Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 63: - Bystander Qing's Showdown

Drinking free drinks, Qianyu thought about the meaning of Xiaolan's inexplicable actions.

Her inquiry goal seems to be to confirm whether Conan has more abilities than normal elementary school students? What does she want to know? ? ?

With such confusion, Chiba got on the train home. However, they met Mouri Kogoro, Xiaolan, and Conan—if you want to go back to Mika, you have to take the Dongdu Ring Line to Mika Station, so it is definitely a high probability that they meet.

The place where Qianyu was sitting just happened to see Xiaolan's face - from the perspective of her eyes, she was looking at someone slightly lower than her. What confuses Qianyu is that the expression in her eyes is very complicated.

Lower than Xiaolan, that's Conan, right? But this expression...

Joy and sadness are both, but they are sometimes overshadowed by shame or anger. With such a complicated expression, why did Xiaolan have such complicated feelings for Conan?

...Conan's perspective

Something wasn't quite right... Pretending to look out the window casually, Conan glanced at Xiao Lan's expression again, his heart beating like a drum.

All day today, Xiao Lan's attitude towards herself was very different from before.

First, she began to defend herself in front of Uncle Maori, giving herself absolute trust and sufficient reasoning space.

Secondly, from time to time, she attacked him in various ways, oppressing his nerves with specious words, making Conan extremely tired now.

I really want to go home and get some sleep, and then I will go to Dr. A Li tomorrow to discuss the countermeasures...

Conan turned around, and when his eyes swept across Xiaolan, he was caught by Xiaolan's eyes. Conan quickly retracted his gaze and pretended to be looking at the tablecloth.

I just hope that I can put it off until tomorrow morning.

. . . . . . Chiba's perspective

"Little brother, what are you looking at?" Suddenly, a middle-aged woman wearing sunglasses who had been sitting opposite Qian Yu asked. "Are you looking at Rapunzel in high school uniform in row 9?"

Ninth row, high school uniform, Rapunzel, it's Xiaolan. How did she know? Mind reading?

"Ah..." Qian Yu was slightly surprised, but nodded anyway. "Her expression is funny..."

"Yes," the middle-aged woman's mouth twitched slightly, playing with her taste. "I saw it too, it's quite interesting~"

For a moment, Qianyu almost thought that the person in front of her was not a middle-aged woman in her thirties, but a flowery girl who likes to be cute and tender.

"Tengu eats the moon... I don't know when the beautiful moonlight will come." The middle-aged woman suddenly said with a face of vicissitudes.

"..." Qian Yu glanced at the crescent moon outside the window, not knowing how to answer. (May 7, 1994, the twenty-seventh day of the third lunar month)

(The middle-aged woman's sentence is a metaphor for when Xiaolan can say "The moonlight is so beautiful tonight." This sentence is equivalent to I love you in Japan. The author of this metaphor is Natsume Soseki of the English teacher model.)

The attendant's announcement interrupted the obscure conversation—the tram has arrived.

The curious, the mysterious, the apprehensive, the skeptical, and the bewildered all set off on their way home.

. . .

Qianyu was walking to the bathroom with a change of clothes in her arms, when she heard Conan's voice from outside the room.

"Is the window open?" Qian Yu was stunned for a while, and then got to the point. "Wait... why is this guy here?"

Looking out the window, I saw Xiao Lan was pulling Conan and walking past her door. Qianyu walked out the door, hid behind the fence of her house, and listened quietly.

"Sister Xiaolan, Sister Xiaolan!" Conan's tone looked very confused. "This is not the way to go to a convenience store!"

Xiaolan didn't respond.

"If you get lost," Conan said anxiously. "We can go back to the office first!"

"Yes," Xiao Lan finally said. "It's time to go home."

The footsteps stopped.

"Go back to your home." Xiaolan said lightly.

"Huh?" Qian Yu was stunned. If Xiaolan and Conan were at their speed, they should now be standing in front of the Kudo mansion that someone visited during the day. Back to Conan's house? what the hell?

"You... what are you talking about, Sister Xiaolan," Conan was stunned, then replied. "This is Brother Xinyi's house!"

"Really?" Xiao Lan's tone became a little sad. "You lie to me every time, don't you? Shinichi?"

Qianyu's brain was a little short-circuited because he was thinking about what the **** was going on.

"Are you Shinichi? Huh?" Xiaolan said to the stunned Conan.

"You...what did you say..." Conan recovered from his surprise and quickly began to explain. " could I be the new brother!"

"It can't be wrong!" Xiao Lan's determined tone made Conan immediately quiet down. "Your ability to act, reason, knowledge, and even your ignorance of music are exactly the same!"

"But, Sister Xiaolan," Conan said with a speechless expression. "I'm a kid!!!"

"You must be drinking some strange drug made by Dr. A Li?" Xiao Lan replied immediately.

"..." After hearing this, Qianyu's mind suddenly became clear.

Conan's situation is a bit like his own!

"Don't think I'm a fool!" Xiao Lan became excited again. "I have a lot to say to you!"

"Do you have any evidence?" Conan's tone suddenly became sarcastic.

"Huh?" Xiaolan was stunned.

"Don't talk nonsense without evidence--" Conan's tone became more rude.

"Heh!" Xiao Lan chuckled lightly, then snatched Conan's glasses off.

"Ahhh!" Conan tried to get the glasses back, but was unsuccessful.

"Aren't you going to tell the truth?" Xiaolan asked. "I've never seen someone who looks so similar!"

"That's because..." Conan was halfway through when a third voice appeared.

"Lan sauce?" A woman's voice came. "Why are you still in front of my house so late?"

"Xinyi's mother?" Xiaolan asked in a daze. "When did you get back from Los Angeles?"

"I just got back on the last flight~~" The woman replied with a because something happened! Um - who's the one next to you? "

"Yo," Xiao Lan looked at Conan with a smile. "That's fine."

Picking up Conan, Xiao Lan held him up in front of the woman. "Confess to your biological mother!"

"???" The woman was stunned. "Isn't this Conan? Long time no see!"

"Huh?" Xiao Lan was stunned. "You know him?"

"Yeah!" The woman said of course. "He's my grandfather's brother's daughter's cousin's cousin's uncle's grandson!"

"Huh?" Before Xiao Lan could react, Qian Yu was already confused.

Isn't grandfather's brother's daughter's cousin's uncle equivalent to grandfather or grandfather's other brothers? Such a long list of kinship is definitely made up. . . Still made up without thinking. . .

"Speaking of reasoning ability, action ability and knowledge reserve," Conan immediately countered. "Qianyu is not worse than me at all!"

"Uh..." Xiaolan was stunned for a while, and finally said apologetically. "Conan... It seems that Sister Xiaolan made a mistake. Can you forget everything I said before? Go back to Sister Xiaolan and make you a hamburger!"

"That..." the woman asked. "Can I live with Conan for a day or two? I haven't seen him in a long time."

"Okay, okay..." Xiaolan said apologetically. "Then I'll go back first! Good night, Conan!"

"Sister Xiaolan, good night!"

Qianyu listened to it for a long time, and there was no more dialogue, so she went back to the house with a lot of doubts.


Author: Originally, Yukiko wanted to explain it to Conan outside the door, but in my world, the Kudo House is connected to the rooms on both sides, so Yukiko was afraid that others would hear it.

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