"Good guy, you don't even ask if the finished product is sold, and you're starting to ask for prescriptions?"

Banxia couldn't help but roll her eyes, how could this old man be like a fool today? What about the usual shrewdness?

"I need a large amount, and if I only ask you to buy finished products, I don't think you can supply them, after all, you don't see such finished products in your company."

Old man Xu shook his head, his expression was very serious,

"A large amount?" What the hell are you going to do? I'll go, you don't want to fool your customers with this medicine of mine, do you?

Banxia looked Old Man Xu up and down suspiciously.

"Listen to my advice, as far as your shop's business is concerned, it's not my exaggeration. If you can sell one a week, you can be regarded as kowtowing to the God of Wealth.

"You fart, what's wrong with my shop, do you know how much money I can make a week."

Old man Xu replied angrily, but he still held on to Banxia.

"Seriously, you can make a price for this prescription, as long as you can prescribe it, I will never say a word, old man. How about 300 million yen?

"I'll go, I can't see it, Xu Ye is still a silent super tyrant?"

Banxia was shocked by Old Man Xu's offer.

"You don't care about me, you just say whether to sell or not."

Old man Xu obviously didn't want to discuss this topic.

"Don't you care if this medicine has any side effects? It's only the second time I've used it.

Banxia spread her hands, this thing has never been used by anyone else except for the last time she gave Xiao Wai her sister a pill.

"You don't know? You don't know what the side effects are, but you dare to feed them? I'm special..."

The beard on the corner of Old Man Xu's mouth blew him into the sky.

Before he could say anything more, the car stopped in front of the hospital.

"What the hell is going on?"

Before they could get out of the car, Officer Twilight's loud voice reached Banxia's ears through the car door.

"Narazawa, how is he doing now?"

However, the busy doctor ignored Officer Twilight's question, and instead surrounded Officer Twilight, talking about the past.

Soon, Uncle Maori and Xiaolan also hurried to the hospital.

"I'll go back first, and I'll come and see what the aftermath is in the next few days. If it's not serious, I'd still like to buy the prescription. Again, the price is yours. In

the face of such a sensitive matter as the shooting of the police, Old Man Xu did not intend to get involved at all.

Seeing that the police were going to drag everyone to the police station to talk in a centralized manner, they suddenly threw down such a sentence and left first.

"Huh? Banxia, what about the old gentleman who has been following you?

Officer Sato, who was leading Officer Takagi, walked up to Banxia and looked around a little strangely.

"I was here just now."

"Ahem, Officer Sato, that old man is an acquaintance of mine from before, and I temporarily brought him in to help. I didn't know anything, and the door didn't close when we brought me in, so I went back first.

Banxia sighed and explained.

At the same time, I couldn't help but think in my head, why did the old thing have to buy that prescription?

"Okay, what's his name, I'll record it, and I may have to contact him again if I need it in the future."

Officer Takagi held up a small notebook and interjected.

"I don't know what his name is, but I know that his surname is Xu."

This is not a lie, every time I ask the old man's full name, he will be prevaricated, and he is reluctant to reveal it.

I'm afraid it's a super funny name, I'm sorry to say it.

"What about the address? You always know the address, right? Takagi

had a bitter face, and he held up the notebook for a long time, so he couldn't remember nothing, right?

"The address is in Chinatown next to Rice Flower Park, where there is a Bai family herbal medicine shop, that is the old man's shop."

Speaking of this, Banxia thought about it and reminded him.

"But if you want to go to him, don't listen to his nonsense, go and buy his herbs, unless you are given a three-fold discount, otherwise you will be wronged, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Aha, okay..."

Officer Takagi and Officer Sato glanced at each other, nodded slightly embarrassedly, and secretly complained in their hearts.

What kind of strange relationship these two people have?

The group who returned to the police station in the car was ushered into a conference room, followed by a question-and-answer session, as expected.

But unfortunately, due to the perspective, they can only provide the characteristics of the murderer's clothes and the last movements of Officer Narazawa before he falls unconscious.

Just when everyone thought it was over, another piece of news flooded the police that night.

A police officer named Ichiro Shiba was found shot dead in his underground garage.

Two police officers were killed in succession, which was undoubtedly riding on the head of the police and.

But what made the officers even more anxious was that the investigation in the past few days had revealed a chilling news for them.

"Officer Twilight, I want to ask about the specifics of the case two days ago..."

Before Uncle Maori could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Officer Twilight's cold voice.

Listening to the busy sound coming from the microphone, Uncle Maori sighed.

"Two criminal policemen have already had an accident, Officer Narazawa is still in a coma, and it's normal for Officer Dusk to be busy."

Xiaolan, who was holding the fruit, comforted.

"But I always feel that Officer Twilight's attitude is different from before."

Uncle Maori picked up a piece of fruit and threw it into his mouth with some frustration.

"This is obviously a provocation to the police, and it would be strange if they could still be the same as before, Officer Twilight. Two big pockets in your face, and you are also angry.

Banxia, who was lying there copying Conan's homework, raised his head and couldn't help but feel sorry for Officer Twilight.

"Hey, Banxia Imp, does that pill of yours really work? Why hasn't Officer Narazawa woken up yet?

Uncle Maori looked at Banxia suspiciously.

"Who knows? But it feels like it's going to be fast.

Banxia sighed, and couldn't help but secretly pray that the guy would faint for a little longer.

Otherwise, some shameless old guy is going to harass him again.

"By the way, I heard that Officer Shiratori's sister is going to have a wedding celebration tomorrow, have you been invited?"

Banxia threw Conan's homework into his arms and turned his head to look at Xiaolan.

"Huh? Are you going to Banxia too? Xiaolan was a little pleased.

"Go, Sister Sha Luo is a quasi-lawyer, and she has a super good relationship with Aunt Yingli, and she can even be regarded as Aunt Yingli's student."

"Tsk, that woman is going too. If it weren't for Officer Shiratori's repeated invitations, I wouldn't have wanted to see that woman.

Uncle Maori looked disgusted and pinned his head to the side.

"Then uncle, you won't go."

Conan, who had put away his homework, said with a grin.

"What are you kidding, is my Mori Kogoro the kind of guy who doesn't keep his word?"

With this roar, an empty beer can slammed into Conan's head.

"Ahem-Xiaolan, go and help me pick a set of formal clothes that can bring out my temperament, I can't fall for my identity as a detective."

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