Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 269 Magic Teaching (Second Change)

In Luke's botanical garden, the sun shines through the upper branches and leaves to cast mottled light and shadows. Two figures, two figures and two figures, sit on the stone tables and chairs in the center, very leisurely and comfortable.

In winter, there is also a botanical garden that is as warm as spring. Many bigwigs outside the Magic House can’t enjoy the wonderful scenery, and this is no longer a rare sight in the Magic House.

On the fifth day after Horn and the others returned to the Magic House, Herrington also brought the dwarves' families and possessions to the Magic House.

Without a day's rest, the dwarves went straight to work.

The weapons they made were much better than those made by Horn with Thunder Silver.

This is just a general-purpose enchanted weapon they made casually, and it has won unanimous praise just like that.

Although the price has been slightly adjusted upwards, the supply is still in short supply.

However, there is still no one made of the high-quality version. Those dwarves naturally like to strive for excellence in making weapons. It is very common for a weapon to be made for a year or so.

Now the matter of enchanting weapons has been handed over to Daniel, and as the chief enchanter of the House of Magic, he also enjoys this work.

After sending the dwarves back, Herrington received a pitiful hundred gold coins from Horn.

After that, he began to study magic at the magic house every week.

As a rare creature that could realize the concept of dual cultivation of magic and martial arts, Hailington was naturally taught by Horn himself.

Then, adhering to the principle of not wasting, Horn also dragged Colin, who had been salting fish, and Daisy, who had just made progress in learning Ceylon characters.

One student is teaching, and three students are also teaching.

As for the location of the teaching, Luke's botanical garden was naturally chosen. Who makes the whole Magic House the most comfortable and comfortable place here.

Luke protested against this, but his arms couldn't twist his thighs. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, his botanical garden was completely occupied by the four of Horn and the others.

And Luke could only sit on the steps with the green squirrel and sigh.

Now that the weather is not so cold, the magic tower in the yard next door will naturally start working.

In order to meet Horn's demanding requirements, the architect who was in charge of designing the mage's tower was hired by Yi'an from Antu City at a high price, and the craftsmen were all the most expensive ones on the market.

The stones used are the strongest, and Yi'an's requirement is that they be much stronger than the fortresses on the battlefield.

The area is also much larger than the original plan. It was originally planned to use the abandoned yard with a length and width of more than 100 meters to build a mage tower for each of them.

As a result, Yi'an bought all the surrounding properties...

Fortunately, with the addition of those dwarves, the weekly output of general-purpose enchanted weapons has been greatly increased, making the weekly net profit of the House of Magic around 100,000 gold coins.

Otherwise, it really wouldn't be able to support such a luxurious mage tower.

It turned out that Yi'an didn't care much about the Mage Tower, but now that he became a magician himself, he became more willing to invest money in the Mage Tower.

He didn't want his mage's tower in the future to be a small, narrow place that wasn't very strong yet.

Since it cost a lot of money, the progress of the mage tower is naturally very fast. It has not been a few days since the start of construction.

It stands to reason that the construction next door is in full swing, and the loud noise should affect the course, but the four of them were not affected at all.

All this is due to a new spell developed by Mrs. Sharron after she became a second-level magician.


It can last for an hour after being cast once. Casting it in an open space like the botanical garden consumes more magic power than casting it in a closed space.

It's just a second-level magic. Horn doesn't care about the extra mana consumption. Choosing a comfortable lecture place is the most important thing.

Each class takes two hours, and it only needs to use the sound insulation technique twice, and Horn can recover the consumed magic power in minutes.

During the lecture, Horn found that Daisy was the one who accepted new knowledge the best. She had a unique advantage in learning magic. If it wasn't for the age restriction, she might have become a magician now.

Colin's ability to accept new knowledge is obviously not as good as Daisy's, but his learning attitude is the best. Of course, this does not mean that Daisy is not serious, but that Colin learns like a machine.

Precise and efficient.

Every witch can roughly remember the content of this knowledge after reading it once, but Colin...

He can remember every punctuation mark!

But correspondingly, although he is very diligent and has a good memory, Colin also has his own weaknesses.

That is he is not very good at flexibility.

For all their problems, there's no question that Colin and Daisy are rare geniuses.

But what gave Horn a headache was that the two little brats did not love each other as he imagined, but they seemed to be a little old and dead.

Needless to say, Colin, a patient with severe facial paralysis who is worse than Shirley, has a stern face all day long, with a look of bitterness and hatred.

And Daisy, who has never played with her peers since she was a child, is even more inferior. Except for Horn and Edward in the Magic House, she is like an ostrich when facing everyone else...

So despite taking classes together every day, the relationship between the two looks the same as when they first met.

As for whether they have secretly played together secretly, Horn really doesn't know, except for going to class every day, he has no time to accompany these two children at all.

Finally, there is the older student Herrington,

How about this guy.

It's just a piece of trash...

Children can understand the same knowledge once, and Horn has to explain it to him several times since he is in his twenties.

The problem is that I may not understand it after several times...

If it weren't for his talent in both magic and martial arts, Horn would have driven him away long ago.

However, he also has an advantage. Although he is slow to accept magic knowledge, he has left the two little kids far away in terms of application.

After all, he has been fighting qi for nearly ten years, and his mastery of energy is not comparable to that of two children.

In less than a month's course, he has entered his own sea of ​​consciousness and become a glorious magician.

However, at this stage, magic does not help him in any real way, it just gives him some convenient power and new detection methods.

Presumably, only when the magic power in his body is not far from the battle energy, can the dual cultivation of magic and martial arts truly show its due power.

But it is also possible that even a single magician or a single warrior is not as good as...

Haven't seen Pu's stuff yet, who knows.

The sun has risen in mid-air, two disappearances have been taught, and today's class is over.

At this moment, a little maid ran over and said to Horn out of breath:

"Master Huo Huo Horn, someone has applied to join the magic family, and he said he has become a magician!"

The thief lamented: What kind of troubled world is this? You will be imprisoned for trivial matters!

Everyone asked: Why did you come in!

Thief: Because of a cold!

Audience: What!

Thief: When stealing things, he coughed a few times and was caught by the security guard!

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