Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 64: ——Didan 7 The Bizarre Beginning

When the sun rose a little, Qianyu had already walked into the campus of Tedan Elementary School - today, Qianyu intends to determine a question, that is, whether Conan is really the owner of Kudo's house, Kudo Shinichi.

If he remembers correctly, Conan's diary that he was praised before is still posted in the school hallway. If you can record the above handwriting, and then compare it with Kudo Shinichi's handwriting, you can determine whether the two are related. Even if there is no way to compare the handwriting, you can find some breakthroughs that can be inferred by observing Conan's diary. (Fingerprints are too difficult for Chiba, who has no professional equipment. For genetic testing, the world's first national gene bank was established in the UK in 1995, so no one in the world has Kudo Shinichi's genes.)

"I remember it should be at the main entrance on the first floor..." Qian Yu muttered and walked into the teaching building - Conan's transformation is very exquisite, so like many sixth-grade students' paintings, it was hung on the first entrance. where you can see.

"Ahhh!" Just when Zena Yu found Conan's painting and was about to go up to record the characteristics of the handwriting, the little girl's scream shocked Qianyu.

It's not even seven o'clock, so there should be nearly an hour before the school arrives. If there are teachers here, there may be more professional teachers, but children. . .

Pulling out the umbrella from the side of the backpack, Chiba walked to the place where the sound came from. where the sound came from. . . It seems to be the art classroom?

When Chiba walked to the corridor where the health room was located, she saw a girl who looked like a first-year girl collapsed in front of the art classroom door. "Classmate, what's wrong?"

"Portrait..." The girl just repeated blankly. "The portrait is looking at me..."

Portrait? Chiba raised her eyebrows. Is there anyone in there?

"Is there anyone inside?" Qianyu asked while holding up the traceless umbrella, ready to break in.

After taking a deep breath, Chiba took a run and broke into the classroom with a shovel—there was no one inside.

"Is there anyone in here?" After a careful inspection, Qianyu returned to the girl silently and asked.

"Portraits for art class..." The girl choked with tears. "Everyone is looking at me QAQ"

Plaster statue? Qianyu's mouth twitched. If someone plans to paint plaster statues, the eight plaster statues must be facing the same point. . . If you happened to be standing there, it would be **** if they didn't look at you. . .

"It's alright," Qian Yu changed her gaze to kindness and sat down on her knees in front of the girl. "I'll take you back to your classroom, okay?"

"Can you take me to the doorman's uncle QAQ?" the girl whimpered.

Right. . . For children, the guard should be the ultimate force in the school. . . Then take her there first.

. . .

When Qianyu took the girl's hand and came to the guard's room, the guard didn't open the door. When he put his ear against the door, he could hear faint snoring.

"How can there be such an irresponsible guard..." Qian Yu looked helpless. "What the **** is this school doing..."

"Student Qianyu?" A familiar voice came from the direction of the school gate. I saw Ayumi was looking at Qianyu with a lost face. "What are you doing here? Why are you holding Kiriko's hand?"

"Tongzi..." Qianyu raised her eyebrows and replied. "I just found that she was frightened by the plaster statue of the art classroom when I walked into the teaching building, so I brought her to the doorman, but the doorman was still awake, and the door was locked and I couldn't get in..."

"Then, let me accompany Kiriko-san?" Ayumi walked up to Chiba and grabbed Kiriko's other hand. "Qianyu, do what you should do~"

"..." Chiyu let go of Kiriko's hand subconsciously, and only then did she realize the reason for her doing so——from Ayumi's tone just now, he extracted the element of resentment.

Walking back to the teaching building, Qianyu thought.

This little girl seems to be dissatisfied with the fact that she is pulling her. . . Is the little girl so precocious now?

Not right. . . Just like when I just joined the juvenile detective team, I saw Yuan Tai and the others' attitude of "seeing money" and doing things that were different from the moral requirements of the world without thinking. Are these actions inherent in nature from birth, or are they contaminated by people who come into contact with them after birth?

In short, is human nature inherently good? Human nature is evil?

Having said that, about human nature is inherently good and human nature is inherently evil, the Far Eastern Republic next door seems to have had a similar dispute. . . If I remember correctly, it should be a conflict between the most traditional "Confucianism" school in the Far East and the school called "Legalism" that was popular more than 2,000 years ago, right? Qianyu's own words, relatively speaking, are more inclined to Legalism.

In the field of vision, a wall suddenly appeared, and only then did Qianyu realize that she had walked to the main entrance of the teaching building, and that Conan's painting was in front of her.

Chiba threw away all these and began to record the characteristics of the handwriting in the diary on the wall.

Grammatically, from the sparsely used katakana (common in exonym localization, onomatopoeia, bio-mineral academic names, pre-World War II documents, telegrams before August 1988, and emphasis in hiragana letters), no major flaws Judging from the grammar and the length of the book which is much longer than that of sixth-grade students, Conan's mastery of words is very good; he uses quite difficult allusions, which shows that his knowledge reserve is also very sufficient; Coming out, the psychological age is much higher than that of ordinary students; from the perspective of specific content, it is not like the first-grade elementary school students, and they do not want to mainly narrate the facts like the sixth-grade students, and finally sublimate them. Instead, it is directly introduced into thinking by things, and wrote a large-scale impression.

Terrible mind. . . If when he first met him, the extraordinary mind he displayed made Chiba feel easy to get along with, now, he only feels anxious about the unknown.

Edogawa Conan, are you Kudo Shinichi?

"Qianyu-san?" A surprised voice came from the stairs on the side—this voice came from the head teacher of the 1st-year Class B where Qianyu was, Mr. Chengko Kobayashi. "Why did you come so early?"

"Ah..." Qian Yu glanced at Xiao Lin Chengzi, who was obviously tired, and replied quickly. "I came to the school in advance to familiarize myself with the environment in the school."

"So that's the case," Kobayashi Chengko squeezed out a smile. "Children, you have to pay attention to your body. Waking up so early will affect your development! The teacher is leaving first, goodbye!"

"Goodbye, teacher." After saying hello, Qianyu watched Kobayashi Chengko leave the teaching building.

What is Mr. Kobayashi Sumiko doing here? Especially considering the tiredness on her face, it's obviously not that she hasn't woken up, but that there is no one at all. what happened?

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