A burly figure called out from behind the five.

I saw a man with eyebrows that were a little wanton and said with a straight face.


the three little ones replied a little frustratedly.

Then, the man walked into the phone booth that Conan had just used and started making a phone call.

While playing, he also took out a small notebook from his pocket and recorded something there.

"What do you guess that uncle is?"

When the green light came on, Conan turned his head to look at the man who was still on the phone, and asked.

"Detective, I remember seeing it in the Metropolitan Police Department before."

Banxia also looked back at the phone booth.

But at this moment, Banxia's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Damn, something is going to happen!"

Before Banxia finished speaking, he saw a gray-clothed man who appeared in front of the phone booth at some point take out a pistol from his pocket.

Without hesitation, he shot three shots directly at the man who had just opened the phone booth.

Glancing at the road where traffic was constantly flowing because of the change of traffic lights, Banxia threw the umbrella casually, took out a small cloth bag from his backpack and grabbed it in his hand.

"Someone has been shot, you should pay attention to safety."

Glancing at the traffic, Banxia rushed out, and with the help of various hoods, roofs, and trunks, he rushed to the man's side in less than half a minute.

Looking at the murderer who had already fled, Banxia hesitated, but finally didn't catch up.

"Open your mouth and eat this."

Banxia looked at the man who had been shot three times in the abdomen, poured out a pill from a small cloth bag, and forcibly stuffed it into his mouth.

The man looked at Banxia and opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but was directly pressed back by Banxia's rough movements.

Finally swallowing the pill, the man reached out and grabbed his heart, still with an expression that wanted to speak.

"Can't you just settle down and don't trouble me?"

Banxia rolled his eyes and slapped him on the head, knocking him unconscious.

"Banxia! What the hell is going on! Is this uncle okay? The

three little ones walked through the group of cars that braked on the emergency brake, ran to Banxia, and asked with a worried face.

"It's okay for the time being, but if you delay it any longer, it's okay."

Banxia stood up and looked around.

"Where's Conan?"

"Conan, he's gone after the murderer."

Ayumi was a little anxious, obviously worried that Conan would also be poisoned.

"Leave him alone, call an ambulance."

"The police and ambulance calls have already been called, but now that the road is jammed like this, can the ambulance really arrive in time?"

Mitsuhiko looked at the road behind him that had fallen into chaos because of Banxia's actions just now, and was a little helpless.


Banxia turned his head to look at the two cars that collided with each other in the front, and touched his head a little embarrassedly, but fortunately no one was injured.

However, the top priority is the uncle on the ground in front of him.

After carefully looking at the current position of the circle, Banxia turned his head to look at Mitsuhiko and Yuantai.

"Remember the last time we went to Hokkaido, the people we met next to Sister Xia Jiang's ranch?"

"You mean Grandpa Lin who has a big garden at home?"

Mitsuhiko nodded, not understanding what Banxia meant.

"There's one of the most annoying old men in there, surnamed Xu, remember, right? His shop is not far away in Chinatown, and you two will tie him up for me. "

The name of the shop is Baijia Herbal Medicine Shop."

After speaking, without waiting for the two to respond, they began to tear the man's clothes, put the umbrella on the ground to prevent the rain from drenching the wound and causing infection, and began to press to stop the bleeding.

"Stop, stop! That bastard boy is just exaggerating, didn't he really let you tie me up, hey! Soon

, the crowd that surrounded him came the roar of Old Man Xu, who was like a pig.

"Half summer, half summer! Grandpa Xu is here.

In Banxia's shocked gaze, together with Conan, who didn't know when he got together with them, the three of them really rushed into the crowd with Old Man Xu on their shoulders.

"Bastard, if you don't give Uncle me a solution..."

Old man Xu saw the man lying on the ground, as well as several gunshot wounds on his body, and instantly closed his mouth.

A handful of Ayumi beside the man was taken aside.

"Bastard, what the hell is going on."

While asking, he took out a cloth bag from the inner pocket of his clothes, pulled out a few silver needles from it, and inserted them directly into the man's body amid the exclamations of the onlookers.

"Nonsense, can't see a big gunshot wound?"

Banxia glanced at him, and retracted his hands that were pressed on the man's body.

"I asked because I saw it! If you don't call an ambulance to rush to the hospital, why are you pulling me here? Can I still use my fingers to pull bullets out?

Old man Xu put one hand on the man's pulse, and pinched a few silver needles in the other hand, twisting them up and down.

"I've called an ambulance, but I'm not afraid that the ambulance won't be able to get in."

Banxia nodded at the road that was still blocked.

"I'm telling you about this injury, I'm fine. Don't send it to the hospital again..."

Old man Xu stopped talking as if he was stuck, and his face gradually crawled with disbelief.

"How the hell is this?"

Old man Xu grabbed the man's arm, rolled up his sleeve and looked at his wrist.

"I must have made a mistake, here I am!"

This was repeated several times, and finally Old Man Xu put the man's arm back to the ground with a suspicious expression.

Staring at the man's wounds, he snapped at it.

"Could it be that this bullet has perfectly avoided all organs? Why are you kidding me? "

That's not right." Old man Xu turned his head sharply and stared at Banxia deadly.

"Did you feed him some strange medicine?"

"Ahem, what's the matter, maybe this guy has a special physique. After all, people's physiques are different.

Banxia opened his eyes and said nonsense without scruples.

"But I saw you stuffing something into his mouth. He wanted to say something, but you blocked him back. A

little guy at the front of the crowd raised his hand and said.

"No, you're wrong."

Old man Xu looked at Banxia and narrowed his eyes, but didn't say anything.

Just silently adjusted the position of the silver needle there.

Soon, the belated medical staff, with the help of the police, pushed stretchers through the crowd.

As the first discoverers of the case, Banxia and they were taken to the hospital by the police.

"Hey, hey, old man Xu, there's nothing for you here, why are you coming along, don't you go to your store to rip off customers?"

Banxia looked at the old man Xu who was disguised as relevant personnel and squeezed into the police car, and rolled his eyes helplessly.

If he wasn't worried that the ambulance wouldn't be in time, he wouldn't have called Mitsuhiko and them to call Old Man Xu.

He wasn't afraid that the group of Western doctors would see anything, but when he met Old Man Xu, who studied Chinese medicine, he didn't dare to guarantee it.

"What did you feed him?"

Old man Xu stared at him seriously.

"I didn't feed anything, I just stopped the bleeding."

Banxia continued to open her eyes and talk nonsense.

"You fart, you are an uncle, I am a three-year-old child?"

Old man Xu asked unrelentingly.

"No, why do you ask this, do you think this thing will be useful to an old man like you?"

The incomprehensible Banxia asked rhetorically.

In his opinion, with Old Man Xu's level, it should not be difficult to see that this medicine will only be a life-saving poison for the old man, and it cannot be a life-saving elixir.

"Nonsense, of course I can see that."

Old man Xu rolled his eyes.

"Don't care what I'm doing, I'll ask you, do you sell this prescription?"

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