Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 268 An Embarrassing Banquet (Part 1)

In the early morning, the sun was warm, and the whole city seemed to be covered with a layer of silver light. The coldest part of winter had passed.

Before dawn, the magic house was already busy.

Alfred, the old butler, woke up all the servants of the Magic House full of energy early in the morning.

Horn told him yesterday that the House of Magic will hold a banquet today.

Although the head of the house, Horn, said that they don't need to be too rich, they don't have that much attention, but Butler Alford doesn't think so.

This is the first banquet he has had in the few months since he came to the Magic House. If he doesn't do something beautiful, he will be sorry for his career as a housekeeper for most of his life.

So under the complaints of the servants, the whole magic house was full of vitality early in the morning.

The chef went to buy ingredients, the maids began to decorate the venue, and the old butler went to a nearby winery early in the morning to buy high-end drinks.

Lord Yi'an gave him a lot of budget, and he wanted to use all the money where it should be used.

In the evening, the hall on the first floor of the House of Magic has been decorated with brilliant lights. There are long tables around the hall, and exquisite food is placed on the tables.

The ingredients of these foods are high-end ingredients that are not usually available, and even bought some precious monster meat.

The color, fragrance and flavor of the dishes are all good, and it is very appetizing at first sight.

Since Horn forbade outsiders from entering the Magic House, many parts of the banquet could not be completed, but this was the best the old butler could do.

When it was evening, magicians entered the hall cautiously one by one.

Even though there were no outsiders, attending the banquet for the first time still made a group of ground turtle magicians headed by Horn very nervous.

In fact, except for Yi'an and the two ladies, no one else has ever seen a banquet.

Even the three of them were uncomfortable with the banquet because of half a year of life as a magician.

So after everyone gathered, they just stood awkwardly in the center of the venue, not knowing what to do.

The old butler looked at the people in the venue with a disappointed expression. Could it be that he didn't arrange the banquet well?

The embarrassing scene lasted for nearly ten minutes, the magicians stared wide-eyed, and then Horn was the first to laugh.

He couldn't help it, because all the magicians, including himself, were kind of funny.

Everyone was well-groomed, wearing gowns that I didn't know where to buy, and maybe some things were smeared on their faces.

This kind of attire was Ceylon's normal attire for attending banquets, but it felt a bit nondescript and even weird when worn on them.

Following Horn's first big laugh, everyone laughed, Daniel even laughed so hard that tears came out, and Shirley also outlined a faint smile on her always cold face.

It's not that the clothes are bad, it's that they've changed.

Their temperament is no longer suitable for wearing these clothes, and mage robes are the most suitable clothes for them.

Just like an old farmer who has never dressed up in his life would look out of place in a dress, the dresses worn by magicians today also look completely inconsistent with their temperament.

"If there is a chance to attend the banquet in the future, everyone still wants to wear whatever they want, and what they want to do. Don't be changed by these things."

Now Horn's image is also quite weird. He took off his mask, forced a big back with pomade, and wore a somewhat reflective dress.

He said these words in such a serious way that everyone burst into laughter.

After the frolicking, everyone did not forget the purpose of this banquet. They prepared this banquet to celebrate Yi'an's promotion.

Everyone sent congratulations and gifts to Yi'an in turn.

What Horn sent was a new version of the magic ring set,

Luke sent a carefully carved wooden wand,

What Anne gave was a set of robes full of purple patterns similar to Horn's.


Yi'an accepted these blessings with a smile. No one knew other people's thoughts better than him. He knew very well that his companion's blessings were sincere and not mixed with anything else.

So he was really moved, and deeply felt that his original choice was not wrong.

Finding Horn and coming to the Land Abandoned by God with Horn was really the most correct decision he made in his life.

In the end, the banquet ended in a very chaotic manner. Butler Alford had worked for so many years, and this was the first time he had seen such a nonsense banquet.

It was also the first time he saw such a happy banquet.

After the banquet, the house of magic resumed its routine.

Another month passed quickly, and during this month, the mysterious force behind the scenes did not make another move.

Horn and the others couldn't catch those people, so they could only wait helplessly.

Everyone's life is still so static. Horn hides in the basement during the day and conducts various researches, and at night he returns to his bedroom to start clearing the alien energy in his body.

No one knew that his strength had declined, so naturally no one came to trouble him.

Horn kept a copy of the knowledge left by Gege House, and handed over the rest to Yi'an. Yi'an seemed to be very interested in this knowledge.

Horn just did some research, and Yi'an produced a lot of gratifying results in this month.

He successfully used the Warcraft crystal nucleus and magic spar as energy sources for the maze and magic circle respectively.

The advantage of magic spar is stable energy supply and great power, but whether it is a magic trap made of magic spar or a maze, all of them are disposable things.

After the energy is exhausted, the magic spar will be placed again, and the reserve of magic spar in the house of magic is not much, and it has already been exhausted in Yi'an's experiment for more than a month.

The advantage of the magic beast crystal nucleus is that it is long-lasting. Once it is successfully deployed, there will be no problems. However, the power of the maze arranged by the corresponding magic beast crystal nucleus is much lower than that of magic spar.

Others seem to have made their own progress, but they usually hide the big progress, and small inventions will appear from time to time.

The current Memherin Alchemy House is completely covered with unscrupulous things except for the original items. If the store manager, Masile, may not be able to tell the function of every item in the store without referring to the list.

Here I want to talk about Shirley. A week after the banquet, her laboratory was finally broken by her, and she was buried in the dust after a loud noise.

It was Daniel who dug her out of the mound with his own hands...

She had one leg broken by the collapsed wall, and if it wasn't for Yi'an, she might have been disabled.

Now her experimental site is a simple shack next to the small house where Daniel used to smelt metal.

Let her enter only after the mage tower is built...

A pony was about to cross the river. The old buffalo saw it and said to him, "Don't be afraid, the water is very shallow and only reaches my knees."

The little squirrel immediately ran over and shouted, "Don't believe him, the water is deep, and my friend was drowned!"

Little Ma didn't know who to listen to, so Mama Ma told him, "Son, don't worry about those two psychopaths, let's walk across the bridge."

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