at the front and looked at Rayleigh in pure shock.

"Ahh, Makarov, is it? Good to finally meet you." Rayleigh said and waved. He proceeded to sit down with crossed legs on the ground.

"Who is this insane old man?" Cana, the woman with only a bra on asked in shock.

"hahaha, let me introduce myself properly!" Rayleigh said and started to undress. He took off his cloak and then his top so that he now stood in front of the guild with his c.h.e.s.t exposed. And many faces grew red because even though he was quite old, his body had no signs of his advanced age. He was bodybuilder big.

"My name is Rayleigh, and I am just a long-forgotten member of the family." Rayleigh turned around and all the members lost their ability to speak. Visible on Rayleigh's back was a tattoo. And it was so big it covered his entire back. It was the Fairy Tail tattoo. Something only a legit member would possess.

"WHAAAAT!!!?" Natsu lost his mind, he stood there with his jaw hitting the floor. And pretty much everyone else, including Makarov had the same reaction to this.



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